After discussing with Mi Boji, Yi Tian left from the back door of "Piaoxianlou", and he had a lot of tokens from this place. If you want to come, you can use this place as a temporary contact point in the future. Get on line with Luo Ziyan.

To be honest, although I feel that Mi Boji is respectful to him, I don't know if he has other goals. And like him, people who can cultivation and perceive Imperial Family cultivator Divine Ability will have secret skills, even if they are known to the Imperial court. If you are seen to contact yourself frequently, it is inappropriate, but for now, you can only contact the Imperial Family through him.

Yi Tian has thought about it in his heart, and he still wants to bypass Yun Lin and go directly to the master Luo Ziyan, and ask him about his views and plans for this tripartite trial. If she really wants to be a puppet, she can do it step by step. If she is a thoughtful person, she will definitely do something, and she will definitely do it herself without Yun Lin's eyes and ears.

Although I am on Yunlin's side on the surface, my key purpose is to go to the fire source. As long as you can get in, it won't tolerate how the three Integration Stage cultivators control.

Apart from this At present, the place Yi Tian wants to go most is to break through the'Heavenspan Road', but just after arriving at the Imperial Capital, he was also unhurried. For a while, he has not yet understood the situation there clearly. When breaking through the barriers, you have to spend a little more time.

At the moment, what I am most interested in is to visit the three underground trading markets of Imperial Capital. On the one hand, it is to understand the current market of Heavenly Grade treasures in the market. On the other hand, you can also take a look at it. The reaction of those aliens to the Asura Imperial Family rushed into the crowd and disappeared on the street.

According to the map position that Mi Boji had marked for himself, Yi Tian decided to go to the heterogeneous gathering area in the east of the city first. The shops here are all other large sects from all walks of life, or a branch of Monster Realm.

It is also interesting to say that the Asura world on the surface is strictly forbidden to set up station points for other large forces from all walks of life, but the shops here are all changed and formed an alliance Chamber of Commerce in Dongcheng District secretly one after another Build a power.

But they also made the right choice, actively befriending the nobles of the Asura Imperial court, and seeking their shelter at the same time, so that the Imperial Guard, which is responsible for the defense of the Asura clan, will also give it more or less. Convenience and accommodation.

After walking through a few streets, Yi Tian came to the Dongcheng area'Desheng Street'. This is the first area marked on the map where there is an underground black market transaction. Walking on the street, you can see a lot of shops opened by Spirit Realm's cultivator. The name of their shops is just slightly modified, such as Chamber of Commerce, Feiyulou and Zhiyang.

After walking around, Yi Tian quietly scanned it with divine sense and found that each of these shops has a Divided Spirit Stage cultivator. Although the cultivation base is not as high as it is, it can be sent to the Asura world. Cultivators are mostly sect leaders.

When passing the Shangqing Chamber of Commerce, Yi Tian still resisted the urge to enter, and now his identity is still inconveniently exposed. If you encounter someone familiar with you and show your feet, it is not the result you want.

Inevitably, there will be more minor issues, but I still choose to go to those small shops to find out the news. In the next two hours, Yi Tian passed several stores in a row and then went to Neizhong to inquire about their situation.

Sure enough, as Mi Baiji said, there are indeed black market transactions here, but they need to be recommended by major shops before they can enter. Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt a little bit tricky, but after walking around for a few times, he found a smaller shop and got in.

An hour later, when Yi Tian walked out of the store, there was an extra token of tokens, but I also spent a lot of money for this token, and added 10,000 yuan with an Earth Grade Spiritual Artifact. High grade Spirit Stone was only redeemed.

Later, follow the directions on the map and walk straight ahead along Desheng Street until the end turns right into an unremarkable alley. At the end of the alley, there is an ordinary residence, but two Divine Transformation Stage cultivators and a Nascent Soul Stage descendant are sitting at the door.

Yi Tian walked forward and didn't say much, took out the jade token in his hand and shook it in front of the three of them. After the ten breaths, the divine senses of the two Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator were retracted and sat there without doing anything. As for the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator, he stepped forward and said: "senior, please come with me."

After entering the residence, I found that there is an underground corridor in the corridor. From the direction From the top, it should lead to the southern part of the Eastern District.

Walking in the dim passage for a while, the eyes suddenly lit up, Yi Tian found that he had already entered a huge underground meeting place soon.

The empty ground in front of me is a mile radius, and the space looks like ten zhang high. The Nascent Soul Stage cultivator that led the way introduced: "The black market here is the most observant among the Imperial Capital, all around are shops and businesses, and the inner circle is the restaurant. Seniors can enjoy cross-border cuisine here, in the middle The land boundary is a competition arena. If the senior wants to make a profit from Spirit Stone, he can go there and try it. As for all around shops, they will provide goods for redemption."

Yi Tian took out a hundred Spirit Stones. Stone dismissed the leader as a tip, and then slowly wandered out on his own. Although it was a stroll in the aimless place, Yi Tian still kept his eyes on it, looking for the shops with the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator to inquire about the news.

But there is very little valuable information along the way. Although many places have Heaven Grade treasures that can be exchanged, the prices are ridiculously high. I measured the price that is usually about three times more than in the outside world, and if I have such a Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator, if I rashly take out so many Spirit Stones or Spiritual Artifacts, it will inevitably be targeted.

I know the truth of the undisclosed wealth very thoroughly, and to put it bluntly, it is not protected by the defensive strength of Asura Imperial Capital in the black market, so it is natural to do things here. On the premise that he does not want to reveal his identity, Yi Tian still chooses the strategy of evasion.

After walking a few streets, I asked about the price of 3,000-year-old iron tree spirit that has been copied to 10 million high grade Spirit Stone, and it is necessary to exchange Spiritual Artifact or medicine pill for Spirit Stone. It has become sub-Level 1 currency in circulation.

Walking through the section of the road, suddenly there was a Luang car coming on the three-foot-wide road in front of me. The road here was originally not spacious and it became more and more crowded under such circumstances.

all around many cultivators all strayed aside to avoid the carriage, while Yi Tian looked at the markings on the frame, and suddenly light flashed, and secretly thought: "This is not Asura Imperial The mark of the Family? I heard that the people of the Imperial Family cherish their reputation, how can they get mixed up in the black market."

After the carriage passed by, the street returned to normal, Yi Tian said It is secretly speeding up the pace followed along, wanting to see which one of them is in the end.

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