After the Hu Ben Army marched forcibly, without the assistance of the Black Flag Army, it broke through the Defensive Great Array in Lone Goose City. Taking advantage of the gap when the large array was opened, an azure glow flashed out of the ship and directly intruded into the base of the Defensive Great Array and pulled out a node directly. As a result, the defense system of Lone Goose City has become a siege, and the Huben Army's warship is just blocked in the only exit position.

Suddenly there were three strong spiritual pressure fluctuations in Guyan City, and at the same time, three golden escape lights flew out from two places in the city and stopped directly in front of the warship.

At this time, two rays of light, one green and one yellow, flew out of the warship and confronted them. Behind them there were those Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator with a team of tiger soldiers flying out to block the only exit tightly.

Stabilize the air, Yi Tian looked at the opponent. Among the three Barbarian Race cultivators in front of him, there are two cultivation bases. In the middle of distraction, these two people look very alike. It is estimated that they are like the brother.

As for the other person, there is a faint source of fire on his body. Look at the Spiritual Artifact that he took out from his hand, it should be Danxiu or Refiner Master.

Cai Chaoqiong whispered a sound transmission on the side: "The two brothers are Yu Quan and Yu Li, who are proficient in cooperation, and their strength is comparable to the late stage cultivator. Another Refiner Master named Zhang Xuan is also strong. Not weak, especially because of his good craftsmanship, and high-level Spiritual Artifacts emerge in endlessly."

After clicking nodded, Yi Tian turned his attention to the Yu Family brother and saw the spiritual pressure fluctuations on these two people. The unusually close frequency seems to be the result of frequent cultivation together. As for the other Refiner Master that aroused Yi Tian's interest, he only felt that the fire source spiritual power in him was extremely strong. At the same time, the thunder flame purple flame in his Niwan Palace felt a little bit about him, and began to jump involuntarily.

Later, I only heard Yu Quan shouted loudly: "Cai Chaoqiong, why did you come with the aggressive tiger army, is it possible that you want to meet us?"

"The Yu Quan matter has reached this point, do you want me to say more? Your Barbarian Race has occupied Lone Goose City for thousands of years and refused to obey the control of the king's law. There is a cancer like you in my Asura world. How can my dynasty feel at ease? "Cai Chaoqiong replied coldly.

"Your two official words, when we used our Barbarian Race back then, it was a good way to win, but now it’s not your decision to encircle and suppress, you can see the truth under your nonsense ability," Yu Force shouted.

Yi Tian looked on with cold eyes. That Yu Family brother should be Zhan Xiu, so he is used to such situations. As for Zhang Xuan, he should not be good at fighting. And his appearance is just an ordinary Human Race cultivator, not Barbarian Race and his like. Staying in Lone Goose City is mostly a choice of interests that's all.

If you think about it, the corner of your mouth said with a smile: "Then let me come experience the strength of the Barbarian Race expert, and see if it is as powerful as the rumors."

After finishing talking about body flashed, it disappeared into the air, and a little azure glow appeared in the original position and then turned into thousands of filaments to cover the heads of the three people in front of them.

The Yu Family brothers on the opposite side were surprised by such powerful swordsmanship. They didn’t even think, and they jumped to the side and took out the two rings, two golden hammers and nine knots, respectively. Here comes the steel whip.

Two spiritual artifacts, one rigid and one soft, protect the two of them, and the aura of taken out turns into a two zhang-sized mask to protect all the surrounding areas around them.

Just listen to the sound of'ping-ping-pong-pong', and then the azure sword wire slams on the light ball shield and shakes it violently.

On the contrary, Zhang Xuan, who was not far behind them, blurted out in surprise: "Spirit Realm Sword Sect Absolute Art, who are you?"


The words are not finished all around, there are still many swords in circles to force him to sacrifice Spiritual Artifact and defend him. Cai Chaoqiong was overjoyed by this situation, and didn't expect Yi Tian to force all three of the opponents to defend frequently.

With a wave of his hand, Qi Qi, the general of the Divine Transformation Stage behind him, rushed to the major points on the ground moved towards Lone Goose City. As for him, he directly faced Zhang Xuan.

After receiving a trick from his own, the two brothers, Yu Quan and Yu Li, withstood the defense and sacrificed the Spiritual Artifact in their hands. When they swept their eyes, they realized that they were on the Spiritual Artifact after the invasion of azure sword glow. It left many traces unexpectedly.

One can imagine how strong the formidable power of this azure sword glow is, the two of them didn’t have time to think about it, and Yu Quan hurriedly waved the two golden hammers in his hands and threw them into his mouth. A sound: "Change."

The golden hammer became bigger in volume after facing the wind and moved towards Yi Tian, ​​and fell on his body. Seeing the hot tricks coming to Yi Tian, ​​he did not hurriedly put his hands together and said the secret technique of the eight-tone sky thunder in his mouth, but his body quickly flashed through the golden light and used the Buddhist Sect golden sun posture.

After the golden hammer fell, he was hit by Yi Tian's deity, but Yu Quan's face did not have the slightest joy, on the contrary, he showed a look of deep jealousy. He saw that Yi Tian stretched out his hands and actually caught the two ringing drum and urn golden hammers firmly.

Seeing that the killer blow was so delicately resolved by the opponent. At this time, Yu Quan’s face showed an incredible face, but he said in his mouth: "How is it possible, what kind of body refinement cultivation did you cultivate? The technique is so strong."

The Yu Li behind him kept his Nine-Section Whip threw in the air and made the sound of'pa pa pa', but the whip had not touched the Yi Tian deity. one after another Guangbo stopped. It was the sonic secret technique of the eight-tones of the sky thunder that followed the Nine-Section Whip, and then as the sound wave continued to spread, the Nine-Section Whip trembled violently in the air before long Yu Li had to take it back.

"The strength of the two is not good enough, let's take the move," Yi Tian looked at it disdainfully, then stretched out his hand and took the Taiyuan Wooden Sword back and sacrificed it in his hand. Then mutter incantations said "Go."

The sword body of the Taiyuan Wooden Sword trembles and then instantly decomposes into sword filaments and then synthesizes into Spirit Sword's appearance moved towards Yu Quan and Yu Li. Cut off.

The voice of Zhang Xuan came from the side again: "Condensing the virtual and transforming the real, the 2nd style that is brilliant, the two of you should not hardly connect this move."

Yi Tian’s lightsaber speaks faster than him. Before Yu Quan and Yu Li could escape from the Taiyuan Wooden Sword, the lightsaber directly cut off the defenses of the Golden Hammer and Nine-Section Whip. A fist sized hole of blood was left on his body.

Two golden auras flew out after Yu Quan Yuli and brother Nascent Soul Spirit Physique flew towards and flew away behind them. It's just that on their way to escape, a toad sitting only in a hip flask appeared at some point. At this time, they squinted at the two and took a breath.

The speed of two Nascent Soul Spirit Physique involuntarily trembled in the air slowed down. Behind him, an azure silhouette flashed past Yi Tian who was catching up.

I stretched out my hand and grabbed the two Nascent Souls in my hands, and squeezed them all out after squeezing them. He threw two Nascent Soul light balls directly to gu gu Daxian's mouth.

After swallowing two Divided Spirit Stage Nascent Soul Spirit Physique, gu gu Daxian hiccuped and turned into a green light and flew directly back into the beast's bag on his body. These spiritual powers are enough for him to refining. For a while.

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