On the wasteland, after Yi Tian intercepted Zhang Xuan, he found out some information from his mouth. He didn't expect that he was really the cultivator of Dao Sect in Shangqing. Forced to leave Spirit Realm in desperation, toss and turn to the Asura world.

Seeing that he can join the Barbarian Race cultivator, it is probably because of his speciality that he will be regarded as a guest of honor. Most of the Barbarian Race cultivators are based on physical training and cultivation base, so Zhang Xuan's skills just make up for their lack of refinement.

Calculate that he was already a Deity Transformation Late Stage cultivator when he left Spirit Realm. After a thousand years, he was only promoted to Distract Early-Stage. Most of this was due to his own aptitude and limited resources.

Looking at the other person’s face showing a little nervousness, the hand holding the Spiritual Artifact did not relax at all, while Yi Tian gently took out a jade token from the storage bag and sent it slowly In the past, he said, "Look at it first, maybe our conversation can be easier next, no need to draw arrows."

Zhang Xuanmian was suspicious and used divine sense to stretch out on that jade. After swiping the token back and forth several times, he revealed an incredible look: "You are the dísciple of Taiqing Pavilion, but why can you practice Sect Guarding Absolute Art of Scarlet Sword Sect to such a degree, is it possible that you are in the same situation as mine."

After that, he also took out the jade pendant from the storage ring and slowly sent it over. After the Yi Tian divine sense scanned the information in it and Zhang Xuan’s The identity was confirmed. Under the correct contrast, the two people took back their respective identities jade token, turned their heads to look at each other, and showed a relaxed and freehand expression on their faces.

Yi Tian converged after three breaths: "Junior Brother Zhang has been working hard for Barbarian Race over the years. I am afraid that the shortage of resources there will have a direct impact on the improvement of your cultivation base."

"It is true. The Barbarian Race cultivator is naturally a defense against cooperation for outsiders like me. How can I be allowed to stand in Lone Goose City if it is not for the value of my use," Zhang Xuan collapsed The Spiritual Artifact in his hand sighed for a while. At this time, after he learned about Yi Tian's situation, he naturally also knew that everyone was a fellow traveler, and besides, in such a situation, there must be something to discuss and no need to meet each other.

"I actually have some industries in Asura Imperial Capital. If Junior Brother Zhang is interested, I can go to Imperial Capital with me. There are abundant cultivation resources and my referrals naturally eliminate the need to worry about running around. "Yi Tian tempted in an orderly way."

"It seems that Senior Brother Yi also has a good avenue in Asura Imperial Capital. I thought you were the consecration of the Hu Ben army," Zhang Xuan replied.

"Cai Chaoqiong of the Tigers and Cardiac Army only asked me to help the punch because of the face of the doctor Hao Ren. My contacts are in the Imperial Capital. King's Heir Duan Xiaolou and the Imperial Guard Deputy Commander Qiao Yongjun They are all familiar with me," Yi Tian introduced faintly.

Zhang Xuan was hearing this with a surprised look. He also knew the identities of these three people. After brows slightly wrinkle, he asked: "I learned that the Three Great Sects in the Asura dynasty were fighting for power and profit. Is it possible that Senior Brother Yi has a good relationship with these three parties. Survival in this crack is like walking on thin ice. Shen will be dealt with by the other two parties."

"Junior Brother Zhang said yes, but I am still a member of Yunlin's family on the surface. I have a private relationship with Duan Xiaolou and Qiao Yongjun. Yes, now I am taken care of by all parties in Imperial Capital. If my younger brother can come back to Beijing with me, I can recommend it whenever you want to join. It is better than being a loose cultivator outside of Asura," Yi Tian said.

After listening to this suggestion, Zhang Xuan's face also showed hesitation. If he left like this, he would need to find another force to rely on to be able to exert his expertise and exchange for sufficient cultivation resources. In contrast, in Asura Imperial Capital, the decision is the difference between Heaven and Earth. But looking at the appearance of Yi Tian, ​​even if he agrees, it has become a great favor. If something happens afterwards, it must be made. an all-out effort.

Both are pros and cons, and it’s difficult to make a decision right away. After thinking about the meeting, Zhang Xuan asked, “I don’t know that Senior Brother Yi has his own power. I don’t want to overdo it with those three parties. Close, if I can, I want to depend on your mansion. This way, I have full freedom and avoid the entanglement of the three powers."

It turns out that he is still afraid of various sects in the Asura dynasty. Power, Yi Tian thought about it and took out a jade slip, wrote some content on it, then changed hands and sent it gently: "This is my recommendation letter to you. You should follow me back to Imperial Capital first, and then hold it. It would be nice to recommend the book to the mansion of Yushi doctor Mi Boji."

The recommended book Zhang Xuan took the jade slip and opened it in his hand, and then his eyes quickly swept over, and then a thread flashed across his face. He said with joy: "It's so good. Being able to depend on the Asura nobles is naturally the best policy. But I don't know what the cultivation base and position of the magistrate is and whether it can accommodate me."

" Mi Boji's Deity Transformation Middle Stage cultivation base can be regarded as a relatively neutral royalist among the hereditary aristocracy of the Asura dynasty. He is only loyal to the queen and keeps a distance from the rest of the three sects system, which can be regarded as a better choice," Yi Tian explained. .

"Since Senior Brother Yi has given me the deference is no substitute for obedience, I have inherited the great favor of Senior Brother this time, and I will definitely help my brother if something happens in the future," Zhang Xuan said with a smile.

Next, the two changed their directions and moved towards the direction of Guyan City and flew away. Along the way, Yi Tian also elaborated on the current situation of Imperial Capital. He also told Zhang Xuan how to avoid getting too anxious with the three sects forces so as not to get into unnecessary trouble.

It didn't take an hour when the two returned to the sky over Guyan City again. At this time, the entire fortified battle was over, and there were still several places in the city that were burning with raging conventions that were not extinguished. But the resistance forces are no longer in sight. After scanning by Yi Tian divine sense, they found that there are teams of tiger sergeants to-and-fro on the street to maintain law and order.

As the coach, Cai Chaoqiong has already moved into Inside the City Lord Mansion at this time. This is considered to be a complete accomplishment, and he will be reported to the Imperial Court later. His title of nobility is hard-wired.

Yi Tian took Zhang Xuan and two of them flew to the sky above the City Lord Mansion and then slowly fell down. Many cultivators nearby found out and hurriedly walked up to welcome them. But when they saw Zhang Xuan also showing a surprised look on the faces of the scene, the two of them walked straight into the City Lord Mansion great hall with a kind of attention.

Sitting in Nei Cai Chaoqiong, I was afraid that he had noticed the whereabouts of the two people early in the morning. After seeing this, he hurriedly stood up from the position of the city guard in the middle of the city and hurriedly walked forward and said hello to Yi Tian.

divine sense After sweeping Zhang Xuan, I saw that his face was cold, but he was able to follow along with Yi Tian, ​​which naturally excels. He is also a sensible person. Just shield everyone in the hall and invite Yi Tian and Zhang Xuan. After being seated, we chatted privately.

He has gained a lot of benefits this time, so naturally there is no reason to refuse Yi Tian's request. After the three people put it together, Cai Chaoqiong also took out the documents and gave Zhang Xuan the identity of the tiger and the army, which is regarded as giving Li Baoxiao to Yi Tian's face.

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