Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 457: Those who come down will not accept

On March 29th, Mongolian soldiers and Manchu soldiers could no longer wait for the daily rations.

The Qing army ran out of food, and the extremely hungry Mongolians began to kill horses to satisfy their hunger despite the ban on Jidu. In order to survive, even if the horse meat cannot be eaten at all, they will eat it if they are very hungry. They have no other choice, either starve to death or bloat to death. In the face of survival, Jidu's ban is nothing but a fart.

Ji Du knew about the killing of the horse but did not stop it, nor did he get angry. The 25-year-old Prince Jane has long since lost the high spirits he had when he went south. In Belle Dueryou's eyes, Prince Jane is now just a walking corpse. The prince of the Aisin Gioro family is already waiting to die.

Looking at Jidu with a face of death, the participating leader Yiertu was very unwilling. He came up with a last resort, taking advantage of the strength of the soldiers now to organize a breakout, from Xuanwu Mountain to Jieling, and then to Jiangxi. Run, as much as you can, it's better than starving to death in Jieshiwei.

The road from Xuanwu Mountain to Jieling is all deep mountains and old forests. There is no guide and no food. This road is no easier than attacking the Taiping army. Thousands of troops gave up all their baggage, gave up their war horses and headed into the old mountains and forests where they were unfamiliar. No one knew what the result would be.

This method of Yiertu is to say that it is to break through the encirclement, it is better to say that it is to save the lives of thousands of Manmeng disciples and save one person's life.

"What face does this king have to go back?"

Ji Du stood up silently, and walked out without saying a word. He couldn't go back like this, he couldn't go back alone like this, it would make him more uncomfortable than killing him. He didn't want to go back to see Shunzhi's children's ridicule and ridicule, and he didn't want to be despised by the eight banners.

Yiertu didn't listen to the persuasion, so he could only stomp his feet, but there was nothing he could do. Du Eryou's mouth moved. Looking at Ji Du's back, he hesitated, sighed softly, and backed out.

Du Eryou did not want Jidu to escape back to Beijing. That would be a disgrace to Qing and Manchuria. If Ji Du died here, it would be the best explanation for the Manchu disciples and their families who died in battle, and it would also be an explanation for the imperial court and the emperor. After all, the prince was killed here, so there is nothing to blame.

Ji Du decided to ask for death to relieve Du Eryou, but he was very afraid that Ji Du would be greedy for life and fear death, and would do something humiliating to Manchuria. Now he is more worried about the Mongols. Sueril has not come to see him for a few days, and he is not sure what he is discussing with the Mongolian officers under him. Du Eryou was afraid that Su Rile would suddenly surrender to the Taiping bandits. So he told Nahai to keep an eye on Su Rile, and if the Mongols did anything wrong, they would press them immediately.

Geng Jimao, that Han Dynasty surrendered to Taiping bandits is not terrible, Shang Kexi is not terrible to die at the hands of Taiping bandits, and even Li Suotai, the concubine of the Aixinjueluo family, is not terrible to die at the hands of Taiping bandits, the terrible Prince of Manzhou is not terrible. into their hands.

It is difficult for Du Eryou to imagine how a living Qing prince falling into the hands of Taiping bandits will have an impact on the Ming Dynasty and the Qing court.

He secretly made up his mind that he would not let Jidu fall into anyone's hands no matter what.


After Erdemuni came back from the ditch, his face turned red. Neither sitting nor standing, but holding his stomach for a while. Touching the **** for a while, very uncomfortable.

Na Mutu and Erdemuni grew up together, Na Mutu's sister is Erdemuni's mother, so it is very uncomfortable to see this nephew who is the same age as himself, Na Mutu can't help but come forward and care asked him what happened.

"I can't pull it out, my stomach is bloated and uncomfortable."

In front of his uncle, Erdemuni was not ashamed to say anything. He told Mutu that he seemed to have an iron mound stuffed into his stomach. Heavy, want to pull it out. But after squatting in the pit for a long time, I couldn't pull anything out. Excessive force several times. It felt like the entire **** was pulled out, but when I looked down, there was nothing. That unpleasant force is really terrible, torturing a Mongolian man to death.

The nephew's description made Na Mutu silent. For a long time, Fang told Erdemuni that in fact, he hadn't pooped for three days. It would be obvious in his stomach, but he couldn't pull it out.

"I said earlier that the horse meat cannot be eaten, but Zuo Lingfei asked us to kill it and eat it. Now it's good, it's all bloated in the stomach." Erdemuni did not blame himself for being greedy and desperately stuffed the horse meat into his stomach. In the middle, this meeting complained that Zuo Ling told them to kill the horse.

Na Mutu smiled bitterly: "What else can I do if I don't eat, can I starve to death?"

Erdemuni sighed and suddenly said, "I heard that there is oil and water in the Manchus, why don't we borrow some to moisten the stomach. If there is oil and water, it should be lighter to pull."

"Can the Manchurians lend us oil and water?"

Na Mutu doubted that the Manchu soldiers would distribute the little vegetable oil to them. At this juncture, the oil and water that can lubricate the stomach are more precious than gold, and this is something that can save lives!

"Damn, our Mongolian Erlang worked for their Manchus, what's wrong with borrowing some oil and water!"

Erdemuni is not wrong. In the past, he was very afraid of those Manchu soldiers, but now he is not afraid of anything, and his life is about to die, so he is still afraid of those Manchu soldiers?

Na Mutu was a little moved, but he was not impulsive, but said to his nephew: "Have you heard, Achi and the others secretly went to Lufeng to exchange some rice noodles with Nanmanzi two days ago. I heard from them that Alta voted. Nanmanzi lived very well afterward, and now he is a general...Alta called Achi and they also joined Nanmanzi, Achi did not dare, and came back with rice noodles, but it seems that the flag owner did not blame him."

"Then Mutu, what do you want to say?" Erdemuni glanced at his uncle.

"Why don't we vote for Nanbanzi too."

Na Mutu didn't hide his thoughts and told his nephew truthfully that he didn't want to wait to die here, and he didn't want to eat horse meat anymore. He wanted to surrender to the Taiping Army and work for the Han people like Alta, so that they could survive.

Erdemuni was stunned for a while, but he was not surprised or angry at all. He supported his uncle's idea without thinking too much. That night, the two of them got an errand from Zuo Ling to patrol the castle. He went straight to the Taiping line of defense to the north.

"We are Mongols, we are here to surrender!"

Na Mutu and Erdemuni shouted loudly when they saw the Taiping's fortress from a distance~www.wuxiamtl.com~ afraid that the Taiping army on the opposite side would kill them by mistake. Soon, someone came out on the opposite side and took the two of them over. Without the two of them saying anything, they took out two large bowls of rice and a bowl of broth for them.

The rice is eaten into the stomach and the broth is drank. The taste makes Namutu and Erdemuni feel like they are in heaven. That bowl of broth made my stomach feel much better, and the bloating feeling was much lessened.

That Mutu really wanted to eat another bowl, but when he thought of the horse meat accumulated in his stomach, he didn't dare to eat any more. He got up and asked the Taiping Army: "We have descended now, but I don't know how your army will arrange us?"

The Taiping Army smiled, then suddenly pointed at Mutu the way they came, and said, "Go back."

"go back?"

Na Mutu and Erdemuni were startled: they came to surrender, why did the Taiping Army drive them away?

The smile on the face of the Taiping Army was no longer there, and he changed a cold face and said: "My commander has an order, and those who come to descend will not be accepted! Unless you give money to save people!" (To be continued.)

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