The Huben army who participated in the encirclement and suppression campaign blocked the siege of Guyan City. Although it was a lone army, the morale of the whole army was like a rainbow. Those leading Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator led the squad members under him to fight in groups of five.

After a short period of time, the difference between the regular army and the Loose Cultivator Alliance was revealed. Although some of the loose cultivators in the Lone Goose City are powerful, they can only face the well-trained Tiger and Cardiac Squad. Tired of coping.

The previous azure glow directly destroyed the base point of Lone Goose City's defense formation and also indirectly hit the arrogance of these Barbarian Race loose cultivators. At the same time, Yi Tian took three or two rounds to solve the Yu Family brother on the spot, which instantly broke the situation on the battlefield.

On one side, Cai Chaoqiong and Zhang Xuan have just taken a shot and entered a state of testing each other, didn't expect it is over here.

I saw Zhang Xuan showing an extremely embarrassing complexion, and then clenched the teeth with several Spiritual Artifacts on his hands and covered Cai Chaoqiong's head. And he immediately turned around and ignored his opponent. Under the aura of his whole body, he set up a protective cover to protect himself and then moved towards the direction of the ship and rushed straight.

Cai Chaoqiong was counted by Spiritual Artifact and was unable to free his hands under the strikes. He could only watch the opponent forcefully break through. Suddenly, a flash of azure escape light flashed, and it was Yi Tian who came from behind to use escape technique to catch up.

When I passed by Cai Chaoqiong, I left a sentence: "I am going to chase that person, Cai Fellow Daoist can rest assured to stay here to deal with the situation, and the smooth acceptance of Lone Goose City is the top priority."

Cai Chaoqiong's face was overjoyed and hurriedly replied: "So many thanks Fellow Daoist Yi, I am waiting for Fellow Daoist in Lone Goose City to come back to catch the wind for you." Then he turned and moved towards Lone Goose City and flew towards Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator, all around Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator Seeing that the coach can free up his hands to participate in the battle, morale immediately rises.

After leaving Guyan City, Yi Tian followed Zhang Xuan all the way to the barren and human-traveled area and continued to fly away, and he could catch up with his opponent within ten breaths of his own escape speed. But Yi Tian deliberately slowed down and waited until the two of them flew to the no-man's land of the poor mountains and ridges, and then divine sense went out to detect all around five thousand miles, and then suddenly used force to catch up.

The azure glow on his hand flashed across Zhang Xuan's path of travel and stopped him, and then Yi Tian silhouette flashed over Zhang Xuan barrier in front of him thirty zhang.

Turning around, Yi Tian said with a smile: "Why did Fellow Daoist Zhang go in such a hurry? There is no malice in the next, but I just have a few words to ask."

"Fellow Daoist is strong and powerful. I know that you are definitely not your opponent, but if you want to suppress others with power, I will stand up and never compromise," Zhang Xuan said sharply.

It’s just that his slightly trembling hand was said with a smile in the eyes of Yi Tian: "As long as Fellow Daoist Zhang can answer my questions truthfully, he can leave by himself. I am not Anyone who kills, and Fellow Daoist doesn’t have much grudges, of course, there is no need to force a fight."

Zhang Xuan's expression has eased a little bit when he is hearing this, but he is not holding the Spiritual Artifact in his hand. It means to stop. After thinking about it, I replied: "Then Fellow Daoist just ask, I can't guarantee that the reply will satisfy you."

"It doesn't matter, since Fellow Daoist can tell the source of my trick in one word Naturally it is Spirit Realm cultivator, but I don't know what Sect is?" Yi Tian asked.

"Dare to ask Fellow Daoist Gao's name?" Zhang Xuan asked rhetorically without answering directly.

"Yi Tian."

"I was born in Spirit Realm Three Great Sects in Xiaben. When I was young, I also made friends with many fellows, but I have never been in Feiyu. Sword Sect heard that there is the name of Fellow Daoist. Could it be that I made up the name indiscriminately to frame me," Zhang Xuan said with a tight face.

"Since your Excellency is also from Spirit Realm Great Sect, you shouldn’t know my name, or that you have left Spirit Realm for a thousand years and haven’t returned," Yi Tian looked curiously. Tao.

"It is true. When I left Spirit Realm, there was only Deity Transformation Late Stage cultivation base. It was all a thousand years ago. I haven’t returned for many years. I didn’t expect to meet my fellow villagers here today. Very surprised," Zhang Xuan's tone slowly eased. It seems that from the analysis of what he heard, no weak spot has been detected yet, but his vigilant heart shows no sign of relaxation.

Looking at Yi Tian, ​​it was faintly smiled and said: "I think you are not the Lihuo Palace cultivator, otherwise the cultivation technique you are good at must be Lihuo Jiuchang."

"Fellow Daoist has good eyesight, but what does this mean?" Zhang Xuan said with disdain.

"You are not Feiyu Sword Sect cultivator either," Yi Tian continued.

"Why is there such a conclusion?" Zhang Xuan asked puzzledly.

"Since you were able to tell the origin of my moves, you almost misled my judgment," Yi Tian shook his head and said: "Feiyu Sword Sect cultivator is not good at Refiner Dao, if it is yours Ordinary talents will naturally be hidden and won’t let you drift into another world. But you must be familiar with Sword Sect, or you must have met with the dísciple of your family to see Sect Guarding Absolute Art like this."

“It’s true. I have had a good relationship with the dísciple Jian Shaoqing of Feiyu Sword Sect, and I’ve also sat with him and talked about nature and saw its sect Absolute Art,” Zhang Xuan replied, while his face Is showing a trace of loneliness.

Shaoqing didn’t wait for him to ask questions, he asked again: “As far as I know, there is no such powerful character as you in Feiyu Sword Sect. Are you the Eldest Senior Brother of Jian Shaoqing at the door? No one will know about it until many years in the retreat."

"It seems that I am asking now, Fellow Daoist Zhang's rhetoric seems a bit out of order," Yi Tian sneered lightly saying: "You too It’s not the dísciple of the Taiqing Pavilion, but you also said that you are the heir of Spirit Realm Three Great Sects. The only explanation is that you are the cultivator of Dao Sect, the Dao Sect branch of the Taiqing Pavilion. I wonder if I’m right?"

Zhang Xuan hearing this face startled and then stared at Yi Tian and then sighed replied: "Fellow Daoist has good eyesight. He was born in a cultivation town under the jurisdiction of the Taiqing Pavilion, but unfortunately he failed to pass through the barriers as he wished and was classified after failing. In the Dao Sect of the Shangqing."

"But you are born with the innate talent, so after practicing in the Dao Sect of the Shangqing, you inadvertently obtained the True Essence of the Lihuo Palace. You Is it necessary to leave Spirit Realm to avoid the tracing of Lihuo Palace, right?" Yi Tian shouted sternly.

Suddenly figure stopped Zhang Xuan was shocked speechless, and stared at Yi Tian for a few breaths before he said with difficulty in his mouth: "I just accidentally got the practice of Lihuo Palace. Fragments of instrumental scores, but since I was hitting it, I have known that Spirit Realm has no place for me to stand, and Spirit Realm cultivator well known from the power of the Fire Palace, if anyone knows that I took their things and chased the ends of the earth I’ll be caught back."

"So you managed to escape to the Asura world. I thought you would never be aware of your true identity in this life. Didn’t expect to be here recently. Let me expose it," Yi Tian teased.

"yes and how, what you said is correct, do you want to take me back to the palace of fire to invite rewards?" Zhang Xuan said vigilantly.

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