Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 127: Safe Ways to Summon Outer Gods

Gilderoy Lockhart threw away the bricks and squatted beside the fainted Tiera—

Gilderoy first tore off Tiera's outermost wizard's robe, then turned it over—

Just candy, pens, wands, a few pieces of dining room paper, and—

And a piece of raw meat?

"What are these things?" Gilderoy Lockhart threw the pile of debris to the ground and continued to tear apart Tiera's plush waistcoat. At this time, he touched a hard-shelled book—

Gilderoy Lockhart hurriedly tore apart Tiera's shirt again, and took out the "diary" from under Tiera's shirt—

"Haha, finally, finally got it." Gilderoy Lockhart excitedly took the "diary" in his hand.

Gilderoy Lockhart hurriedly put away the notebook, then drew out his wand, and when he was about to cast an oblivion spell on Tiera—

[Should I use Legilimency to read his memory first? 】

A thought broke into Gilderoy Lockhart's mind--

[But my Legilimency rarely succeeds. Now that the time is tight, let's forget it. 】

Gilderoy Lockhart thought--

But at this time, another thought emerged:

[Perhaps everything will be different after you have a magic diary? 】

[Then I'll try it. 】

Gilderoy Lockhart took out the diary again, held it in his left hand, and raised his wand in his right hand—

"Legilimity—" Gilderoy Lockhart chanted the incantation lightly, and then suddenly, a series of images poured into his mind—

Tiera's tragic life in the orphanage——

The joy of receiving the admission letter from Hogwarts——

Happy times at Hogwarts--

When Gilderoy Lockhart was about to lose the patience to watch it any longer, the memory went to Tierra's first-year Christmas——

Tiera receives Tom Riddle's diary.

And then it was Tierra who, with the help of a man named Tom Riddle in the diary, learned how to study magic and how to gain magical abilities far beyond ordinary people under the guidance of the diary step by step—

And, how did Tiera find a book called "Magical Experiments on Muggles and Mudbloods" from the library, and found three human skin papers from the cover of the book——

There is a ritual recorded on it, a ritual that can bestow infinite power on a person—

It's not that Gilderoy Lockhart never thought of enhancing his magical abilities through rituals before, but in the end, whether he presided over them or presided over by a famous ritual master in the magic world, the rituals were of no use—

Therefore, even though Gilderoy Lockhart is not very good at magical rituals, he can still see that——

The ritual in Tiera's mind was different from any ritual he had known before—

[If the ritual I held in the past was just a book for children of wizards, then the ritual in Tiera's mind was a masterpiece like "I Can Magic"! 】——

Gilderoy Lockhart thought so.

The corners of Tiera's mouth twitched while lying on the ground, but in the end she relied on her strong psychological qualities to suppress it.

Gilderoy Lockhart tried his best to remember the ritual in Tiera's mind. He even wanted to find a pen and a piece of paper to draw the structure of the ritual——

But the strange thing is that the ceremony, the three-page ceremony, the altar configuration filled with countless intricate patterns, the tongue-in-cheek prayer, the "Old Seal" used to expel the "God of Wisdom and Magic" "The refining method of magic items and the use of spells——

It was imprinted in Gilderoy Lockhart's mind like a red-hot iron. As long as he recalled a little, the knowledge on those three pages would vividly appear in front of his eyes——

[Am I actually more talented in ritual magic? ’ thought Gilderoy Lockhart.

Tiera's mouth twitched invisibly again.

After getting what he wanted, Gilderoy Lockhart put the diary in his robe with satisfaction, and then raised his wand again, facing Tiera's head—


A white light lit up from the tip of Gilderoy Lockhart's wand and rushed into Tiera's spiritual dimension—

Then he was blocked from the fifth layer of mental fence, and the white light scattered, accurately erasing all the memories of Tom Riddle's notebook in the illusion created by Tiera with Occlumency—

It has to be said that although Gilderoy Lockhart's other magics are as bad as shit, his talent in the oblivion spell is really top-notch.

When the white light bombarded Tiera's fifth-layer spiritual wall just now, Tiera felt a long-lost "touch"——

You must know that since the fifth layer of Tierra's mental wall was successfully constructed and his mental power increased greatly, even Tom Riddle's Legilimency couldn't get past the false memory constructed by Occlumency outside.

Seeing that his forgetting spell had been successfully cast, Lockhart patted his robe and got up and went back to his office.

And Tiera opened her eyes immediately after Gilderoy Lockhart's third floor and touched the back of her head——

"This Gilderoy is really cruel." Tiera touched the blood on her hand, and then rubbed the blood on her torn wool vest—

The blood seeped into the wool vest, the yarns on the vest wriggled around each other, and the broken wool reconnected. Tiera used her blood to activate the biological activity of the wool vest, allowing them to complete self-healing—

After standing up from the ground, Tiera waved her wand, and the debris scattered on the ground flew back into his pocket—

Except for the piece of raw meat, it was the meat of some kind of creature that Raven brought him from outside. He tucked it into his pocket and forgot to take it out last night~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and then Tiera Went into the girls' bathroom again.

Found the traceless extension bag that he had hidden and the Tom Riddle diary that was wrapped in his skin in the water tank—

The real Tom Riddle's diary is still in Tiera's hand, and what Gilderoy Lockhart is holding is just the "heir" disguised as a diary.

Just when Gilderoy Lockhart attacked him, Tiera used the Dark Lord's imprint on the "Heir" this summer, and the "Inheritance"'s own innate magic - "loophole", put Tom All the senses in Riddle's diary are directly connected to the "Heir"——

Now the real Tom Riddle diary is in Tiera's hands, but he will not have any sense of the things around him, no matter what Tiera writes in Tom Riddle's diary, he will not have any sense— —

Because now all of Tom Riddle's cognition is connected to the "heir" by Tiera——

And whatever Gilderoy Lockhart wrote on "The Inheritance" will go directly back to the real Tom Riddle diary.

Gilderoy Lockhart and Tom Riddle are connected in this particular way—

This does not affect the communication between the two, but at the same time it will be monitored by Tiera——

For one thing, protect Gilderoy Lockhart from too many secrets spied on by Tom Riddle's Legionnaire.

Second, monitor the communication between the two, and guide the two to hold that ceremony by modifying some inconspicuous details—

Lead them to summon Yoggsothoth.

After all, in this world, there is a 100% way to summon an Outer God without going crazy—

That is to let others call, and I will lick the bag after they are crazy.

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