After being hit by the Integration Stage cultivator Lu Xiao, Yi Tian definitely survived intact, which in itself represents extraordinary strength. When his gaze is locked on the idiot, he can obviously feel the fear in his heart, which is gradually displayed from head to toe.

I saw that Xingzhi's face was full of strange expressions of surprise and unwillingness at this time, and the gaze looking towards myself became very strange. Yi Tian slowly flew towards him, and then the spiritual pressure fluctuations spread out and directly locked the opponent with divine sense.

After ten breaths, he asked: "How do Fellow Daoist say you are also a Buddhist Sect cultivator. Although you are from the Lesser Stage Sect, you can attack me for no reason, Martial Nephew, I can’t justify it."

"Fellow Daoist, don’t worry, it was because I was eager to get out of the house that made this move," Xingchi argued, "Actually, I can’t do it like this, otherwise the Ghost King’s subordinates will definitely fall into my sorrow. Bad beat."

"Then why did you come to the ghost world? As far as I know, whether the Great Ascension Sect or the Lesser Stage Zonglai ghost world is at best, the ghosts of crossing the ghosts sent them into reincarnation that's all, is It is possible that Fellow Daoist will come here to earn merit?" Yi Tian said with a smile on his face. Earlier, I heard what Liao Zhi said that the monk who is acting idiot is turning up without being invited. During this period of time in the ghost world, he was looking for a solitary soul, unbound ghost purifying, and it didn't look like a super-duty one.

Seeing that he had difficulty in his face and hesitated for a long time, Yi Tian couldn’t answer. Knowing that there was a ghost in his heart, Yi Tian was able to mix the sky thunder eight-tone technique in the voice of speech: "Does Fellow Daoist have a ghost in his mind that he dare not respond to the next question? Or do you want to delay the time waiting for the arrival of the reinforcements? To be honest, even if you have a helper, I can kill you in a flash. Delaying it with you until now is because of the Buddhist Sect's sake."

As soon as I said this, a shivered turned and looked helplessly after opening the mouth and said: "Frankly, I came from the Nether Realm this time, and I am responsible for collecting the Soul Orb for the Ghost Sacrifice."

"Soul Orb? What does this have to do with the Nether Realm. As far as I know, Nether World is a place where foreign races gather, and the cultivation technique of cultivation is also special. Is it possible that they will need soul orbs for cultivation?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's not true," Xingzhi replied: "I have traveled through the Netherworld, and I get along well with the aliens there. It's just that I have a task on hand, and the person who issued the task is the Netherworld. Lord."

"This is interesting. The dignified nether world lord will definitely not post tasks casually, and this matter must have an inevitable connection with the high-rank cultivator. Didn’t you hear about it through your channels? What clues?" Yi Tian looked at the descent behind the road.

"Can Fellow Daoist let me go after I tell what I know?" Xingchi asked hurriedly.

Sure enough, there was a problem, Yi Tian thought that he didn't need to take any beams from the Lesser Stage sect, just stop here today. After that, everyone went their own way, and when they met again, it was a different situation.

Nodded replied: "In this case, as long as you tell what you know, I can consider letting you live."

"Can you take the Buddha's oath," Xingzhi asked Tao.

Seeing that he is so cautious, Yi Tian didn’t verbosely swore his vows in front of him, and saw Xing Chi’s face eased slightly, and then he heard his sound transmission and said: “I’m also hearsay about this matter, then Lord of The Underworld cultivation at the bottom of the Netherworld Abyss definitely does not require soul orbs and the like."

"Then how could this task be received by you," Yi Tian asked rhetorically.

"Fellow Daoist listen to me slowly," Xingzhi motioned and said: "According to the voice exposed from the upper layers of the Netherworld, it seems that Demon Realm Great Saint had come a hundred years ago. This task is in it. It suddenly appeared after I came."

"Demon Realm Great Saint," Yi Tian's face tightened after hearing it, secretly said in one's heart'It shouldn't be Crown Prince Qiu Yu, or something else Great Ascension cultivator. So it seems that it's really Interesting. '

I couldn’t answer even if I asked about the details, Demon Realm Great Saint is not accessible to ordinary cultivator. But there is a little bit of suspicion in Yi Tian's heart. The time when the Demon Realm Great Saint descended on the Nether Realm coincided with the time when he met the master of Ji Ding in One Flower One World.

is it possible that I left the Demon Realm Crown Prince Qiu Yu in Spirit Realm after Xin Mi took it away for no reason, which directly led to the fact that Demon Realm Great Saint went to the Underworld. After thinking about it, I feel a little bit overwhelmed. The difference between the strengths of the two sides is too much. My unintentional failure, It shouldn't be, caused such serious consequences.

Xingzhi saw Yi Tian calmly and did not dare to leave at will, for fear that he would turn his face if he angered the other party. Later, in Yi Tian divine sense, it seemed that there were several spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from the direction Xuanwu escaped.

It was obviously the reinforcements that Monk Xuanwu got from Ghost King's commander, turned around and looked at Xingzhi after Yi Tian waved his hand to signal him to leave quickly. When the latter saw it, he hurriedly thanked him, then turned around and performed the escape technique, and hurried away from the rear.

Later, Yi Tian performed the moving towards the direction of the coming person to greet him, and when he flew thousands of miles away, he saw three black aura moved towards and flew straight towards him.

Not long after they flew to the front, they found that the leader was Liao Zhi, who they had seen before. Behind him were his two assistants, who were also in the Deity Transformation Middle Stage.

After the two parties met, Yi Tian said, "The unknown is under Martial Nephew. Has Xuanwu ever arrived in a safe place?"

"Master Yi does not need to worry too much, Master Xuanwu is the young master. The envoys sent by the Buddha Realm will naturally be entertained. I don't know how many enemies are coming, where are they going now?" Liao Zhi also politely said.

"Monk Xingzhi has already left at this time, as for the ghost repairs of the three Yellow Springs guards, they have also broken two people here," Yi Tian said briefly without being verbose.

But seeing that Liao Zhi's face remained silent after hearing this, his eyes were secretly looking at himself. Yi Tian simply reminded him and asked: "Is there a cultivator named Lu Xiao among the unknown Yellow Springs guards?"

"That is the commander of the Yellow Springs guards, a cultivator in the middle of the fit," Liao Zhi said with a bitter smile: "Is it possible that Master Yi knows him?"

"I have played against Avatar, and my strength is extraordinary," Yi Tian said indifferently.

This statement sounds like a bolt from the blue to Liao Zhi and the others. They are familiar in the ghost world and of course realize the weight of this statement. A little look of shock appeared in the eyes of the three at the same time. Later, Liao Zhi said respectfully: "Master Yi is the expert of Da Lei Yin Temple, who is responsible for guarding the little Master of Xuan Wu. I also admire this very much."

"Sect's orders should do their best, this poor monk is naturally duty-bound, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to sect senior when I go back," Yi Tian replied, at this time, has already fully entered the role, anyway, push the words to the fullest. Lightning on the head of the Zen Temple, forgive them that they will not get to the bottom.

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