After taking a rubbing copy of the Sky Survey Warship from the Refiner Master Alliance, Yi Tian took it directly to the elegant room of the Library Building and read it directly. Anyway, for this matter, Chen Haoran also left a way out and directly vacated the best rooms for three people.

Yi Tian is also polite and glances at the elegant room, the inside is not about three feet square. There is a round table in the middle and four chairs beside it. Then he turned around and closed the door, then walked forward and sat down in the middle seat, took out the jade slips that he had just received, and began to study slowly.

Although the task this time is to arrange the Formation, I am not in a hurry to understand the structure of the sky survey ship. Instead, after sitting down, he took out the general history of Spirit Realm continent's refining tools and took a look at it slowly.

Turning over the first few pages, it is recorded that the origin of the Refiner Master alliance, and the thing that started it turned out that the predecessor of the Refiner Master alliance was composed of a batch of Refiner Masters split from the Lihuo Palace. group.

Yi Tian complexion sank putting it that way has something to do with himself. But these people came out of the Lihuo Palace, so why haven't they been chased by sect. Logically speaking, how could the Lihuo Palace Lord, who had acted like this in the past, let him go.

After carefully checking the time when the Refiner Master Alliance was officially established, Yi Tian came across. About nine thousand five hundred years ago, this group of refiners withdrew from the Lihuo Palace. Back then, it was estimated that Wuye Sect Founder happened to split into two people who couldn't get along.

Waiting for the two Old Ancestors to decide the victory or defeat is already a thousand years later. At that time, the Refiner Master Alliance had already established a firm foothold in Spirit Realm, and they were able to maintain their freedom from blame. result.

Seeing here, I am not very optimistic about the challenge of the Refiner Master Alliance from the Fire Palace. It was originally the lineage branched out from the Lihuo Palace. Although it is a self-contained group outside, I don't know how much it has been learned.

Thinking that Pei Yuexiao and Sun Kai have to challenge Ji Xingzhu, who is leaving the Fire Palace, he is not very optimistic about this in his heart.

Then I continued to look down, and the following records made my eyes shine. It turns out that the Refiner Master Alliance knows that the skill is difficult to compare with the sect lineage, so it has found a different way to start from other places. Over the past eight thousand years, we have continuously maintained exchanges and cooperation from several other interfaces, absorbing many unique Spiritual Artifacts and refining methods from the outside world.

Unceremoniously, Trigram Fire Sect specializes in several aspects, while the Refiner Master alliance involves a wider range. Sometimes precision may not be effective, but extensive monitoring can give unexpected results.

Just as the original prototype of this sky survey ship was the flagship Demon Venerable that was left in Spirit Realm after the invasion of Demon Realm last time. It's a pity that the warship had been beaten to pieces that year. The ancestors of the Refiner Master Alliance also traveled thousands of years to find some wreckage and got inspiration from it before drawing the blueprint of the sky survey warship.

Previously, the building skills of such large warships were controlled by Three Great Sects. It was the existence of the Refiner Master alliance that allowed those small and medium forces to gradually build their warships.

Finally, because of the endless levels and difficulty to manage, Three Great Sects had to lay down rules so that each sect and Earth Grade city could only retain one medium-sized warship or three small warships.

Seeing here, Yi Tian realized that the target of the protective Formation he wanted to design this time was just a small one. Then what is the assault boat in my hand, compared to the sky survey warship in Sunset City, it is almost like a small sampan.

Thinking that there was a look of helplessness on his face, he immediately took out the jade slip of the sky survey ship next to him and looked at it carefully. The blunt is also described in the middle. If you want to see a warship, you must first find appropriate materials to make the warship's keel. These materials are usually made of High Rank Monster Beast spine mixed with Black Iron Essence and Hundred Refinements steel to make the frame.

Although Black Iron Essence and Hundred Refinements steel can only be counted as human-level elementary materials, they can't support the huge amount, and a ship can't weigh more than a hundred thousand catties.

I was thinking that suddenly there was movement from the entrance guard, divine sense quietly stretched out to find out that it turned out that Chen Haoran was standing outside the door with Bai Siyang.

Yi Tian hurriedly opened the restriction and then hurriedly stepped forward to open the door. Chen Haoran looked at herself with a smile on her face and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi just happens to be empty, old man, don't you bother?"

It seems that he must have something to say. Yi Tian corner of mouth twitching stretched out his hand sideways and made a gesture of invitation: "It is rare that Elder Chen is so interested, please go inside and discuss it in detail."

Chen Haoran turned his eyes to Bo Siyang behind him, Yi Tian knowingly continued: "Bo Fellow Daoist also come in."

After ten breaths, the restriction of the three people entering the inner elegant room was renewed. Open it and enter the room Yi Tian and Chen Haoran sit down directly, while Bai Siyang stands behind Chen Haoran and waits.

Shao Qing saw Chen Haoran speak: "I haven't thanked Fellow Daoist Yi for the formation last time."

"I asked Yi Tian not to be Elder Chen. Thank you personally, it's really a brat," Yi Tian hurriedly replied humbly. Although he did his best, he didn't dare to face Chen Haoran. After all, the other party was a Divided Spirit Stage cultivator.

Who knows that Chen Haoran waved his hand and replied: "I thank not only the formation, but Fellow Daoist Yi's one-time refine for me, which trained 30 apprentices who are new to Formation."

It turned out to be this matter, Yi Tian also suppressed a smile on his face after listening. At first, he wanted to be lazy, so he sent someone to work. But if you look at what Bo Siyang looks like, it is estimated that this guy has sorted out all the sets he taught, and thinks that he has made a lot of achievements.

I just looked at Chen Haoran’s appearance but didn’t know what his thoughts were. Then he asked tentatively: "I think Elder Chen is not just trying to thank you this time. I don’t know what to send, as long as I Don’t refuse if you can do it."

Chen Haoran frowned, and then bluntly said: "Most of the famous Array Masters in Spirit Realm have been gathered by Three Great Sects. My Refiner Master alliance is in Talents are scarce in this area."

Yi Tian frowned interrupted: "But now I have been recommended by the City Lord Hong, and I will go to Taiqing Pavilion to participate in the Inner Sect selection soon. If I want to switch to Refiner It seems unrealistic under the command of the Master Alliance, and it has failed Hong City Lord’s good intentions. I am afraid it will be hard for me."

Chen Haoran hurriedly explained: "Fellow Daoist Yi misunderstood, and I will never delay. Your future."

"What does Elder Chen mean?"

Chen Haoran pointed his finger at Bai Siyang behind him and said: "Please Fellow Daoist Yi here for the past few years When working together, I can bring down several dísciples under my sect. After seven or eight years of arrangement of the Seven-Star Spirit Gathering Array, they have already got a glimpse of the threshold. As long as there is a famous teacher, they can quickly get on track."

Yi Tian lowered his head and thought for a while, then took out a jade slip and carved it on the spot, then gently handed it over and said: "This is the first solution of the formation, and I can be responsible during this period of the Refiner Master alliance. Bring two apprentices. During this time, they can follow me to see how I complete the design of the sky survey ship. This is the best I can do."

Chen Haoran is hearing this face with silk Xi Se agreed on the spot: "So many thanks."

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