Supporting Mijun’s relationship, Yi Tian easily enjoyed the VIP treatment. Even the Spirit Transformation cultivator can only sit on the high- on the second floor without a reservation. Rank cultivator rest area to participate in auction.

On the third floor, there are VIP private rooms. Although my box is only in an unremarkable corner at this time, it is more comfortable than those cultivators on the second floor.

Moreover, there are anti-peeping devices and sound-changing devices here, even if you want to play tricks during the auction, you will not be recognized.

Sitting in front of the window sill and sneaking out the divine sense, you can see the crowds in the hall below at this time. The cultivator cultivation bases present here are not uniform, from Foundation Establishment to Nascent Soul.

Yi Tian is curious to see if there will be a situation where high-rank cultivator will overwhelm others when bidding. When Divine Sense swept to the second floor, I found that there were about 20 or 30 cultivators sitting in it. Most of these people’s cultivation base was similar to their own. Some of them are still cultivators wearing sect costumes. I want to come to Hong Shanhe this time and I want to expand my influence, so I asked the cultivator from Taiqing Pavilion to join in.

Sitting in the box and waiting for nearly an hour, I heard a sound coming from the hall below. After three gongs and drums were struck, a middle-aged Auctioneer with a 50-year-old appearance walked onto the garden stage, then cleared his throat, opened the mouth and said, "My Hong Family is the host of Sunset City this year. Announcing that the auction has officially started, please don't be impatient and wait for the auction items to come on stage."

The noise in the venue gradually subsided, and suddenly there was a full-faced loose cultivator Nascent Soul Cultivator station. He got up and asked: "I don't know whether this public auction can put an end to the situation of overwhelming people, but we came to Hong City Lord's fair auction slogan."

During all around, many people bowed their heads and began to whisper, it seems that they are also very concerned about this problem. Sitting in the box, Yi Tian took the propaganda brochure on the table and looked at it. Wherever he looked, he saw the six words "open, fair, and just" written by Hong Shanhe himself. corner of mouth twitching secretly said in one's heart: "It seems that Hong Shanhe will definitely not miss any opportunity to build momentum for Sunset City. This auction will definitely have someone from the inspection department come forward to preside over the order."

Sure enough, I saw Hong Fei walking to the front desk with two patrol officers later, and then shouted sternly: "This Sunset City auction will surely satisfy all parties, and everyone sitting here can rest assured to make bids. I would like to represent The inspection department guarantees that the auction process will be handled impartially. If there is a high-rank cultivator who dares to suppress others, the inspection department will directly ask him out of the auction."

Hong Fei after the voice fell. The sharp gaze in the eyes then glanced over the Spirit Transformation cultivator rest area on the second floor and the boxes on the third floor, and the intention was also self-evident.

With the endorsement of Director Sihong, the many territorial cultivators sitting in the lobby on the ground floor also showed a relieved smile.

After that, Hongshou opened the mouth and said again: "Okay, I won’t waste everyone’s time. Please take today’s first auction item, suitable for the Foundation Establishment cultivator. Attacking a Spiritual Artifact."

As the voice fell, today's auction was officially started. Yi Tian looked at the auction catalog in the room and suddenly lost interest. Nearly three-quarters of the items in it are used by low-level cultivators, and the Divine Transformation Stage auctions are also full of fifty, but the majority of them are still finished Spiritual Artifacts and medicine pills.

After sweeping his gaze, Yi Tian's complexion suddenly froze, staring at Xingyao meteorite iron and lava magic crystal wherever his eyes are, and seeing these two distinct things in a trance.

After a while, I paused and lowered my head to ponder. If I didn't know the structural diagram of the sky survey ship, I would disdain these two distinct things. Because these two samples are not necessary materials for refining Spiritual Artifact.

But in the chronicle of the Refiner Master Alliance, I have seen the precedents of using shell cones and firestorms to deal with sky survey ships.

Of course, these all are the methods used in the Human Race counterattack at the end of the disaster, but now the two main ingredients for making shell cones and firestorms appear at the same time.

Moreover, this auction is too coincidental. If you want to send a message directly to Mi Jun and ask him to come and talk in detail.

After a while, several knocks came from outside the door of the room. After Yi Tian opened the door, he saw two silhouettes standing outside the door, and the other was Hong Fei.

After the two of them came in and took their seats, Yi Tian closed the door and reached out to open a layer of sound-proof Formation before opening the mouth and said: "The two came just right. I found that there seemed to be some problems with the auction item. "

Hong Fei raised his brows and said with a tight expression: "Brother Yi, you have noticed something is wrong."

After spreading the catalog on the table, he stretched out his finger to star down. Yao Fei and Lava Magic Crystal said with profound meaning: "How did these two things get mixed into the auction items?"

Hong Fei glanced over his face and said suspiciously: "These two items Those little Chamber of Commerce came out to cheer, why is there something wrong with this thing?"

Yi Tian complexion sank nodded, took out a jade slip and spread out the paragraphs about the broken shell cone The description of Heyanbaolei pointed to the next sentence: "The main materials of these two Spiritual Artifacts have appeared. I think things will definitely not be as simple as they seem on the surface."

Hong Fei I quickly scanned the contents of the jade slip, the smile on his face gradually converged, and his eyes flashed as if thinking about something. After a while, he raised his head and asked: "How long does it take to make this thing, Brother Yi, and how much formidable power can it reach?"

"The shell-breaking cone is specially used to attack the outer layer of the sky survey ship. The escort, easy to use, only needs to be controlled by the Nascent Soul Cultivator. For a small sky survey ship, as long as there are about ten weak links on both sides of the hull, the hull defense can be destroyed," Yi Tian estimated that it was replied.

"What about fire and thunder, can formidable power reach geometry?" Hong Fei complexion sank asked.

"It depends on the skill of the producer. Usually, only two of the ten shell-breaking cones can break through the defense, and once the thunderstorm carried on its body is detonated, the entire sky survey ship can be completely detonated. Paralyzed," Yi Tian replied.

The room fell into peace for a while, Hong Fei's face was full of anger, and there was an uneasy factor in his in front of one's eyes, which made his face nowhere to rest.

Yi Tian asked with a hint: "Can you replace these two distinct things, even if it is one?"

Hong Fei's expression was sighed. Mi Jun on one side opened the mouth and said: "This time Hong City Lord finally pulled up Sunset City. Many merchants participated together and the bidding was decided early in the morning. If the change is made at this time, I am afraid that everyone will be disappointed. "

"Then think of a way to take pictures," Yi Tian proposed.

"No, just let them shoot. I want to see how deep these rats are hiding in the ground, so I use these two treasures as bait to hook them. Many thanks, Brother Yi As a reminder, for the next thing, I will figure out a way. If I dare to play tricks in Sunset City, I am thinking about how to catch these people all at once," Hong Fei said angrily.

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