When coming down from the second floor of the'Huitianxia' business, Yi Tian suddenly divine sense slightly moved and noticed that a familiar silhouette appeared at the front entrance, then turned around and turned his face away in the lobby on the ground floor. moved towards elsewhere.

Fortunately, now that I have used the Thousand Faces technique, no one will recognize my face, but for no reason, I feel that some people in the opponent's crowd are passing over him.

The group of people dressed in an elegant cultivator in the government and walked in the third position. He didn't stop and walked to the second floor with this kind of person, but his eyes swept through the crowd and finally locked Yi Tian's back.

After three breaths, his lips moved slightly, but Yi Tian still wandered around as usual, but his attention was still focused on the outside crowds behind. Suddenly a sound transmission sounded in my ears: "After an hour, the top floor of the'Piaoxianju', I will wait for the holy driver."

Nodded Yi Tian reluctantly showed a bitter smile on his face, didn't expect I was so careful to conceal it from everyone, but he was the only empire of the dynasty to feel it. It seems that the Aristocratic Family of these Asura tribes still has some insights.

The appointment of'Piaoxianlou' is imperative, but I also claim to have this opportunity to find Mi Boji to find out the situation in the dynasty before making a decision.

I want to stop and gradually speed up the pace and leave from the side entrance of the'Huitianxia' business, walked to the street and stretched out the map jade slip to check it. This'Piaoxianlou' is located in the east area of ​​the city, at the corner of the intersection of the two streets. It's just that it is marked on the map that there is the gathering place of the Imperial Palace nobles, and Mi Boji's choice to meet here is rather surprising.

If he wants to come, he is not a fool to choose such a meeting place, he must have profound meaning, but after thinking about it, Yi Tian hurriedly moved towards that'Piaoxianlou' after finding the right direction.

After one hour, Yi Tian rushed to the boundary of Dongcheng District and quickly found the agreed restaurant. Just after entering the gate of the hall, two bartenders came forward to stop the way, looked at it and asked respectfully: "I don't know if the senior has an invitation. Please show your invitation before you can enter."

Yi Tian frowned was about to have an attack. Suddenly, his eyes swept across the corridor screen on the front of the store door. The words "Non-Asura cultivator no entry" were clearly written. It turned out that this place should be a special gathering place for Asura nobles. .

It would be unwise if you just rush into it like this. If you think about it, you will open the mouth and said faintly: "I will come to meet with the appointment of the Imperial Imperialist Mi Boji."

The two bartenders looked at it and hurriedly replied: "I would like to ask the adults to do it later, and wait for a small notice to go to our shopkeeper."

"Go back quickly, so as not to delay. "Yi Tian replied expressionlessly.

As soon as the bartender left, he saw a Deity Transformation Early Stage cultivator dressed in a Chinese costume hurriedly walked down from the second floor. After seeing myself, he hurriedly bowed his hands to apologize: "The guest who is unknown to be Master Yushi is negligent. Please follow me to the rear courtyard. Master Mi has already sent a message to me to entertain the guest. He will handle the matter later. Will come."

"Lead the way ahead," Yi Tian finally showed a lighthearted expression on his face at this moment, and then said, he followed the other party towards the backyard corridor.

After passing through the long corridor, Yi Tian was led to a remote elegant garden wing, settled down and waited for a while after the meeting, and realized that someone was moving towards here. Come. After the door was pushed open, Mi Boji walked in with the red light across the whole face, took the door with him and opened the prohibition Formation.

After doing this, he walked forward to not far in front of him. Kneeled down on his knees to pay homage to the ceremony. He said in the mouth: "I never knew that my emperor has already arrived in Holy City, and his minister Mi Baiji was late to pick him up. Hope for atonement."

"Get up, remember that I once said that I don't like such a big gift, and I only need to use the cultivator gift to meet in the future," Yi Tian waved his hand to replied.

After listening to this, Mi Boji slowly stood up and turned and stood aside to wait, Yi Tian felt that the trouble made him sit directly opposite, mainly because sitting and talking to others felt sore in his neck.

After he sat down, Yi Tian said: "I have moved into Yunlin's mansion on the surface now, and normally I am in that secluded cultivation and try to avoid contact with people as much as possible."

"Then I don't know how to notify my emperor if this small official reports something?" Mi Baiji asked.

Yi Tian did not answer directly, but asked on a different topic: "Who's industry is here?"

"This is where the Asura noble market gathers, and the owner behind it It’s Xun King’s Heir, this small official can rent the elegant garden for a long time," Mi Baiji replied: "Does my emperor want to use this place as a private contact point?"

"This idea is indeed true Yes, I also have this intention. Compared with the forces involved in King Xun, other people in the Imperial court will also be scrupulous about three points," Yi Tian said.

"This is a great meeting point. After my emperor comes to Imperial Capital, if you need help from this small official, you only need to leave a jade talisman jade slip here," said Mi Boji. Respectfully took out a token and handed it up and said: "This is the identity token of Piaoxianlou. As long as you show it to the bartender or shopkeeper, you can pass unimpeded."

"This is very good. "He stretched out his hand to take the token and took it in his hand and looked at it, only to find that there was a stamp of King's Heir on it. Later I asked: "Recently, I escorted Asura to teach dísciple to Imperial Capital to participate in the selection. Can you know at this time?"

"This small official only knows that the battallion Asura teaches dísciple is here, and now all Already moved into the candidate area. This matter was originally presided over by Prince Wei, but the important queens Your Majesty and Venerable Lord Yun also secretly joined forces with the same Imperial Family to intercept them in many ways," Mi Baiji replied.

"How did the imperial court show all influence? The selection of Imperial Guard this time will involve interest for them?" Yi Tian asked.

"Prince Wei's line of incumbents naturally hope to consolidate their own strength while constantly eroding others," Mi Baiji analyzed.

"If you want to come to Luo Ziyan, you won't just watch him go crazy, maybe someone has already been found to mess up the situation," Yi Tian's mouth faintly smiled and said.

"My emperor really expected everything, but this small official didn't expect it to be the imperial family clan headed by Princess Fenglin," said Mi Baiji. Here, the face is also showing a deep look of dreading.

"Is it her," Yi Tian raised his eyebrows and felt a little headache when he thought of Princess Fenglin's trip to himself. This group of Imperial Family clan members, relying on Luo Ziyan's nepotism, will surely become a pivotal force in the dynasty.

Now that Luo Ziyan wants to take back the imperial power, it is natural for them to take the initiative to test the reaction of Prince Wei and the others before making a decision. Although it is not a good thing for foreign relatives to do politics, it is a great coup to use here.

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