Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 458: Aisin Gioro has no cowards

Na Mutu and Erdemuni returned to Jieshiwei in dejection. On the way, they found someone who was like them going to the north to cast the Taiping army, but they were all driven back without exception. Two of them were Manchurians, and Erdemuni was quite sure that those two guys were Manchurians. When he was in Fujian, he was whipped by one of them for robbing Han Chinese goods, so he was very impressed.

Even the Manchurians want to surrender to the Taiping Army, and it looks like it's over!

Na Mutu and Erdemuni did not intend to expose the two Manchurians. Now they are both pitiful and pitiful people who were rejected by the Taiping Army. The Han people clearly said that they wanted to live. , unless you take the head of the Manchu prince.

Na Mutu and Erdemuni could not meet this condition at all. They knelt down and kowtowed in front of the Han people, but they ignored them at all. If they dared to die and stay there, they were afraid that the Taiping Army would immediately kill them. .

The uncle and nephew really didn't want to die, but they didn't expect that there would be things in this world where they were not allowed to surrender. They knew that the Taiping Army wanted to force them to go back and make trouble, but the chance of success was too small. After all, they had to deal with not only those Manchu soldiers, but also thousands of Mongolian compatriots. If they really dared to make trouble, the first people to kill them would not be the Manchurians, but their own banner owners and lords.

"What to do" was the three words that the uncle and nephew said the most along the way, but until they returned to Jieshiwei, they couldn't figure out what to do. Before the uncle and nephew could dismount, they saw Zolling Tashke. Tashik seemed to be waiting for them to come back, and after seeing the two of them, he led a dozen Mongolian soldiers over.

"Where have you two gone?"

Tashk asked immediately.


Na Mutu didn't dare to tell Tashke that they were going to cast Nanbanzi and were driven back, but he didn't know how to tell a lie, because they had been there for a long time, and it would never take so much time for a normal inspection. Erdemuyoni was a little afraid of Tashik, lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Tashik.

The expressions of the two were seen by Tashke. He already knew it, but he still asked: "Did you go to the Taiping Army?"


Na Mutu and Erdemuni were startled, and their faces turned pale. Seeing this, Tashk didn't know what the two were doing. But instead of ordering them to be tied up, he waved the whip and whispered to them, "Go back to the camp, remember. Don't tell anyone about this."

Hearing this, Namutu and Erdemuni were both relieved and grateful to Tashke. When Namu Tu turned over and led the horse past Tashke, he suddenly stopped and asked, "Master Zuoling, does Taiji really want us to die here?" 's name. It is also the most affectionate name.

Tashke was silent for a moment, and said to Namutu, "Don't worry, Taiji won't let us die here."

After hearing this, for some reason, Na Mutu felt suddenly relaxed. But Tashke was very uneasy, because he had just received an order from the banner owner, Su Rile, to attack the Manchus before dawn, and exchanged Jidu's head for the survival of three thousand Mongolian children.


When it was just dawn, the Mongols made their move, and the silent Jieshiwei suddenly shouted and killed.

Ji Du in his sleep was startled by the screams of killing outside. He thought that the Taiping army was attacking, and hurriedly put on his armor and led the guards out of the camp, but found that it was not the Taiping army that attacked, but the Mongolian soldiers who had been worried about finally making a mess.

Dueryou and Yiertu also brought people over. The first time they knew that the Mongolian soldiers were in chaos, they were not thinking about suppressing the Mongolian soldiers, but thinking about how to "keep" Jidu, the Manchu prince.

"My lord!"

Yiertu came in a hurry, he didn't even wear armor, followed by dozens of goshhas, all of them were disheveled, and some didn't even have weapons in their hands.

The Mongol soldiers were fighting the Nahai people to the east of the fort. Although Nahai's subordinates had hundreds of Manchu children, everyone knew that Nahai would not last long. After all, the number of Mongolian soldiers was more than three times that of Manchu children.

Jidu looked at the Manchu disciples standing around, they all looked helpless. What showed on his face was not the determination to fight to the end, but confusion and despair, and even fear.

Seeing this situation, Jidu knew that the Manchu disciples could no longer hold back the Mongols, and he was also hopeless, knowing that it was impossible for reinforcements to save him. But he still deceived himself and imagined that the imperial court would send troops to rescue him. Holding this unrealistic fantasy, he was struggling to support, but now, the fantasy is broken, and the betrayal of the Mongols completely defeated the 25-year-old prince.

Ji Du's eyes were a little scattered, and the corners of his mouth were bitter. He stared blankly at the Mongolians who were madly hacking and killing Manchu children. His heart was extremely painful, and he was also extremely regretful.

Yiertu was not reconciled to this result, he turned his heart away, and shouted at the surrounding Manchu soldiers: "The Mongols betrayed the Qing Dynasty and betrayed our Manchurian state, and they will immediately rush over to kill us, stretch their heads, and shrink. With the first blow, today is the time of your life! Even if our Manchu children die, we must die like a man, and we must not be let the humble Mongolians look down on us!"

After he finished speaking, he took his own soldiers and rushed over to support Nahai. More than a hundred Manchu soldiers also followed after hesitating. Now it is not the Nanbanzi Taiping bandits who want their lives, but the Manchurian soldiers. Friend Mongolian.

Jidu's guards didn't move. They were Jidu's slaves, and they didn't go anywhere without the master's order~www.wuxiamtl.com~. They were all looking at the motionless master Jidu, and Du Eryou was also looking at the prince. He really wanted the prince to raise his sword and shout, "Follow me to kill the enemy!", but the prince didn't move, not only did he not move , the body is still trembling.

"My lord, you stay here, I will lead the guards to kill all the Mongolian cubs first!"

Ji Du's appearance made Du Eryou feel that he hated iron for not turning steel. He didn't expect that the Dingyuan general and the dignified prince would tremble with fear by the Mongols. At this moment, he really hated himself for being blind in the past, why did he form a party with Jidu. Forget it, anyway, today is a death, even if it is death, I have to chop off the heads of a few more Mongolian Tartars!

Du Eryou went to fight with the Mongols without looking back. Ji Du had no courage, and this prince was no different from a dead man. But soon, he heard the sound of the armor coming from behind him. Hearing the sound, he turned his head and looked back, only to see that Ji Du seemed to have suddenly changed his personality, and walked quickly in front of him holding the big knife.

Du Eryou saw the heart of begging for death from Jidu's face!

Delighted, Du Eryou actually laughed: The prince is indeed the prince, and the men of the Aixinjueluo family have never been cowards! (To be continued.)

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