Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 118: Inside Tom Riddle

Peter Pettigrew was awakened by Tiera's appearance—

But after seeing that it was the little wizard who often fed him, he turned over and fell asleep again.

Tiera had no intention to contact this traitor now, nor to pack her belongings in front of Peter Pettigrew, so she took out the traceless extension box that Lucius gave him, and swept her ritual remnants directly into traceless. Inside the extension box, I was going to go back and pick it up to see if I could get a Horcrux wreckage out to send it to Lao Dengtou.

Glancing at Peter Pettigrew who was sleeping soundly, Tiera grabbed "Magical Experiments on Muggles and Mudbloods", "Heir" and Tom Riddle's diary wrapped in Yoggs' clothes, and walked out After leaving the bedroom, I came to the Gryffindor common room.

"Tiella, I suddenly had a bad feeling just now, what's wrong?" Tom Riddle asked, "What did you just do?"

Tiera removed Yoggs' robe.

"Oh, I feel a little uncomfortable, so I will sleep in the dormitory." Tiera replied.

"Did something happen just now? Why do I have a bad feeling." Tom Riddle asked.

"I don't know." Tiera replied casually. Then asked:

"Do you know how to help Professor Lockhart regain his strength?"

[This damn! madness! Dirty Mudblood! Your Professor Lockhart is a shameless bastard! 】

But on the surface, Tom Riddle replied, "Well... let's see—"

A few minutes passed.


[So don't give me to that idiot. You are equally stupid but you are still somewhat stronger than that fool. 】

"How do you know if you didn't investigate!?" Tiera said, "I'll take you to Lockhart right now, maybe after you've checked him, you can help him recover his magic—"

"Wait, wait!" Tom Riddle said quickly, "not in a hurry, not in a hurry-"

"You think about it, if I cured your Professor Lockhart, he would only thank you for giving him-"

"But if you healed him yourself—" said Voldemort, "if you healed him yourself, think how he would thank you—even adopting you!"

"Really, really?" Tiera hung a huge, ecstatic feeling outside her spiritual wall—

"It's true—" said Tom Riddle, "but when you say so—"

Tom Riddle deliberately whetted Tierra's appetite.

"But when you said that, I suddenly remembered that if I want to cure your Professor Lockhart's injury, although I don't have any special medicine, if I can arrange a ceremony, I might be able to catch it and accomplish something."

"Ritual? What ceremony?" Tiera asked nervously.

"Many years ago..." Tom Riddle said earnestly, "Many years ago, when I was still in school here, I saw a ceremony in the forbidden area of ​​the school—"

"I saw it too long ago, it seems to be caught in the cover of a book—" Tom Riddle said intermittently, as if trying to remember something.

"What, what ritual!?" Tiera asked, while appropriately showing a state of "trance."

"Don't interrupt, let me think about it." Tom Riddle gave Tiera a rare fierceness.

Alright alright.

Tiera stuck out her tongue—

I turn a blind eye to those who should cooperate with your performance—

"I remembered, it seems to be in a book called... called "Experiments on Muggle Magic"? "Experiments on Magical Muggles"? Oh yes, I remembered, it was a book called "Experiments on Magical Muggles and Mudbloods" Inside the cover, there were three pages in there, and on it was written a . . . written a—"

"Summon the God of Knowledge and Wisdom!" Tiera interrupted "excitedly".

"That's right, that's it!" Tom Riddle said, "What? Little Tierra, you too—"

"I've seen it!" Tiera excitedly took out the three human vellum papers in his arms—

"Oh, you can't see—" Tiera said, looking lost.

"Do you want me to see it?" Tom Riddle asked. "Do you want me to see the ritual you found?"

"I think." Tiera said without hesitation, "I don't understand the above ritual at all—"

"Okay," said Tom Riddle.

The diary seemed to be blown by a strong wind, and the pages were flipped over and stopped at a certain page in the middle—

The entire diary seems to have become a miniature TV screen.

Before Tiera could realize what was going on, he leaned forward—

The window was getting bigger, and Tiera felt that her body had left the sofa, her head fell into the gap in the page, and she entered a swirling swirl of colors and light and shadow.

Tiera disappeared into the Gryffindor common room, her feet landing on a solid ground. He shuddered to a halt, and the blurred vision around him suddenly became clear.

This is the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom at Hogwarts, but the classroom is black and white at this time, and there are not so many portraits of Gilderoy Lockhart, and those strange decorations that were added later—

This is the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom fifty years ago.

Beside the classroom desk in the classroom, a boy of about sixteen years old stood—

That boy was much taller than Tiera, with the same black and lustrous hair, and a pair of big bright eyes with a smile, UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked at Tiera.

Tiera was also watching Tom Riddle carefully—

's high nose bridge.

It's a pity for such a high nose bridge.

Tiera sighed inwardly.

But there was a surprise on his face, an expression mixed with emotion and obsession.

"Hello, let me introduce myself again." Gentleman Tom Riddle bowed, "My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, please call me Tom."

So handsome, so handsome, so handsome—

Tom Riddle heard what Tiera said in his heart. Yes, he smiled even more proudly.

Since entering Tom Riddle's body, Tiera has always felt a sense of being spied on, which makes him have to run the mental fence and Occlumency with all his strength—

What should I do, Tom Riddle is so handsome, but my heart has been handed over to Professor Lockhart, and I can't betray Professor Lockhart, hehe.

Tiera said in her heart again—

He saw Tom Riddle's smug smile visibly froze.

It's a pity that Tiera, who is in the world of books, can't read Tom Riddle's heart, otherwise his inner complaints must be very interesting at this time.

"Tiera, can you show me the ceremony?" Tom Riddle said gently, deciding not to break up with Tiera about these things of love, but to ask him for the original of the ceremony.

"Oh, oh, okay." Tiera took out three crumpled papers from her wizard robe.

Tom Riddle resisted the urge to grab it and watched Tiera slowly spread three sheets of paper on the desk, and then carefully smoothed out—

Then Tom Riddle took the three pages of human vellum from Tiera's hand with a smile.

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