In the wing room of the backyard courtyard of the Piaoxian Tower, Yi Tian received an invitation from Mi Boji to come to the meeting, and the latter rushed to the meeting half an hour late. After the two had a conversation in the wing room, Yi Tian finally had a preliminary understanding of the situation in the Asura dynasty at this stage.

There is still a lot of time before the trio of trials, and now all eyes are focused on the recent selection of the Imperial Guard reserve. It was learned from Mi Baiji that the three Integration Stage cultivators have not directly and publicly intensified their conflicts.

In this selection of the great hall, it is mainly the first line of Prince Wei and the two factions of Yunlin who are secretly wrestling. As for the king of Xun at this time, it seems that he has not seen any sign of his action.

Although King Xun is stationed near the gate all year round, he is the oldest of the three Integration Stage cultivators, which is two thousand years earlier than Prince Wei's advanced Integration Stage.

It is reasonable to say that King Xun's seniority regent can better control the entire Asura dynasty, but this is not the case. Yi Tian is not so stupid as to think that King Xun would put the power of hid the sky with one hand willingly to give up his power and run to the bitter cold place for cultivation. There must be hidden secrets in this.

According to the current situation, it seems that I cannot directly intervene in the affairs of the Asura dynasty. He glanced at Mi Baiji and asked: "I wonder how much power do you have in the dynasty?"

"This small official, although this small official is a dynasty historian, he mostly deals with government affairs that are not practical. As for the real power system of the dynasty, most of them fall into the hands of Prince Wei," Mi Baiji explained: "But in recent years The Empress Your Majesty secretly cultivated her strength from time to time and placed them directly in the major lands of the dynasty, trying to take advantage of the power of Prince Wei."

Yi Tian hearing this did not show the slightest joy on his face, but rather brows. We wrinkled slightly and thought about it before she arrived: "Luo Ziyan is really too impatient. With her current status, she has fallen into an invincible position. There is no need to be so strong."

" The emperor does not know that the Asura Imperial Family cultivator chooses Dao Companion in the Divine Transformation Stage. The imperial family is even more so. Now Prince Wei uses this as an excuse to continuously pressure the Queen Your Majesty," said Mi Baiji.

"so that's how it is, I want to come to the Spirit Realm for Luo Ziyan to come out to relax and avoid Prince Wei's entanglement, but this kind of tolerance and retreat will definitely help the other party's arrogance," Yi Tian sighed.

"My emperor really understood the opportunity, as far as I know, about three-four hundred years ago, the Queen Your Majesty traveled with Venerable Lord Yun for a while, but after coming back, my mood became surprisingly relaxed. Is something good happened in Spirit Realm," Mi Boji turned his eyes and looked at Yi Tian, ​​the meaning in these words is self-evident.

lightly coughed Yi Tian didn’t want to go further on this topic, and then he turned to ask: “I went to the'Huitianxia’ business this time and found that there seems to be a lot of Heaven Grade treasures by the Dynasty expressly. Prohibited is not allowed to buy or sell, is there such a thing?"

Mi Boji replied: "There is indeed such a thing, and such a ban has been issued as early as a hundred years ago. And there are still several in the past hundred years. The treasures are continuously added. Although most of them are ordered by Prince Wei, there are still a small amount that means Venerable Lord Yun."

"Is that right," Yi Tian said quickly in his mind. I went through the list of prohibited treasures I had learned: "It seems that they have already begun to prepare for the Asura fire source Secret Realm trial. There are many treasures that will be banned for sale."

"Is my emperor has any treasures to purchase?" Mi Boji asked.

I looked at Yi Tian but said with a smile: "If you think about it this way, you will definitely get some banned treasures."

Mi Baiji's face is startled but embarrassed. Replied: "This small official cultivation base only has Deity Transformation Middle Stage, so there are not many Heavenly Tribulation treasures that you can touch, but you can buy a few privately."

"I only have you Difficulty, you don't need to worry about it at this time. But I think since the Asura clan can accommodate that many aliens occupies the Imperial Capital, there must be a lot of private transactions among them. Do you know where you can do black market transactions with aliens? "Yi Tian thought for a while and asked.

Mi Baiji hearing this lowered his head and pondered, and then replied: "There are a total of three foreign business districts in Imperial Capital, all of which have private black market transactions. But they are not based solely on the cultivation base. What I fancy is the skill of the cultivator, and they are all trades in exchange for goods."

"Okay, as long as there is a place to trade, it will be done. I have a lot of materials in my hand to exchange," Yi Tian After he said, he reached out to the map and handed it over and said: "You will mark these three places, and I will look for them afterwards."

Mi Boji took the jade slip and spread it out in his palm. Quickly marked the location of the three black markets. I put away the jade slip later and sent it back.

Remembering his own situation in the'Huitianxia' business, Yi Tian asked again: "I heard that the 3,000 years old cypress tree spirits have been banned for sale. I don't know who made it?"


Mi Baiji thought about it before replied: "As far as I know, it seems that it was proposed by Prince Wei during the Dachao meeting more than ten years ago. At that time, Venerable Lord Yun also agreed in person."

The two agreed. It was interesting. Yi Tian thought secretly in his heart. It seemed that these two people were also aware of it, and asked casually: "I don't know how King Xun reacted?"

" Xun King's Heir has no objection to this proposal, and neither agrees nor opposes it. After all, the deity of King Xun is not in the Imperial court, and His Royal Highness will never make it stronger," Mi Baiji replied.

"I'm afraid that Duan Xiaolou won't need it. What he is cultivation is the cold cultivation technique, which does not require 3,000 years of iron tree essence to refine the fire shield," Yi Tian faintly replied.

"so that's how it is that's in the interests of three sects, so I agreed so quickly. But as far as I know, it seems that every candidate can bring two entourages for assistance. , It seems that there are still a lot of gaps," Mi Baiji mentioned.

It is natural that Yi Tian herself doesn't need it, but Yun Lin doesn't know her details, so she probably has already prepared in advance.

Counting Hao Ren and Luo Yao need a total of three pieces, so the lack of packaging materials must be a lot worse. It is estimated that during this period of time, the prices of Imperial Capital will be secretly speculated at sky-high prices, and the prices of those treasures will surely rise sharply.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out a copy of the jade slip and scribbled it hastily. After putting it away, he put a ban on it and handed it to the other party: "You find a chance to give this thing to Luo Ziyan, I miss her After seeing it, there must be a decision."

"My emperor is really determined to see today?" Mi Baiji said joyfully with a face.

Yi Tian waved his hand, but shook his head and replied: "We also need to see what Luo Ziyan means."

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