Following the Scarlet Eye Demon, Song Li, the Absolute Blade, also came to the tragic ending of being possessed by the body. Yi Tian only felt that this trip to Qionghua Pavilion was like the rise of the one-eyed Demon Race. Opportunity. If two old monsters in a row are resurrected in such a situation, it will be very detrimental to the entire battlefield of the disaster.

This is like a double-edged sword. I originally wanted to mix up the water to make the Demon Saint Storm a headache. But if the one-eyed Demon Race cultivator becomes a climate, it is definitely not what I want to see. For the present, the best way is to keep the one-eyed Demon Race Great Elder here.

The two of them can see each other's thoughts without having to talk and make eye contact in the air, and the next cooperation will become a matter of course.

What I didn’t expect was that after the dark pupil body possession, only ten breaths later, he could calmly use Song Li’s Divine Ability Art, and the thick blade glow would turn the dragon into the dragon’s great heavenly demon blade. Stubbornly resisted and didn't make any progress. Even Absolute Blade Song Li used his formidable power with all his strength, only this that's all.

This will refresh Yi Tian's knowledge of the dark pupil of the one-eyed Demon Race Great Elder, but the three feet azure edge aroused by the dazzling of the spirit of the Thousands of Skills in the hands is also Don't slack off.

While the opponent was struggling to deal with the heavenly demon blade, Yi Tian controlled the Qingfeng Spirit Sword on his hand to traverse the arc and illuminate the dark pupil's left eye fiercely.

Now what I am aiming at is the Dark Eye's life gate. If his left eye misses, Song Li's Divine Soul in the right eye can find a chance to fight back. Although this is just my own guess, it turns out that there is no wrong estimation.

Dark pupil tried his best to protect the left eye as soon as he shot. Obviously, his one-eyed Demon Race's strongest Divine Ability relied on this to perform. If the eyes are blind, the strength is naturally greatly reduced.

A golden light shot from the pupil on the left and hit the Taiyuan Wooden Sword directly in the air, but this time it was very different from the situation of the previous heavenly demon blade, and the Taiyuan Wooden Sword seemed to be limited by it. . The entire azure's lightsaber body only paused for a while and then flew forward again. Staring at the golden light in the dark pupil's eyes, it seems to have found the target, as if going upstream.

Yi Tian on one side is fully controlling the Spirit Sword, but his mouth says: "Fellow Daoist Du Gu is a good opportunity, you try to attack from the side to disrupt the opponent's rhythm, as long as I find Opportunity can destroy his one-eyed."

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Yi, wait a moment to see me take action," Dugu Jackie said, took out a simple charm from the storage ring and activated it in his hand. Stick it on the chest. next moment A quaint demon evil force rises leisurely, black scales appear on the skin under both hands forming seals, and long horns grow on both sides of the forehead.

This is Heavenly Demon Clan's Life Source Divine Ability'heavenly demon change' body method, but Yi Tian soon discovered that what the Duke Chenglong performed this time was different from the past. His body swelled up slightly, as if it were about three points taller. It's just that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body after he used the heavenly demon transformation has increased to that of the late stage of the fit.

And after his heavenly demon transformation method, he even has a great heavenly demon illusory shadow, which is different from what I have seen before.

The back of this great heavenly demon seems to contain a trace of the lonely demon evil force, which should be his trump card.

After loudly shouted, the silhouette of Jackie Chan's lonely dragon passed through the sky, leaving a few afterimages and then reappearing directly above the dark pupil at the thirty zhang high. When the hands are turned into a knife shape, they aim at the dark pupil below and fiercely throw it down.

Dugu Jackie Chan’s debut space distortion appeared next to his hand knife, a solid black light knife suddenly appeared and then fell directly on top of his dark pupil. This kind of trick is Heavenly Demon Clan's heavenly demon blade, but after the appearance of heavenly demon, the formidable power is more than doubled.

It is inevitable to shoot the dark pupil at such a close distance, and his face has a hideous face, and he yells and hurriedly said: "Dugu Jackie Chan, you actually helped spiritual cultivation deal with Demon. Race is the same way, I’m afraid that you are also unable to move a single step in Demon Realm."

"Then you have to send the news," Dugu Chenglong is disdainful. Said: "If you die here, no one will know."

Faced with such a powerful trick, Dark Eye had to free up his hands to take out the black light wave shield on top of it. On the head. The sound of'ka-cha' The heavenly demon blade touched the opponent's black shield and got stuck on it, but could not break it again. The two sides are also in a stalemate.

Yi Tian felt that the golden light power on the magic pupil was weakened. After the spiritual power in his hand was sacrificed, Jieyin again nodded at the Taiyuan Wooden Sword, shouted in a deep voice: "Give it to me."

The cyan ray halo on the Taiyuan Wooden Sword doubles once again. With the golden light projected from the magic pupil, it rushes backwards, but when the Taiyuan Wooden Sword flies to it A quaint Great Desolate force leaped from him three feet away in front of Dark Eye's eyes. At this time, the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure on his body skyrocketed to the First Rank again, and he was able to resist the two cultivation techniques.

Although this is just an arrow at the end of its flight, it is beyond Yi Tian's expectation that the dark pupil can support it so hard. Just listen to him shouting: "Song Li, you can help too. If I die, you don't want to regain the deity, and your Nascent Soul is bound to dissipate with my fall."

didn't expect At this time, Dark Eye even started Song Li's calculations. Speaking of which would also be implicated if he died, the so-called one-hearted Song Li.

But now that the three of them are in a stalemate, Song Li's attitude is particularly important at this time. Yi Tian and Dugu Chenglong also couldn't help showing a surprised look on their faces. If Song Li made a spoiler, the two would inevitably have a setback.

It's just that at this moment, the other party, who is also about life and death, does not react, and soon a spiritual pressure fluctuation is continuously injected into the dark pupil's cultivation technique from the dark pupil's right eye.

Seeing this turn pale with fright, Song Li chose to save his life at the last moment.

As the spiritual pressure on the opponent's body increased, the protective shield that was split by the big heavenly demon blade slowly returned to its original shape, and at the same time the black big heavenly demon blade was forcibly squeezed out. . When Dugu Jackie saw this, he hurriedly spit out blood essence into the air. The blood essence was transformed into a blood mass and injected into the big Heavenly Demon Blade, and then fell heavily.

Yi Tian took out the curse heavenly demon with his left hand, the bell offering in his hand one after another golden light wave was stirred up and wrapped it up along the halo of the Taiyuan Wooden Sword. With the attribute Xiangke's blessing, the Taiyuan Wooden Sword once again gained the active advantage, and the original stalemate state was broken. It's just that this time the Taiyuan Wooden Sword could not quickly break through the opponent's defense, seeing this slowly split the golden halo in the dark pupil's left eye and pierced it step by step.

"Aiya" screamed with a scream, the head of the Taiyuan Wooden Sword piercing through the dark pupil flew out from behind his head, leaving a fist sized hole in his head.

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