Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 117: "Parasite"

"Ah—" A huge human face made of black mist roared out from the flames.

It's like throwing a piece of metal cesium and metal sodium into scalding boiling water—

The Ravenclaw crown on top of the phoenix's tail feathers exploded instantly, drowning the roaring face, and the three kinds of chaotic and irritable flames were about to spread around—

But this flame storm was quickly destroyed by the three magic materials on the Divine Triangle——

The feathers of the thunderbird, the feathers of the bird-shaped man-eater, and the feathers of the snake bird were attracted, turned into three fire snakes and rushed towards the three feathers, and then ignited the golden triangle frame, the bronze candlestick and the flowing bright silver liquid——

This gained valuable reaction time for Tiera and Inheritance——

Tiera held a simple wooden staff in one hand, and together with the "heirloom", suppressed the three kinds of flames, while Tiera's other hand grabbed towards the explosion starting point at the center of the divine triangle——

Tiera only felt that half of the magic power in her body instantly disappeared——

This is the time he used the cursed worm to consume the most——

But at the same time, the effect is also remarkable. Countless red, gold, and bright blue worms probed from the flames, and the sea of ​​scorching fire was gradually covered with a layer of worms.

The violent, violent flames were a little quieter—

turned into a frenzy of worms covering the entire ritual altar.

"Ah—" As the three flames were turned into cursed worms by Tiera little by little, Voldemort's remnant soul, which was burned by material fire, spiritual fire, and spiritual fire, gradually raised his head, Angry, roaring cruelly, the dark black mist turned into a pair of huge, evil bone claws, and there were countless worms lying on them, and they wanted to claws at Tiera——

But the Inheritance began to recite ancient and obscure incantations, short slender limbs, and a bloated body like a pyramid waving his wand in mid-air,

And Tierra—

"Hoo~" Tiera blew lightly at the huge bone hand.

The phoenix tail feathers standing in the center of the divine triangle suddenly lit up, and the second wave of spiritual fire, spiritual fire, and material fire burned with the phoenix tail feathers as fuel—

Tiera used the "sacrifice" magic in the meat selection magic to sacrifice part of her soul, flesh, and magic power, briefly activating the life activity of the phoenix tail feathers, and making the phoenix tail feathers closely linked to herself—

At this time, Tiera was also burned by three kinds of flames, and the huge pain occupied all his senses——

The thinking is stagnant, the vision is blurred, the voice is far away——

But the black fog bone claws incarnated by Voldemort's remnant soul also stopped in front of Tiera—

Because a thin human skin suddenly flew out from the seamless extension bag around Tiera's waist, blocking the way between Bone Claw and Tiera—

The human skin suddenly expanded, turning into a curtain that enveloped the entire ceremony—

Countless worms emerged from the ritual, attached, and merged into Tiera's first molt—

Tiera's molt gradually changed its color, towards golden red—

The three kinds of flames that had lost the suppression of the worms took up the peak again, and instantly clinged to every corner of Voldemort's black soul.

"Ah—" Voldemort let out a scream, and the extended bone claws curled back again.

After enduring the initial pain, Tiera raised her hand again and grabbed forward—

And countless worms were born from the flames.

The flames and the worms have always maintained a dynamic balance——

The speed of the worm's appearance should not be too fast to let the flame go out, but not too slow to let the flame get out of control——

But the fuel always runs out—

The black mist composed of Voldemort's soul is getting thinner and weaker—

At this time, a small, but destructive and bright light bead emerged from the burning phoenix tail feather, exuding a huge attraction——

It swept the entire ceremony like a ****—

The black mist incarnated by Voldemort's remnant soul rekindled three kinds of flames, and the flames turned into worms again, converging towards the light spot——

Countless worms, golden triangle frames, three copper candlesticks, silver-white liquid triangles—

And the golden-red curtain that hangs over the ceremony—

Continue to converge towards the middle, qualitatively change, and finally merge into a fist-sized light group——

The light group suddenly exploded—

An invisible wave spread outward, and a strong wind swept all around with countless black-burning metal debris—

Tiera, who had just finished her great pain, was staggered by this wave and fell to the ground. The inheritor was also photographed on a cabinet on the edge of the open space, and changed back to the image of a thick book——

Tiera got up quickly, and at the center of the explosion, above the pitch-black pit and countless coke-like waste, suspended this bright red robe covered with golden threads—

This robe is different from ordinary wizard robes, but more like a pope's gown——

Tiera's "Life Reconstruction" completed the wizard's robe with a total of two layers——

The first layer is a missionary uniform with a narrow waist, wide sleeves and a wide hem, with a black base, cuffs, and a unique pattern embroidered with silver thread on the neckline—

The second layer is a huge red gold shawl extending from the shoulder of the missionary uniform, hanging down like a huge cloak to the knee of the missionary uniform——

The bright red background of the shawl flashed like a flame, and countless golden threads formed mysterious characters and patterns, which kept changing and twisting on the flaming shawl—

When Tiera thought about it, the Pope's robe flew over the ruins and landed on Tiera—

The Pope's robe was designed by Tiera according to his height and weight as an adult, but when the Pope's robe fell on him, it automatically shrank to fit Tiera's body—

Tiera touched her robe—

Soft and smooth-

Suddenly, the robe turned into layers, strips of worms, as if Tiera was wearing a piece of clothing made up of countless worms——

Every worm, big or small, according to Tiera's will, stretched out to the ground or the surrounding debris pile, rolled up magic items one by one, and pulled them in front of Tiera.

Tiera nodded with satisfaction, and tried other functions of the robe—

All the worms instantly turned into mottled flames, and it looked like Tiera was wearing a suit of flames.

Tiera let the flames go out and turned the robe into a set of wizard clothes that Tiera usually wears——

A roll of wizard clothes, covering Tiera, slowly changing, deforming—

turned into a python—

The boa constrictor turned into a sparrow again—

And then became cats, dogs, horses, lizards, frogs, even scorpions, flying insects, and beetles—

In the end, it changed back to Tiera.

Tiera nodded in satisfaction.

"I'll call you later..." Tiera thought for a while and said, "I'll call you a parasite."

Tiera did not take off the "parasite", but tried another function of it——

Tiera is like a fading painting—

The colors flow to "Parasite~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and finally the lines disappear little by little-"

There was only one "parasite" floating in the air.

"Parasite" folded himself up in midair, stretched himself out, kneaded himself into a ball, and then propped himself up again——

In the end, he raised his sleeves humanely and went around the empty neckline—

"This form is really killing people and stealing treasures. Traveling at home is a must for yin people." Tiera's voice came from "Parasite".

Then "Parasite" raised his sleeves and waved his sleeves at "Inheritor".

The "Inheritor" flew over.

"Parasite" unbuttoned the missionary's uniform again, and spread it over the open space like a piece of cloth.

"The world is in the sleeves—" Tiera shouted jokingly.

"Magical Experiments on Muggles and Mudbloods", Tom Riddle's diary wrapped in the clothes of Yoggs, and the tattered scraps of scrap iron wrapped in some inexplicable attraction into his empty clothes.

Then the "Parasite" whistled and rolled the "Inheritor" out of the Room of Requirement.

Neither "Heir" nor "Parasite" had any intention of taking the stairs honestly, but flew out from a window on the eighth floor—

Then he moved a few meters to the side, flew directly through one of the windows of the tower, and flew into his bedroom——

At this time, the bedroom was empty—

Even Raven flew out and fooled around with the ravens in the school—

Only Ron had a fat yellow mouse on his bed, sleeping soundly.

Tiera quietly placed the sundries wrapped in "Parasite" on the carpet in the bedroom, and only then did the Parasite reveal her figure.

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