After agreeing to Chen Haoran’s request, Yi Tian replied and went in the process of continuing to study, but this time Bo Siyang stayed behind as a place, and started to follow directly. Learn Dao of Array by yourself.

As for the other place, Chen Haoran's other discipline was reserved. Although he was still guarding the Seven Star Spirit Gathering Array, Chen Haoran also directly reserved a place.

Yi Tian is not long-winded anyway. During this period, what he has to do is to first understand the structure and operation of the sky survey ship, and then design a set of the most suitable Defensive Array according to local conditions. Come.

Time flies by, Yi Tian stayed in the Refiner Master Alliance for half a year, and later when the warship began to be built, he moved directly to the airport of Sunset City.

On one side of this airport is the existing "Lakaxia", and the new ship to be designed is named "Asaka". According to the requirements, the tonnage and volume are slightly higher than the original one. About 10% out.

The construction of the sky survey ship is not a trivial matter. Although the project was undertaken by the Refiner Master Alliance, at least 70% of the people who came to fight in the entire airport were from the City Lord Mansion. Even Yi Tian saw that Hong Fei, who was in charge of public security in the city, had come several times, and after that, the team members took turns to maintain vigilance.

The construction of the entire battleship did not happen overnight. This time Yi Tian proposed to engrave the formation between the guards on the keel of the battleship. In this way, relying on the strength of the keel, the formidable power of the battleship can be increased. Strengthen as much as 50%.

Subsequently, a composite Defensive Great Array was placed. When the sky survey ship was built to a certain level, the Defensive Array was inscribed on it. The Defensive Array on the entire warship is not considered complete until the final completion.

But the good intentions were rewarded accordingly. Five years later, when Chen Haoran was driving a new warship out for a trial voyage, everyone involved in the design was also seated in the cabin.

Yi Tian watched from the main control room as Pei Yuexiao controlled the warship to sail rapidly in the air for a period of time, and it was only three days later that he had reached the destination. The first test is speed. I guessed that I can almost reach it even if I fly at full speed. The advantage of the sky survey ship is that it has strong endurance. If I fly like this for more than ten days, I am afraid that I will be affected by the lack of spiritual power. speed.

As long as the warship has sufficient energy supplies, it can maintain such a stable condition for a long time. The second item is the defensive power test, and the test subject is naturally Elder Chen Haoran himself.

After everyone flew out of the cabin, Pei Yuexiao directly controlled to open all the Defensive Array. At this time, only a thin layer of light film was faintly revealed on the entire warship of more than a hundred meters long in the distance. Come.

When Chen Haoran saw that it was only frowned, it seemed that he was a little different from what he had imagined, and turned around and asked: "Fellow Daoist Yi, can your Defensive Array withstand the old man's full shot?"

"Old Chen knows after a try, let's wait and see," Yi Tian still replied indifferently.

Later, I saw Chen Haoran put his hands together and took out, the red firelight moved towards Zhaoxia, and the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator's spell power Yi Tian could fully feel when he stood outside the thirty zhang To. The imposing manner is twice as strong as when he makes a full shot, but the red light is directly absorbed by the defensive film after it is concentrated on the front.

The battleship didn’t seem to shake for a while, and then Chen Haoran seeing others do what one loves to do, one is inspired to try it again. He kept attacking for a quarter of an hour without stopping. The spell was either bounced off or absorbed. In the end, the ship’s defenses were not broken.

So far, the experiment can be regarded as an end. Afterwards, the Asaka has endured the hardships of a long journey back to Sunset City. At this point, the mission of the Refiner Master Alliance is considered to be Perfection's completion, and Yi Tian can also leave afterwards.

In the past few years, bringing Bo Siyang and the others around is also teaching them some Dao of Array. In the same way, Chen Haoran still gave a generous gift in the end. In addition to two thousand merit points, there are a large number of Spirit Stones and treasures as compensation.

Now Yi Tian clicked on the materials on hand, and the materials for the Deity Transformation Late Stage to the Divided Spirit Stage are basically available.

After leaving the Refiner Master alliance, Yi Tian is not in a hurry to go home. The changes in Sunset City in the past few years have also taken this opportunity to take advantage of this rare opportunity and just to be interested in walking around the city and collecting treasures. material.

When it comes to buying and selling rare materials, you still have to go to two big shops in the city. Of course, Hong Family is a regular customer. Every time I went to buy something, I was given a lot of discounts, and some of them were basically sold directly to themselves at the cost price. If things go on like this, then I will make myself a bit sorry.

Now Yi Tian is reluctant to go to Jubaolou, and it is not a thing to always be favored by others. Immediately he turned and moved towards Heavenspan Pavilion and walked away. The things that I wanted to come there were not bad, and I wanted to be worthy of those Spirit Stones.

The point is that there are also some Earth Grade treasures in the Heavenspan Pavilion. Back then, Ji Wen decided not to sell because of his lack of background. Now I can manage to breathe this out.

If I wanted to stop, I just moved towards Heavenspan Pavilion. After one hour, I found that the buddies outside the door had changed. It is estimated that after a hundred years, the life essence of these original people will be almost consumed.

When I came to the store, it was received directly by the three shopkeepers. After asking, I realized that today there happened to be an auction in the city. But everyone with some wealth goes there to beat the autumn wind. As for this auction, there is no distinction between high and low levels. From the Foundation Establishment Stage to the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator, they all bid in the same venue.

Yi Tian is quite doubtful about this. In previous years, the auction was separated to prevent the high-rank cultivator from overwhelming people and causing adverse effects. But this time it was mixed up. Could the City Lord Mansion really suppress the scene?

After telling the question one after another, the Heavenspan Gesan shopkeeper smiled and replied: "The senior does not know something. This auction is the first time the new inspector general took office. There was also news from City Lord Mansion that this auction also represents the new image of Sunset City. To expand the influence, the two games were combined into one."

This is not Hongshanhe. Do you want the stability and prosperity that you want to show? It is also an opportunity to examine the ability of the new inspector general. Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt a little moved in his heart, how could such a grand event be missed. If he wanted to, he would just leave the Heavenspan Pavilion and head straight to the auction house in the city.

I saw the vast crowd here before I came to the auction, and there was a long queue outside the venue. Yi Tian doesn't go in line like they did, and under the divine sense sweep, he found that Mi Jun led the team at a place outside the gate to maintain the order. Then he quietly touched the past and informed him about the sound transmission privately.

The latter was also happy after hearing this, and then took out the quick token and handed it over to his subordinates. So Yi Tian took his light and went directly to the elegant room box on the third floor.

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