The monk Xingchi took two ghost repairs to separate and outflank Yi Tian within a radius of five hundred miles, and then the encircling circle gradually narrowed and he surrounded him after a while. .

Yi Tian didn't waste energy at all and stayed in place to wait for the three people to arrive, but in his hand he took out the Taiyuan sword and the colored glaze Buddha beads and set up a sacrifice.

Not long after seeing Xing Chi Fei came up to look at it, and then shouted loudly: "It’s your Tuo who has turned against the Buddha three times and four times. When I clean up, you will go and clean up Xuanwu Little. Monk."

"Why is it like that, Fellow Daoist, you colluded with Yellow Springs guards to rob and kill the VIP guest of the Ghost King halfway, if the people under the Ghost King know that you will not be able to get out of this world," Yi Tian replied coldly.

It happened that two ghosts came up from the back. After hearing this, the fat ghost on the right opened the mouth and said: "You foreign cultivator don't know the rules of ghosts, Although the Ghost King is powerful, he never asks about wasteland. As long as you are in the wasteland, you can’t get the protection of the Ghost King."

Xingzhi was shaking his face and said without thinking: "And What is he talking about, do it." After speaking, he took out a sword to sacrifice and waved several golden blade glow moved towards Yi Tian.

The two behind them are also offering their own Spiritual Artifacts from the side to wait for an opportunity to attack, attacking Yi Tian's back.

Facing the three people teaming up with Yi Tian, ​​it was just a faint laughed. After taking out the dragon scales shield, he set up to protect the whole body. The idiotic blade glow was directly bounced off the shield. As for the spells of the other two people, they couldn't pose any threat to themselves.

In the fragments of Immortal World, Yaoxiang even beheaded the early-stage cultivator, the scoring god, how he would care about the siege of the three Deity Transformation Middle Stage cultivators in front of him.

Taking advantage of their round of attack, Yi Tian and the glazed beads that had been condensed in his hands long ago moved towards the fat ghost Xiu behind him, greeted him, and a colorful glow directly covered it. He has space for action. Then the rain of swords all over the sky hit him into a sieve in an instant. Yi Tian also made a ruthless hand this time and strived for a successful battle, so a large amount of golden light Buddha power was mixed into the sword silk.

In a single blow, Yin Qi, who was actually decadent, was cleansed by Buddha, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations of the whole body dropped directly from the Divine Transformation Stage to the Ghost Infant Stage. The original solid body became gradually blurred at this time, and the imposing manner on the body with a strange cry from the ghost Xiu's mouth fell to the appearance of the ghost pill stage.

After three breaths, this chubby Ghost Xiu hurriedly turned around and ran away. His appearance was also very funny. Yi Tian didn't chase after his gaze passed. He swept his gaze over the remaining two people and saw Xing Chi's gaze flickered a few times. It was obvious that he also had a retreat in his heart.

On the contrary, the eyes of the other Ghost Xiu became extremely dark, and then he exuded an extremely powerful aura.

Standing in the distance, Yi Tian also felt a chill rising from behind at this time. The spiritual pressure fluctuations of such an intensity had only been experienced by Huotian or the green robe boss.

There is no doubt that this is the breath of the Integration Stage cultivator, but it has a profound meaning in the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator. After looking at it, Yi Tian also didn't dare to take out the bowl to protect himself, and took the colored glaze Buddha beads back in front of him.

After a while, I just listened to the ghost Xiu opening his mouth and saying: "This seat, Lu Xiao, you are so brave as a junior dare to destroy my dísciple."

"It turned out to be a fight. The small ones, the old ones can’t see," Yi Tian corner of mouth twitching can’t be good until this time. It can be visually observed that this integration stage cultivator, which claims to be Lu Xiao, should be the method of using External Body Incarnation, occupying the Divine in front of you. Transformation Stage Ghost repair can only perform one move behind the body.

But even the magnitude of this move formidable power must be beyond one's imagination. So far, Yi Tian didn't dare to carelessly slowly move the cultivation technique of Dahijin Sutra in his body.

Then he said neither overbearing nor overbearing: "Junior is the guardian Martial Nephew who came to the ghost world to repair the Hungry Ghost Path. During the period, he had no intention of being an enemy of the guards of Yellow Springs. I am afraid there is still some misunderstanding."

"Since it is the Ghost King's request, it is the opponent of my Yellow Springs guard. I don't think you are a person in charge. It will not help to kill you," Lu Xiao listened to it and continued. "But you shouldn’t ruin my dísciple body, or as long as you can receive my move, just let you go."

"Senior said lightly, I'm afraid you are reincarnated in someone else's body. There is only one move for art," Yi Tian said with a bitter smile: "If this is the case, why bother to talk nonsense, presumably senior is a person who believes in words. After one move, he will not intervene in this matter anyway."

"That's natural," Lu Xiao's eyes became extremely dark after he said, and then the spiritual power on the ghost cultivator suddenly rose to the peak of the Divided Spirit Stage. Reached out and swept the gray Yin Qi in front of him. After three breaths, he gathered into a half-foot-sized fist and flew straight towards Yi Tian.

Faced with such a powerful spell Yi Tian, ​​I felt that all around spiritual power was quickly extracted under the pressure of that fist, and all gathered at one point to form the pressure of destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

Yi Tian trembled in the center of his eyes, this is the method of the Integration Stage cultivator. Not only can you mobilize World's Essence Qi, but you can also deprive you of all the Spiritual Qi you want to extract. In this way, you can't use external force if you want to resist this move.

Fortunately, this Lu Xiao is not the main body so far, the tricks in front of him are at most 30 to 50% of the original formidable power that's all. But even this is enough to drink a pot on his own. After reaching out his hand to sacrifice the dragon scales shield, he silently lifts the Buddhist Sect body technique. Fortunately, there is a divine ability spell in the Dahijin Sutra called Liuli Zhenshen, and this technique is not easy to cultivation. Fortunately, I have not been slack in these years. Although the Buddhist cultivation is not eager to understand the profound understanding, these Buddhist Sect mysteries are very consistent.

The gray fist slammed into the dragon scales shield with a sound of'bang', and smashed a one-foot-sized dimple on it. Then the remaining fist strength pushed the shield alive to directly press on Yi Tian's body, and the person and shield were directly fiercely smashed onto the ground below.

Suddenly a thirty zhang depression area appeared in the ground centered on Yi Tian, ​​and the remaining fist strength spread out along the pit to become a spider-web-like crack.

After ten breaths, the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure of the fist strength can be considered as dissipated. Standing in the air, the face of the idiot is overjoyed, but after three breaths, the divine sense sweeps through the depths of the pit but again It became very exciting.

I saw a golden light flashing out of the collapsed pit, and then a silhouette flew out of it and appeared directly in front of him.

At this time, Yi Tian seemed to be embarrassed, but there was no sign of disorder at all. After flying into the air, he looked at the descendant and turned his gaze to the distant Lu Xiao Avatar and said: "The senior has extraordinary strength. Junior admires him, and if he waits for Junior to become famous, he will come to visit him personally."

Lu Xiao's eyes showed unwillingness, but the spiritual power of Avatar has long been overdrawn and absolutely no means can be used. . At this time, he had to show a look of unwillingness, and was about to respond with a few words, suddenly his body began to collapse directly.

The condensed body of Spirit Transformation cultivator naturally cannot withstand the possession of a fit cultivator. Yi Tian is finally set in his heart, turning around and saying, "Fellow Daoist, it's your turn."

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