After fighting against Dark Eye, Yi Tian and Dugu Jackie finally broke through the opponent's defense together. After the Taiyuan Wooden Sword took out, it pierced his head directly, only half of his head was destroyed, and the Niwan Palace on his forehead was also exposed.

Yi Tian's eyes only saw that the dark pupil of the Demon Infant in the Niwan Palace at this time was involved in Song Li's Nascent Spirit. The Nascent Soul of the two seemed to be partially fused together, while Song Li moaned continuously but was helpless.

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian and Dugu Chenglong are also indifferent, at least Yi Tian is extremely sorry in his heart, with a sigh in his mouth, he manipulates the Taiyuan Wooden Sword to fall again moved towards the two reasons Stabbed at the location.

The Dark Eyed Demon Infant and Song Li's Nascent Spirit looked shocked at this, and then shot two Nascent Soul Spirit Physique four arms at the same time to cast spells in succession to resist for a while. But they didn’t expect that the two of them shot the spiritual power in the body at the same time, but they became very confused. It can be seen that the Divine Ability spell was not able to get enough spiritual power blessing, and the two protective covers of the took out were like paper. same.

Two light films appeared in front of the Taiyuan Wooden Sword, but after a few violent shaking under one blow, they were directly breached.

'ka-cha' a Spirit Sword penetrated the body again, this time passing through the heart of the left chest and leaving a white spiritual power on the body.

Dark pupil noticed the problem in an instant, and the spiritual power in his body was extremely poorly mobilized, and then the magic infant shouted: "It is the power of Buddhist Sect, didn't expect it to be able to Fusion of such aura."

"The times have changed. You, an old fart, always look at the present things with the eyes of the past. Today you lose here is having only oneself to blame," Yi Tian was coldly replied: "You shouldn't take a human body, and you shouldn't treat today's cultivator in the same way as ten thousand years ago, and thirdly, you shouldn't provoke me. "

Just as the sound of the flower fell on the dark pupil's head, a black light wave fell vertically and left a deep visible bone scar on his body. It is the great heavenly demon blade of Dugu Jackie Chan, and the dark pupil can no longer withstand the fierce offensive tricks naturally under the insufficiency of the spiritual power.

The Niwan Palace was cut open with a sound of'swish', and the two connected Nascent Spirits were directly formed into two halves. The Dark Eyed Demon Infant occupies most of the spiritual power. Flew out from the Niwan Palace and hurried away behind him.

Unknowingly, the white halo flashed in front of him again, and a white illusory shadow was buckled from his head to cover it alive. It was the Buddhist Sect cultivation technique displayed by Yi Tian.

After a scream of "Ah" sounded from the Jingshi Hualian, countless black evil spirits gushed out from the gaps in the lotus petals. As the screams became lighter and lighter, Yi Tian noticed that the spiritual power on Dark Eye had been drawn by Jing Shi Hualian. Now the spiritual pressure fluctuation on Nascent Soul is almost as strong as in the late Avatar.

Even so, the look on Yi Tian's face is not at all slack. Facing such an Old Guy, he can hide in the stone statue for thousands of years, of course. a centipede dies, but never falls, Yi Tian made up his mind to cut weeds and eliminate the roots after seeing the appearance of the opponent's body possession Song Li.

Wait less until only a small amount of evil spirits are released in the Jingshi Hualian, Yi Tian reached out and beckoned, urging the Taiyuan Wood Sword to turn into sword silk, and surround Jingshi Hualian from all directions, and then The five fingers combined and said, "Go." In an instant, the azure sword wire fell one after another, pierced Jingshi Hualian, and beat the Demon Infant inside into a sieve.

Yi Tian put away the cultivation technique and Taiyuan Wooden Sword after finishing the Demon Infant of Dark Eye, turned his head and stared at the remnant body of Song Li in the distance and looked at it. I saw that his body was ink-black at this time, which should be the result of the body being flooded by a large amount of evil spirits. In his original spiritual appearance, suffering from this disaster is also powerless. The most terrible thing is that the Nascent Spirit is damaged. A large amount of spiritual power overflows from the Nascent Spirit's wound, and it seems that it will fall here in a short time.

When Yi Tian turned his head and looked at Song Li’s Nascent Soul, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Fellow Daoist Yi also please give this thing to my discipline Xi Tianying, please."

After talking about a starlight flying out, there is a storage ring in the halo. Yi Tian took the shot to collect it, and then clicked nodded replied: "I will definitely live up to my trust."

Nascent Soul of Song Li, who has a rare smile, said with regret: "I really regret it at the beginning. I knew it was so dangerous and I wouldn't have gone this way."

"Fellow Daoist Song is too late to regret at this time," Yi Tian said lightly: "It's you The obsession in your heart will allow the dark pupil to take advantage of it. Today, it seems that you cannot escape the end of the fall. If you have any last words for me to convey, just say it."

Nodded replied: "Fellow Daoist Yi said it is true that the life of a monk is dead. Since you can't go any further on the path, you can only go into samsara so that you can enter the path again in the future."

"Does Fellow Daoist Song want me to lead your Reincarnation Body into the Tao?" Yi Tian asked.

"Follow Daoist Yi, please take care of this matter, let my discipline Xi Tianying worry about it," Song Li sighed, and then Nascent Spirit moved his lips slightly and sent a sound transmission to inform him: " Fellow Daoist Yi knows that you are also in a dangerous situation. The dungeon Jackie Chan has the secret treasure delivered by the demon saint storm tin can seduce you into the devil. They hope you can follow in the footsteps of the demon saint Crown Prince Qiu Yu and become the new demon saint Crown Prince. I'm all here to say how to deal with it, and please make your own choice."

Yi Tian's heart startled secretly thought: "Sure enough, the wisp of Demon Realm fire source that I absorbed before is the primer, plus On Song Li’s point today, it seems that this decision is the devil’s plan. It’s a pity that I have removed the hidden dangers hidden in my body. I only need to greet the lonely dragon."

The face is full of solemn replied: "I know the care of Fellow Daoist Song, please go with peace of mind, I will use the power of Buddhist Sect to get rid of all the evil spirits from your body , And then personally send you to the Great Dao of Reincarnation."

Song Li's face sank and then sighed: "Many thanks Fellow Daoist Yi, so far I have nothing to worry about."

Yi Tian extended the hand to form the seal technique after hearing it. Several white lotus appeared and wrapped Song Li's body. At the same time, the remaining demon evil force on its body has been released one after another, and the black remaining on the Nascent Spirit after the ten breaths has disappeared.

Then opened the gap in the air again, Song Li’s Nascent Soul saw slightly nodded and signaled and jumped into the gap in the space, and then the gap in the void closed again. Disappear without a trace on.

After finishing this, Yi Tian turned around and looked at the Dugu Chenglong in the distance. At this time, he has returned to his original appearance, but his spiritual pressure fluctuations are slightly worse than before. It is estimated that he used the Secret Treasure to display the divine ability just now and it consumes a lot.

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