Theoretically speaking, the nobles in the Asura dynasty who cherish their own figure will not swagger through the black market like this. Although this is a set of rules for the Imperial Capital to be free in the black market, the Imperial Guard will not easily interfere with things here, and all influences here also consciously maintain a tacit understanding with it.

Yi Tian followed closely behind the carriage ten zhang and scanned it with divine sense and found that it turned out to be a sick youngster, and the cultivation base only looked like the late Nascent Soul Middle Stage. The servant of all around has a Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator as a cultivator, and the rest also carries two entourages of Nascent Soul Early Stage, looking like the fallen second ancestor in the city.

Just listen to all around. Someone whispered: "Look, it's Viscount Hongshan's frame again. I don't know how many Spirit Stones he will lose this time."

"Viscount Hongshan," Yi Tian muttered in his mouth and calmed down and listened carefully.

Then an alien cultivator next to him said disdainfully: "This Viscount Hongshan is just staring at the title that's all the ancestor is the nobleman of the dynasty. With his true strength, I'm afraid that the six who just cultivation came out of the Dharma body Arm, in terms of strength, at best, it can only be attributed to the middle and inferior ones. Nowadays, there is only one servant of the Divine Transformation Stage in the clan serving loyally. Unfortunately, only this one is left with the decline of Viscount Hongshan’s network."

"There is only one person left," Yi Tian secretly muttered in his heart, revealing the color of thinking on his face, it seems that this person still has some identity. The title of the Asura Empire is not something you can get casually, maybe you can use it to cover your true identity.

And the servant forces of the Divine Transformation Stage usually deal with these three people in just one face-to-face. After thinking about it, Yi Tian restrained his aura and directly followed the four Viscount Hongshan into the shop.

On the first day I drove to the door, there were a few exposed foreign female cultivators who hurriedly stepped forward to take their own business. But when I felt the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Yi Tian's body a little, they retreated to one side in fright. They were just the cultivation base around the Nascent Soul Early Stage and naturally couldn't withstand the spiritual pressure of the Divine Transformation Stage.

Later, there is still a Nascent Soul Middle Stage female cultivator who walked up to the money and said: "Unknown senior, your surname, are you coming to'Mengxiangge' for wine tasting or planning to choose the Dao Companion on weekends? "

Yi Tian then realized that he had walked into the ecstasy den, it is no wonder that he was only thinking about following Viscount Hongshan just now but he didn't pay attention to where he entered.

After looking carefully, Yi Tian replied faintly: "My name is Yi, here to taste wine, I wonder if there are any programs in'Mengxiang Pavilion' today?"

"Xiawen, the concubine, is the deacon of the front hall here. Today is the day when'Oiran' Pan Jing'er came out of the cabinet, so those rich and powerful loose cultivators will come here to join in," the female cultivator replied.

"Oh, since it is the "Oiran" who came out of the cabinet, it must have attracted a lot of cultivators. How come there are children from the imperial nobles? I heard that the imperial court seems to have some wind to restrict those stray children. "Yi Tian pulled the topic away without two sentences.

Na Xiawen said with a smile on her face: "It seems that the senior also knows a lot of important matters of Imperial Capital, but this is more or less avoided by the normal Asura nobles, at least. I won’t come so blatantly."

Yi Tian said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Then how do you explain the carriage at the entrance of'Mengxiang Pavilion'?"

Xia Wen's eyes flashed with contempt and then quietly sound transmission said: "Senior knows something, this Viscount Chu'an of Hongshan is an absolute household. His family's ancestors are almost defeated by him, and he holds the custom made by the Dynasty in his hands. Live a living."

"This happened," Yi Tian raised his brows and sound transmission replied: "Then why doesn't he think about enterprising cultivation and advancement?"

"I heard When Chu An was a child, he practiced setback. After his cultivation base reached the Nascent Soul Stage, he couldn’t make progress anymore. It seems that at most there are only a few hundred years of life essence left. Most of the cultivators that his father’s friendship with in the Imperial court have passed away, so he is now purely mixed. Eat stuff waiting to die," Xia Wen took Yi Tian to the second floor after explaining.

Here is like a place of wind and moon, there are many beautiful female cultivators dancing on the center stage. There was a circle of wine tables all around, and the visitors all sat around drinking for fun.

Look at the cultivator of Nascent Soul Stage on the second floor, and Viscount Hongshan is not here either. Then Yi Tian revealed that he also wanted to see the grand occasion of the Oiran's appearance today.

Na Xiawen seemed to have understood her intentions and took it straight to the third floor lobby, where it was not as lively as the bottom. But there are also dozens Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator sitting around, and the Viscount Chu An of Red Mountain is among them.

Yi Tian just asked for a seat at random, ordered a drink, and gave a few hundred Spirit Stone rewards and let Xia Wen retreat first.

Later, he swept his eyes and focused his attention on Viscount Hongshan and the three servants around him.

Not long after the oiran of "Mengxiangge" came out of the celebrity ceremony, this posture is suitable for me to see in the White Horse Gang brothel when I was young. It's just that the silver has been replaced by the Spirit Stone, and the client has become a cultivator that's all.

Looking at it carefully, it seems that the Viscount Hongshan came here specially for this purpose, and went straight to the thematic bidding after one was afraid of the start.

all around There are not a few cultivators with the same purpose. Let’s take a closer look at today’s oiran Pan Jing’er, but Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivation base is actually a natural fascination. No wonder it’s such a Spirit. Transformation cultivator can't help it.

Unfortunately, her Dao heart is stable, even if her cultivation base goes straight to the Divided Spirit Stage, there is no temptation to herself. But in a blink of an eye, Chu An seemed to be turned upside down by the woman's Divine Soul, and the bid was as the tide rises, the boat floats.

Unfortunately, after some bidding, the Deity Transformation Middle Stage cultivator won the first prize. It's no wonder that the whole family of Viscount Zhaohongshan may not be the opponent of others. In the end, Chu An was so angry that he was addicted to the mouth, and he didn't dare to really do anything to his opponent.

Two hours later, after the Oiran bid was over, the Viscount Chu An of Red Mountain swayed out of the'Mengxiang Pavilion' with the three servants and went to the carriage.

Yi Tian was Hou Zhun's chance to find an unmanned corner and quickly disappeared and followed along secretly.

Fortunately, the other party's carriage is not fast due to the terrain restrictions. After following all the way, he exited the underground black market from the passage on the other side and then onto the remote street.

There were not many people on the road at this time, and the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator, who was driving in the alien gathering area, waved his whip and started to accelerate.

Yi Tian divine sense slightly moved his hands and tucked his hands in the robe and secretly sealed the seal to prepare for a strike certain kill. Unexpectedly, I felt that there was a spiritual pressure fluctuation behind him and moved towards the frame of the Viscount Hongshan.

It's a big crime to kill Asura nobles in the street, Yi Tian divine sense stretched out to investigate it turned out to be the person who was competing with Chuan in the black market Mengxiang Pavilion. brows slightly wrinkle I saw that the spell divine ability in the hands of both sides collided with each other after they rose up again and again. And the person who shot and the strength of his accomplices were also like Deity Transformation Middle Stage, and they had already played against it and suppressed the Viscount Hongshan gang.

After several spell attacks, the three servants sitting outside the carriage and Chu An inside were swept by the spell and fiercely hit the building on the street. Even the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator was breathless on the spot, while the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator was only half a breath. Yi Tian saw the opportunity to rush into the carriage, and saw that Chu An was already bleeding and killed by the seven orifices shaken by astral qi.

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