Lucius sent the materials Tiera asked for this weekend.

Although some materials are a little short, it does not prevent Tiera from using——

Because the second wave of materials that Tiera asked Lucius for was based on ten parts of each type, so even if some materials were short or short, it would not hinder the refining of Tiera's related ritual items—

But Tiera, as usual, reprimanded Draco Malfoy to the face, and ordered Lucius Malfoy to send over the missing materials before Christmas.

Since Christmas is approaching, Tiera has to start preparing gifts again——

This time Tiera prepared a pair of wool gloves for Dumbledore—

Prepared a catnip ball for Professor McGonagall——

Madam Pomfrey is a bucket of 84 disinfectant—

Other teachers or students, Tiera, have prepared some, most of which are not valuable—

But only the Christmas present for the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher needs to be specially refined by Tiera——

An amulet with a red background and a gold edge—

It was made into the shape of a brooch of the other side by Tierra, and it looked great on the chest, especially in line with Gilderoy Lockhart's aesthetic——

And inside, this is an amulet that Tiera refined based on the "Seal of Veen" in the Necronomicon—

An "Old Seal" was secretly engraved inside the amulet, and the magical configuration of the first three layers of spiritual walls surrounding the old seal—

This is a one-time amulet, and Tiera's hands are the switch spells for 30% of the spiritual fence outside.

When the outer three-layer spiritual wall is activated, it can protect Gilderoy Lockhart's soul for twenty-four hours until it is broken by some powerful force.

When the three-layer spiritual wall automatically dissipates or is forcibly broken, the amulet will automatically activate the seal of the old **** inside——

Even if Gilderoy Lockhart's summoning ceremony really went wrong, relying on the seal of the old **** inside the amulet should be enough to deal with the outer god——

Human beings are to Outer Gods, just like paragraphs of text are to viewers——

The viewer doesn't have any likes or dislikes for the text that is suddenly pushed to his eyes, but the text that faces the viewer will collapse due to cognitive contradictions——

The "time" blessing of the great Yith race is similar to a correction procedure--

The spiritual wall constructed by Harris' Pharmacy is equivalent to constructing a layer of virtual mobile phone screen outside the text, which not only provides protection for themselves but also pulls the things they cannot understand to the same level as themselves——

And the seal of the old **** is equivalent to the underlying data of the flashback program. When the outer **** is interested in the small world in which the human beings in contact with him live, the flashback program will start——

To prevent further human contact with the Outer Gods.

The most difficult part of the whole amulet is the construction of the seal of the old god, and Tiera has been learning its huge and complex magic configuration since last Christmas.

It was not until the "Parasite" was successfully refined that Tiera began to refine the "Mark of Wien".

Now that the old seal inside has been basically refined, Tiera used a precious phoenix tail feather from Lucius—

The remaining part of the spiritual wall has been constructed with two layers of walls, using the scales that Tiera broke off from Slytherin to ensure maximum magic power.

If the plan goes well, this "Mark of Veen" that has consumed Tierra's many precious materials can just be used up——

Thinking of this, Tiera's heart suddenly felt a faint pain.

This "Seal of Wayne" is all money!

In the first few refining, because Tiera was not particularly skilled in controlling the three flames of Parasite, a phoenix tail feather was burned.

The chain reaction caused by the burning of the Phoenix's tail feathers destroyed Tierra's nearly 200 Galleons of materials—

If you count the original materials for refining the "Seal of Veen", Tiera has spent nearly 500 gold Galleons.

But the only good news is that Tom Riddle hooked up with Gilderoy Lockhart—

There was no need for Tierra to lead the conversation. Gilderoy Lockhart, who had been left out and stared at at Hogwarts, automatically asked Tom Riddle for help.

And Tom Riddle, although he hated Gilderoy Lockhart so much, he was stronger than anyone else, and Tom Riddle had to pinch his nose to recognize it.

Tom Riddell and Gilderoy Lockhart were almost on fire—

Although this description is a bit strange, one is eager to revive, the other is eager for power, and the two people don't even have a few words of regular greetings, so they directly introduce the theme to that ceremony——

But of course Tom Riddle was far from being so kind to help Gilderoy Lockhart resolve the ritual for free, but—

Tom Riddle relied on Gilderoy Lockhart's ignorance, and in the process of teaching Gilderoy Lockhart's ritual, told Tiera about the sacrifice of the original double altar ritual in his Necronomicon The altar and the host altar are exchanged for each other—

This is a rather delicate calculation, and if it wasn't for Tom Riddle, Tiera herself might not have thought of this method at all—

Mix a simple three-line palindrome into the construction of the sacrificial altar, and then connect the host altar with the same palindrome—

In this way, Tom Reed can swap the host and the sacrifice for each other in the unknowing ceremony--

That is to say, Tom Riddle needs Gilderoy Lockhart to recite the prayer. When the prayer reaches the last moment, Tom Riddle can control the palindrome spell and let Gilderoy Lockhart as the host. became the sacrifice, and he became the host—

Tom Riddle is betting that Gilderoy Lockhart is really can't see through his own little hands and feet——

Tom Riddle was right, Gilderoy Lockhart was indeed ignorant, he didn't see the abnormality of the ritual given by Tom Riddle at all—

If Gilderoy Lockhart hadn't used Legilimency to read Tiera's memory—

Or in other words, if Tiera hadn't forcibly instilled Gilderoy Lockhart's memory, then Gilderoy Lockhart might have really been deceived by Tom Riddle and become a stepping stone on Tom's resurrection road.

But Tierra gave Tom Riddle a hand at Gilderoy Lockhart—

According to Tom Riddle's analysis of the ritual of "Summoning Yoggsothoth", Tiera remodeled a new ritual configuration in the original ritual——

It is also a double altar ceremony.

But it's an altar of two hosts, and there are no sacrifices—

In this type of summoning ritual, the higher the dimensional existence of the summoned object, the more important the function of the ritual is—

The role of the ritual is to protect oneself—

Among them, the role of sacrifices is very important——

In the ritual of "Summoning Yogsothoth", the sacrifice was not to please Yogsothoth—

What do you, a three-dimensional creature, do to please others, the Gate of Ten Thousand Doors, the omniscient and almighty, the unification of time and space?

Even the earth we are in is just a speck of dust in front of Yogsothoth.

The real role of the sacrifice is to limit the host himself through the complex double-altar ritual configuration——

How much sacrifice I give, how much power I receive.

If I don't pay the sacrifice—

Then the old man looks at it, and I can stand it.


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