Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 119: Sanctuary

After Tom Riddle took the human vellum with the ritual written on it, he read it carefully, while Tiera stood "nervously" by the side.

In the world remembered by Tom Riddle, Tiera did not dare to move, so she acted like a good student.

Finally, Tom Riddle, who was engrossed in studying the human vellum, took a breath and raised his head.

"This ritual can do it!" Tom Riddle said, "This ritual can help your Professor Lockhart restore magic—"

"That's great! Thank you Tom!" Seeing the opportunity, Tiera stepped forward and hugged Tom Riddle.

Tiera wanted to read Tom Riddle's heart through physical contact, but the moment she hugged him, Tiera was stunned—

He didn't read Tom Riddle's heart, he saw a broken, twisted soul wrapped in an ocean-like black force—

Tom Riddle gracefully broke free from Tiera's embrace, then said with a polite smile:

"Should Tiera go back first, I need to study this ritual again."

Not a word about returning the three-page vellum paper with the ceremony to Tiera.

"Okay." Tiera didn't care, these three were originally intended for you.

Then he was sent out of the diary.

Tiera tilted her head, looked at the diary, and recalled Tom Riddle's words and deeds, as well as his behavior.

Tiera always felt as if something was missing.

Then Tiera suddenly understood—

Tom Riddle can't seem to lie in his memory world!

After Tiera understood, she touched the diary with her hand.

Although Tom Riddle is not speaking now, Tiera can still read Tom Riddle's inner activity at this time——

He was parsing the whole ceremony—

Tiera was not worried about what Tom Riddle saw, because the entire arrangement of the double altars was directly copied from "Summon Yog-Sothoth" in the Necronomicon.

In other words, apart from deliberately adding a lot of praise, the altar and sacrifices of the ceremony are completely correct.

Watching Tom Riddle analyze the altars and magical configurations of these rituals in his heart also deepened Tiera's understanding of ritual magic.

Tiera held Tom Riddle's diary in one hand, leaned on the sofa, closed her eyes, and followed Tom Riddle's ritual magic analysis in her mind synchronously—

until he was shaken awake.

Tiera opened her eyes and saw Harry's eyes full of grievances—

"Tiella, why didn't you come to my training?" Harry said aggrieved.

Tiera, who had just woken up from sleep, was still flushed, so she said in a hoarse voice:

"I'm sorry Harry, I felt a little uncomfortable after returning to the dormitory, so I took some medicine and slept for a while—"

"Whoever thought about it would oversleep..."

"Are you all right?" Harry put one hand on Tiera's forehead and touched his forehead with the other.

[Hopefully I didn't infect Tiera. 】

Tiera heard Harry think so.

Harry had just finished his Quidditch training, his fingernails were full of black mud, and his body was still stained with a smell of sweat and dust.

Let Tiera, who has always been a little bit of a clean freak, frown slightly.

Adolescent boys are good at everything, but they don't like to be clean, especially after Harry started the exciting Quidditch training, Harry has not taken a bath for two days now.

"I'm fine, Harry." Tiera said, then gently removed Harry's hand from her forehead, "Go take a shower, I want to sleep here for a while, I'm a little tired."

Saying that, Tiera turned over and continued to squeeze into the sofa.

Tom Riddle's analysis of the ritual is at a crucial point, and Tiera doesn't want to miss it.

The human skin paper has three pages in total, and one page is for the selection of the altar and the offerings.

Summoning Yog-Sothoth has no restrictions on offerings—

It could be anything, a pen, a feather, a piece of paper, even some rusty nails and debris—

But in contrast, the arrangement of the altar is much more complicated.

These two parts Tiera didn't move any hands or feet—

Because the arrangement of the double altar and the magical configuration of Tierra are still not fully understood.

What he made changes were the prayers of the ritual process and the third page of the Seal of the Old Days and their spells.

Pressing his eyes, Tiera, who was concentrating on reading Tom Riddle's analysis of the double altar ceremony, felt someone sit quietly beside him and covered him with a blanket.

Judging by the smell of Potter's shampoo lingering on the tip of Tiera's nose, it should be Harry Potter sitting next to him.

But Tiera did not open her eyes, but changed to a more comfortable position, and continued to read Tom Riddle's analysis——

Now is the critical time, and Tiera doesn't want to miss it.

Three days later, Tom Riddle told Tiera how to open the secret room——

"Let's go, Tiera, let's open the Chamber of Secrets." Tom Riddle said suddenly, "Help your Professor Lockhart regain his strength, we need some help from the Chamber of Secrets."

"Okay." Tiera replied, but at the same time Tiera knew in her heart that Tom Riddle just wanted the Basilisk to watch over him.

After all, Tiera has now "transferred out of love", and the trust between people has disappeared. It is definitely impossible for Tom Riddle to hand over such an important ceremony to Tiera without a watcher.

"How to enter the secret room?" Tiera asked—

It is now 3:30 in the night~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Tiera merged into the "Parasite" and turned into a thin piece of clothing, with Tom Riddle's diary rolled up on one sleeve, and the "Heir" by her side.

"Go to the second floor first." Tom Riddle replied

Tiera flew out of the window of her bedroom and landed on the second floor lightly.

"Araho caves open—" Tiera said to a locked window.

The window opened in response, and Tiera and Inheritance squeezed in through the crack of the window.

"I'm on the second floor." Tiera said to Tom Riddle.

"Find an abandoned girls' bathroom." Tom Riddle continued.

"Girls, girls' bathroom...?" Tiera pretended to be surprised and said, "This, this is not good..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Tom Riddle seemed to be a little bit helpless about Tiera's disconnection, "The entrance to the secret room was converted into a girls' bathroom by later generations, as far as I know, the bathroom is now No one is using it!"

"Oh, oh, okay." Tiera quickly found Myrtle's bathroom—

At the door of the bathroom, Tiera changed back into a human form, holding Tom Riddle's diary in one hand, while letting the "Heir" block her eyes.

But the moment before stepping into the bathroom, Tiera suddenly paused.

She stepped back a bit and looked at the bathroom door.

In the future, when I develop, I will also use this place as my sanctuary——

Tiera thought so.

Then he drew a few lines and patterns on his chest, half-serious, half-jokingly said:

"May I walk in the bathroom as I walk in your kingdom of God, Amen—"

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