Yi Tian is relaxed after sending Song Li into the reincarnation. This time, after the finished apprenticeship came in, he has already broken a companion. Now although the dark pupil of the one-eyed Demon Race Great Elder has been solved, there is still the scarlet pupil to deal with.

Speaking of this person, Yi Tian didn't feel very anxious in his heart. He was afraid that he would be unable to protect himself by that magic pupil backlash. Turning around to look at the Dugu Chenglong, Yi Tian also seemed to be amused for a while. Now that the two are still in harmony, they all know the true purpose of each other's trip in private. Nowadays, dealing with the Scarlet Eye Demon still needs to rely on the strength of Dugu Jackie Chan, so it is not the time to turn his face.

After thinking about Yi Tian, ​​he said, "Fellow Daoist Du Gu will let us explore Qionghua pavilion together? It is also a big problem for the Scarlet Demon to escape into it. The magic sage Crown Prince Qiu Yu’s secret hiding and digestion may increase his strength, and it will be extremely difficult for you and I to get out from now on."

"Did Fellow Daoist Yi not subdue him? "Dugu Jackie asked.

"No, this Daoist broke directly into the Qionghua Pavilion," Yi Tian explained: "I am worried that you have a problem here, so I will return first. Didn't expect to see such a scene. Fellow Daoist Song The fall of Dugu is really unexpected. Next, let’s join hands to explore the Qionghua Pavilion. I expect that there will be a battle with the Scarlet Demon."

Dugu Jackie is a facial expression grave. : "It's true. Now our position is almost the best choice to join forces."

"I have a hunch that although it takes a little time here, the Scarlet Demon may not find any chance if it takes the lead. ," Yi Tian said: "This Qionghua pavilion was not built by Qiu Yu, the demon sage Crown Prince. There should be things left by the ancestors in it."

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Yi is quite good at this. Understand, I wonder if you can introduce its historical origin?" asked Jackie Chan.

"It’s also related to my Spirit Realm three sects, but it’s estranged. It’s the remains of Spirit Realm’s previous sects," Yi Tian didn’t want to To clarify the details, I just chose some non-essential information to talk about.

While talking, suddenly only heard a sound coming from the depths of Qionghua Pavilion. After the two looked at each other, they hurriedly performed the escape technique moved towards Neizhong. When he arrived at the main entrance, Yi Tian stayed and checked the three characters "Qionghua Pavilion" written in Spirit Realm on the top of the entrance guard. It seems that the origin of this place is like this.

On the lower right side, there are three characters Fenglingzi, which should be the handwriting left by the ancestor who founded Luo's Heavenly Immortal Palace. After entering, the two divine sense opened up and explored in private, and found that the range that divine sense can detect is smaller than the outside world, almost only three miles in radius, and there seems to be a lot of lines on the ground under this foot.

Yi Tian hurriedly shouted after looking over it: "We have entered the no-fly zone, and the next road can only be left."

Dugu Jackie Chan hesitated slightly on his face The figure flew forwards away from ten zhang, and suddenly a scorpion fell from the air. Fortunately, he himself was born in physical training, and after a somersault in the air, his feet landed firmly on the ground.

Although I avoided the embarrassment of landing, Dugu Chenglong still complexion slightly changed. I didn't want to follow my advice. Yi Tian didn't take long steps and walked forward like a flying step, and at the same time expanded the divine sense to investigate.

The two people burst from the main entrance corridor into the moved towards the main hall in the distance and dashed away. Suddenly, the scene before them was shaking and all around the space was distorted.

Stopping, Yi Tian didn't dare to act rashly, he should first investigate the situation before discussing it. I saw all around turned into a mirror image of the void. Under the feet of the void, there are symbols of hexagrams appearing on the stone path continent.

"This is a lost track array," Yi Tian blurted out and made his debut.

"On Formation Fellow Daoist Yi, you are all experts in spiritual practice. I don't know how to solve it here?" asked the Dugu Chenglong behind him.

"Fellow Daoist Du Gu is too proud. The array here seems simple, but it may not be true." Yi Tian looked down and looked down, looking down at the foot of the foot that happened to be stepping on the gossip character. After a sudden halo flashed in front of his eyes, Yi Tian found that he was in a barren mountain, and suddenly a sense of threat came into being.

After the silhouette flashed quickly, it was discovered that there was a divine ability spell falling in the place where it could stand, but its move was to illuminate thousands of swords. If I didn't avoid it in time, I'm afraid I would be cut into pieces by the sword wire at this moment.

A closer look at what appeared in front of him turned out to be the deity of Qianlingzi who had fought against each other in the lower realm. With doubts on his face, Yi Tian found that something was strange, and the lone Jackie Chan behind him was nowhere to be seen at this time. And there is another Qianlingzi in front of him, but it must be strange to say more about this matter.

Immediately Yi Tian cried out in a deep voice: "Are you a thousand spirits or a lonely dragon?"

The other party hearing this didn't mean to stop at all, and then the light flashed sharply in his hand Next, he performed Ling Yao Hua Thousand Skills again and fell down the door of Yi Tian.

This time Yi Tian did not avoid taking out the Dragon Tortoise armor shield in front of him, and later resisted the opponent's Divine Ability spell, and found that there was a trace of evil spirit on his Dragon Tortoise armor shield. Mark of.

Now I feel a little at ease: "It seems that I have entered the space of the illusion array. The'Qianlingzi' in front of me should be the lonely dragon, but how to crack the Formation is a difficult problem."

Ignoring the other party later, stood up and looked at all around, only to see that there was only a road formed by an underground stone path with the mark of the gossip talisman on it.

The position where I was standing was the character of Kundi, and the Qianlingzi in front of him was standing in the position of Lihuo. After secretly calculating in the heart, Yi Tian hurried forward after spreading his legs.

Didn't expect Here is a long corridor with no limits. It seems to be walking out of several dozen li, but there are still gossip characters in the infinite cycle.

Looking back at the "Thousand Spirits" at this time, he also caught up with Divine Ability spell in his hands, ready to take action anytime, anywhere. Yi Tian sneered took out six broken Formation cones and injected them with spiritual power, respectively moved towards the six characters on the ground.

Only hearing the sound of'cang slam', the movement of the entire space seems to be blocked by some kind of power and cannot go back and forth. Yi Tian shouted: "Fellow Daoist Du Gu, please wake up quickly."

The'Thousand Spirits' hearing this is shivered all over the body. Then he took back the Divine Ability spell alive. After landing, he stood not far in front of him, stabilized his figure and stopped moving, just watching how he broke the formation.

After stretching out both hands forming seals, I clicked on the six broken Formation cones in front of me. In an instant, the Spiritual Artifact on these broken Formation cones became azure and directly submerged into the gossip characters. Shaoqin's space all around trembled violently, and soon returned to the position where the two stood before. Yi Tian found that the two of them hadn't moved a bit at this time, but were still standing far away. The only difference is that Dugu Jackie is holding a magic knife in his hand, looking at himself with a sorry face.

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