After the toss of the Xingzhi monk, Yi Tian finally passed this level in surprise. In fact, I am not afraid of strength at all, but if Xuanwu Little Monk is around, I will refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. My strength will be greatly reduced.

After converging with Liao Zhi and the others, Yi Tian followed to replied the nearest ghost clan residence, where Xuanwu Little Monk had long been waiting.

The next journey was smooth sailing. Liao Zhi and the others were also afraid that Xuan Wu would encounter any unexpected events in the ghost world, so he personally escorted to the gate, wanting to stop these two uncles quickly. Sent away.

So Yi Tian is also happy and leisurely, and someone escorting himself along the way is also happy and leisurely. Seven days later, he accompanied Xuan Wu talking and laughing to the position of the boundary gate.

So far, Yi Tian has truly seen the appearance of the gate, and it turns out that there is an array that resembles the Six Paths circle in a valley. It's just that above the realm wheel, only the labels leading to the Nether Realm, Prison World, Demon Realm, Buddha Realm, and Yin Corpse Realm are lit. As for the upper three realms, it is showing a bleak color.

There are obviously three rune locks that directly lock the channels of the three realms. After Yi Tian looked closely, he felt suspicious, this Six Paths world wheel was very similar to the one he had refined. It's just that the world wheel that's refined by oneself is smaller, that's all, you can rely on Formation to open up the interface channel when driving.

There is a fifty-year old man sitting cross-legged near Formation. There is no spiritual power fluctuation in his body, and his eyes are closed and he looks like a living dead.

Liao Zhi, who took the lead, stepped forward and moved towards the person who bowed and shouted: "Grandpa, the Ghost King guest is going to return to the Buddha world."

The old man He didn't reply but just sat like that, and then the two ghosts behind Liao Zhi also stepped forward to give a salute to him.

As for Xuan Wu, he did not dare to neglect and walked forward to salute: "dísciple Great Lightning Zen Temple Xuan Wu came to repair the Hungry Ghost Path by the edict of the Ghost King. Now he has succeeded, so he will return to the Buddha. Jie farewell today and come to see Liao Yong senior again."

After he left, Yi Tian slowly walked up and moved towards Liao Yong gave a salute, then turned around and followed Black Tortoise to prepare. Leave.

Suddenly, a deep voice rang out again: "Why doesn't this little friend dare to show his true colors?"

As soon as the words came out, the people who walked in front were all surprised. They turned around and stared at Yi Tian, ​​and then turned their eyes to Liao Yong who was sitting in front of the formation.

I saw this person slowly stand up and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body have not leaked at all, but there is an indescribable freehand feeling between gestures, as if they are integrated with the world.

Seeing this, Yi Tian showed a bitter smile on his face. With the cultivation base, he can conceal Liao Zhi and the others by using the Thousand Faces Art by himself, but naturally there is nothing to hide in front of the Integration Stage cultivator, now Reached out his hand to his face and showed his true face.

When Liao Zhi and the others saw it, it was natural that there was some doubt on his face and asked tentatively: "Fellow Daoist Yi, is this your true form?"

Yi Tian Both hands moved towards Liao Zhi and said: "This time it is also forced by the situation to pretend to be Kutoutuo, and I am afraid that Liao Fellow Daoist will misunderstand."

Xuan Wu on the side said with a smile. "Yi Martial Uncle finally showed its true shape. My teacher once told me that Yi Martial Uncle was originally a spiritual cultivator, but I was destined to Buddhist Sect and I was taught by Sect Founder to learn my great lightning and Zen temple cultivation technique, which can be regarded as me. A person of the Master generation."

"Does Martial Nephew see through my thousand faces?" Yi Tian was taken aback, surprised by Black Tortoise's performance.

I only heard him slowly say: "I am a fated person at the Absolute Art Temple of the Zen Temple. This is the ancestral motto for thousands of years. Like me, the dísciple is like nothing. The opportunity is also impossible to get a glimpse of the true meaning."

Later, Liao Yong also looked at his face with a puzzled look, and then sound transmission asked: "I think the little friend bears the Taoist and Buddhist family Absolute Art, it should be not simple, but how did you come to my ghost world? In my memory, you didn't pass through my door to this world."

Knowing that I can't hide it, Yi Tian is thinking about countermeasures quickly in his heart, obviously it is not easy for him to pass the blunder in front of Liao Zhi.

But if you can't give a reasonable explanation at this time, you will definitely be unable to leave the ghost world. After thinking about it, the sound transmission replied: "frankly Junior came to this world after breaking out of the Secret Realm, a virtual space in Spirit Realm."

Come, isn't the virtual space you are in made of Immortal World fragments?" After listening, Liao Yong's eyes clearly showed a gleam.

Inwardly shouted bad in his heart. Yi Tian felt that the other party's intentions but he had no way to deal with it. Suddenly, the seal in the Niwan Palace revealed a faint Purple Qi attached to Nascent Soul. In an instant, the colorful Nascent Soul's body became dim and dull, as if it had become an ordinary appearance.

After that, I only felt that there was a divine sense. I swept Yi Tian and knew that it was Liao Yong who was investigating his own details in secret, but the seal had already covered himself. Yi Tian sound transmission replied: "Junior doesn't know if it is a fragment of Immortal World, but found a Spirit Fruit in the Secret Realm, which is more special."

When the fruit's jade box comes, gently lift the seal of the talisman, then open the lid and show it to the other party.

The fragrance from the opened jade box attracted all around the owner's eyes. Although they don't know what happened, seeing Yi Tian's actions must have profound meaning, and naturally they dare not ask anything more.

As for Liao Yong, he did not show much joy after looking at his face, and then opened the mouth and said faintly: "It would be a pity for two thousand years of Runying Fruit, if you wait for thousands of years When he gives birth to spirituality, he can still enter the eyes of my Dharma."

Didn't expect the other person's gaze can tell the origin of this thing with just a glance, and it is true that his age is said to be exactly the same. . Yi Tian secretly said in one's heart, it's so risky, but fortunately, if you take out a rare item, it's really difficult to get through.

Just listen to Liao Zhi continuing: "You were forcibly excluded from Celestial Grotto in Langhuan. No wonder you came to this world unintentionally. Well, since there are young friends from Xuanwu who do it for you It's not difficult for me to protect you. You can set off quickly and return to the Buddhist realm."

After speaking, Liao Zhi sat down again and closed his eyes and entered the state of concentration.

So Yi Tian covered the jade box, sealed the seal, and put away the Runying Fruit, and then followed Xuanwu and the others to the center of the world gate.

Liao Zhi and the others presided over the opening of the realm gate, after the spiritual power was injected into the Six Paths realm wheel, the side that marked the Buddha realm moved towards in the sky white light, ten breaths A three-foot-sized interface channel appeared in the back air.

Xuan Wu took out a jade talisman and held it in his hand and poured it into mana with all his strength, and later formed a white mask all around her body. I saw him leaping deep into the passage with his feet kicked. Yi Tian also followed closely from behind. Although he did not have a gate talisman in his hand, only relying on his own super defensive power and protective shield to resist the storm force in the interface channel.

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