After cracking the illusion on the Qionghuaxie corridor, Yi Tian looked back at Dugu Jackie looking at himself with embarrassment, but he held up a magic knife in his hand. .

With a faintly smiled on his face, Yi Tian naturally wouldn't take this matter seriously. After all, Jackie Chan will not turn his face with himself now. His appearance also shows that Formation, especially those magic arrays, will have unexpected effects against demonic cultivators.

Indifferently said: "Fellow Daoist Du Gu, let's go down quickly, otherwise it would not be a good sign to let the Scarlet Demon take the lead."

Putting away the magic knife in his hand, Dugu Jackie Chan replied with a solemn expression: "Fellow Daoist Yi said it is reasonable, please lead the way in front of it, just follow it."

I know. For some reason, the tone of Dugu Jackie Chan's speech was also softened by three points, Yi Tian just held his smile and then kicked his feet to force the whole person moved towards the Qionghua Pavilion and rushed quickly.

divine sense slightly discovered that Jackie Chan also stepped on his heels at this time, and the two were ten breaths apart one after the other.

Quickly entering the main hall of Qionghua Pavilion, Yi Tian briefly listened to the stone murals on the wall with a hasty look, and found that it was painted with a cultivator of thirty years old. The signature is still Feng Lingzi. Thinking that this should be his self-portrait, Yi Tian wrote down all the appearances of the characters in the painting after looking over it.

After passing through the main hall, Yi Tian followed the source of the previous voice and quickly locked in a courtyard about ten miles away.

After lowering his head and passing a message to Dugu Chenglong, he adjusted his direction and ran towards there. Coming to the divine sense nearby, I can already notice that a large amount of evil spirits have overflowed, and all around the stone steps are covered with a layer of black spiritual power. For this spiritual power, I couldn't be more familiar with it, and it was what remained of the Scarlet Demon who had previously fought against.

It's just that Yi Tian discovered a primitive spiritual pressure fluctuation in this level of spiritual power, and there was a burst of laughter in his heart. It is estimated that these two people should be arguing. It would be best if the single pupil had the upper hand, and it seemed that the Scarlet pupil demon couldn't help him, otherwise it wouldn't happen like this.

After rushing into a other courtyard, Yi Tian found that the silhouette of the Scarlet Demon in the distance appeared in his eyes. It's just that at this time, both of his hands go deep into a certain melting pot and seem to be taking something.

Seeing that the Scarlet Demon turned his head after he arrived, the two one-eyed one-eyed one above his forehead was especially obvious. Yi Tian found that the upper eyes seemed to grow bigger than the lower ones at this time, and their eyes were piercing. As for the Scarlet Eye Demon's original eyes that had become dull and dull, it seemed that they were holding on to it.

I just heard him say in another tone: "Didn't expect boy, you found it so soon, and did you take care of that dark pupil?"

The words seem to be indifferent to the resolution of the dark pupil by himself. On the contrary, the one eye of the Scarlet Demon suddenly widened after seeing the two of them walking together. It seems that there is something to say but is losing control of the body and cannot express what it should be.

Yi Tian looked at it after standing still and said: "You should be the single pupil senior, it seems that your body possession is much stronger than the dark pupil. It is estimated that the deity is all one-eyed. Because of the Demon Race, it won’t show a weak spot like the dark pupil."

"You know a lot of secrets about the one-eyed Demon Race, boy," the dark pupil said, "The Scarlet Demon It's naive to want to compete with you." After speaking, jié jié opened his mouth and laughed.

Yi Tian's face did not show any joy at all, but instead kept his gaze on the hands of the Scarlet Eye Demon. I saw his hands reaching into the hot furnace at this time, as if he was taking something.

Noticing his gaze, Dutong did not evade his hands and pulled out a one-foot-sized object from the pill furnace in front of him.

Yi Tian looked over and found that once this thing left the furnace, it first showed a fiery red appearance, and after three breaths, the halo on it dissipated and returned to a gray stone color. It looks like an ordinary stone, but after the divine sense has been scanned, it can be detected from above that there are traces of spiritual pressure fluctuations.

Just listen to the single pupil raising his head madly said with a smile: "The secret collection left by the demon sage Crown Prince Qiu Yu is finally seen again today. The two of you are here at the right time, just in time to appreciate this together. What good things did a Demon Race senior leave for us juniors."

Although I was told before that there may be half of the Buddha's mind retained by the master of jiuding, Yi Tian is also very curious. To see how this thing will look like in the end. If it is half a Buddha's mind, the remaining spiritual power must be extremely powerful, and the two demonic cultivators in front of them cannot withstand the power of such a powerful Buddhist Sect anyway.

So Yi Tian is quite calm at this moment, sitting on the wall, but the lonely Jackie Chan on one side is complexion slightly changed and shouted: "Fellow Daoist Yi quickly stopped him, inside. The things may be the key to the advanced Mahayana Stage. Don’t you be tempted?"

shook the head Yi Tian disdainfully said: "Heavenly materials, earthly treasures are originally known to those who are predestined, since this The thing is left by the demon sage Crown Prince Qiu Yu, and it will naturally not have much effect on my spiritual practice. It should be of great help to you demonic cultivators."

As I was talking, I saw Dolly take out a one-foot-long hammer and smashed the stone fiercely. After two clicks, as his hand lifted the hammer and fell, the surface of the stone was grinning. After the stone fell from it with a'click', the rays of light of colorful glaze came out from the inside, followed by an incomparably surging spiritual power. Slowly released from the gap.

Yi Tian didn't notice the slightest power of Buddhist Sect from it, and just felt a little puzzled, suddenly the Dugu Chenglong not far away moved. I took out the Taoist skin magic talisman and spit out black magic blood on it, and then read a stiff incantion in his mouth.

His actions like this naturally made the single pupil and Yi Tian in front of him appear surprised, especially Yi Tian's eyes flashed a cruel color. I don’t know when the purple flame was raised in his hands. Wind-Lightning Fan .

When Dugu Chenglong finished reading the incantation, he reached out and put the animal skin charm on his chest, and a spiritual power that was not weaker than the two burst out suddenly. An illusory shadow appeared behind the Dugu Jackie Chan, and the Duke in the distance saw it and shouted: "The Demon Sage, you are here in Summon's Avatar."

"It's just that. A trace of divine sense incarnates that's all, how come you are afraid of Fellow Daoist," Yi Tian coldly said: "Not equal to me, and we will join hands to deal with him, how about completely eradicating Dugu Chenglong before his divine spirit has completely come?"

"Okay," Dugu is also clenched the teeth, and then it seems to have reached an agreement with the Scarlet Demon, and the mysterious rays of light appeared in the two eye sockets at the same time, and they were illuminated on the dragon body of Dugucheng .

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