Although Gilderoy Lockhart is illiterate, it does not mean that he is an idiot.

On the contrary, Gilderoy Lockhart, apart from being a little narcissistic, has a very high talent for the world.

Although Gilderoy Lockhart couldn't see through Tom Riddle's little tricks on the original summoning ritual, when he saw the ritual he got from Tierra's mind "Legilimity" and the ritual that Tom Riddle taught him when there is a huge difference. He understood everything...

Tom Riddle never wanted to give him strength, Tom Riddle just wanted to achieve some ulterior purpose through himself.

The ritual learned from Tiera's mind is real!

In the confidence of his own Legilimency ability, Gilderoy Lockhart thinks so.

Therefore, while learning the original summoning ritual from Tom Riddle, Gilderoy Lockhart independently learned the ritual he obtained from Tiera's mind based on Tom Riddle's analysis of the ritual——

Since graduating, Gilderoy Lockhart has never studied so hard, which makes Gilderoy Lockhart feel quite good about himself. He feels that he is not willing to work hard. If he is willing to work hard to become the next Dumbledore Lido is no problem at all—

A ghost!

What Tiera and Tom Riddle thought they taught Gilderoy Lockhart how to construct rituals—

He broke it apart and smashed it into pieces, feeding the ritual configuration into Gilderoy Lockhart's mouth bit by bit.

The real situation of Gilderoy Lockhart's study of ritual magic——

Come on, you Gilderoy Lockhart first open the third-grade ancient rune, spells and transfiguration textbook, you first understand what ancient rune is, and then memorize the magic law of transfiguration, Then we talk about other things.

After only two days of teaching, Tom Riddle collapsed.

Tiera's rare synchronization with Tom Riddle's thoughts—

If it weren't for the fact that there was no choice, Tiera would also want to send Gilderoy Lockhart away.

But Tiera could only secretly give Gilderoy Lockhart a Delight Curse——

Guarantee Gilderoy Lockhart's enthusiasm for learning even when his learning progress is slow.

As for whether there will be any sequelae of the Delight Curse——

Tiera didn't care about him, anyway, Gilderoy Lockhart was just a one-time tool man.

Therefore, even if Gilderoy Lockhart's foundation is extremely poor, under the joint training of Tom Riddle and Tiera, the two famous teachers and the strong assistance of the Delightful Spell, Gilderoy Lockhart's learning progress is still in slowly in progress-

The most obvious is that the quality of Gilderoy Lockhart's class has improved significantly——

In the last Defence Against the Dark Arts class before Christmas, Gilderoy Lockhart successfully used an instant stop spell, which made Gilderoy Lockhart excited—

But no one cared, except Tierra.

After Gilderoy Lockhart finished his class, as usual, Tiera stayed—

"Professor Lockhart—" After a long absence, Tiera stayed after the Defence Against the Dark Arts class—

For the past few weeks, Tiera had deliberately avoided solo contact with Gilderoy Lockhart in order to complete her improvements to the original ritual.

And now, in order to give Gildero Lockhart the "Mark of Veen".

"Professor Lockhart—" Tiera called out again when she saw Lockhart trying to pretend she didn't know her, and at the same time took a quick step forward, grabbed Gilderoy Lockhart's clothes, and tugged hard. .

"Oh... yes, it's Tiera... what's the matter?" Gilderoy Lockhart asked with some guilty conscience.

"Saint...Merry Christmas, Professor!" Tiera suddenly blushed, threw a small delicate box on the table, and then turned and ran away.

Gilderoy Lockhart picked up the box and opened it—

Inside was a brooch with a purple background and a gold edge, the violet color that Gilderoy Lockhart liked--

Gilderoy Lockhart picked up the brooch in surprise, and a cool feeling swam in his mind, making Gilderoy Lockhart feel refreshed, like drinking a whole bottle of refreshing potion. ——

Tiera deliberately attached a layer of sobriety spell to the outside of the amulet. He begged Lockhart, hurry up and learn, don't delay until the end of next semester, he doesn't want to do Lockhart's narcissistic again. The exam questions are over. If you can die before the end of the term, you can die before the end of the term. It would be great to free up the exam week for everyone to review some useful exams.

"This student really loves you."

Tiera, who was holding the diary in her hand, heard Tom Riddle almost grit his teeth and say to Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Yeah, I misunderstood him before." Gilderoy Lockhart put on the brooch and returned to his office—

The place has changed a lot since Gilderoy Lockhart moved in.

If it was Quirrell's Defence Against the Dark Arts office or what a normal professor should have, Gilderoy Lockhart's office has been transformed into a locker room by him——

On the left side of the office is a huge dressing mirror, and on the right side are rows of wardrobes, which are full of colorful and extremely showy dresses—

Only on the desk in the middle of the office was there a small stack of his own books, and piles of cosmetics, assorted hats, scarves, and gloves squeezed into the far corner of the corner.

"Tiera reminded me, I do lack a brooch." Gilderoy Lockhart put the purple brooch on his chest and looked around and Tom, you Does it mean that Tierra is interested in me? "

"What he meant to you has been written on his face." Tom Riddle said again through gritted teeth--

[Damn, damn, damn! Damn Gilderoy Lockhart, **** Tierra! 】

[After the ceremony is over, I must kill Tiera, this smelly mudblood with my own hands! 】

[No, I'm going to kill him now! 】

Tiera heard Tom Riddle curse in her heart.

"Pfft—" Tiera couldn't help laughing. Ever since she taught Gilderoy Lockhart to break down Tiera's mind, seeing Tom Riddle collapse and jump has become a great pleasure for Tierra. one.

"What's wrong? Tiera." Harry asked.

"No, nothing, suddenly thought of something interesting." Tiera replied perfunctorily.

"What's the matter? Let's talk about it." Harry asked persistently.

"Oh, okay." Tiera shrugged, "There will be no final exams at the end of the second semester next year."

"What!?" Hermione exclaimed in shock, "Why? Why are there no final exams?"

"Who knows." Tiera replied indifferently, "Maybe—"

"Wait!" The little witch Hermione suddenly stopped and stared at Tiera with burning eyes, "Did you make that bet with me knowing that there is no final exam?"

Suddenly, the dead fell into a subtle and awkward silence—

Hermione stared at him angrily, and Harry's gaze fell on the back of Tiera's head.

Ron was very happy because he didn't have to take the exam, but when he saw his two friends had serious expressions, he had to follow them with a serious expression.


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