Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 456: Why did you abandon me!


One or two days, even if half a month passed, Nahai still believed that Dasu's reinforcements would definitely arrive, but now that a month had passed, Nahai no longer believed that Dasu would send reinforcements, and he didn't think about whether Dasu was called Taiping. Kou was defeated, or asked Jinsha's Zheng Sen to hold him back. He thought more about how to fill his stomach.

A few days ago, the corpses of the civilians on the beach were finally taken away by the sea, and the stinky beach was finally clean. When his subordinate Goshha said that there was food on the beach, Nahai was overjoyed, and hurriedly led his subordinate Goshha and the remnants of the forward battalion over. Sure enough, there are a lot of edible shells and a lot of small crabs on the beach. Although there is not much meat in the shell, and the little crab is even less meat, it is a rare food and a rare delicacy for the Qing army who is already in a state of semi-starvation.

With these living creatures on the beach, Nahai's men could be considered full that day, but when he led them over the next day, he found that the beach had been occupied by the Mongolians. When the Mongolian soldiers who were frantically fighting for shells saw the Manchus coming, they immediately stopped fighting and came to drive the Manchus in a group, ignoring Nahai and the others.

Since the Mongolian leader Alta voted for the Taiping Bandit, the Mongolians have been a little disobedient. In order to stabilize them, Jidu asked to divide the remaining rations with them equally, instead of the Manchu soldiers occupying the bulk, so that the Mongols were barely appeased. Jidu even told Nahai, who was a little grumpy, not to conflict with the Mongols, lest these wolves have an excuse to attack.

Nahai is not someone who doesn't know what's wrong. Now there are more Mongolian soldiers than Manchu children, and he is trapped here. If he does the same to the Mongolians as before, I can't say that it will really cause a big change. For this reason, even if these Mongolian soldiers were very rude to Thanatutong, he could only endure the anger and return to Weibao instead of trying to expel them, and even chop off the heads of two Mongolian Tartars. Let them know who is the master.

When passing by a stone house that was tightly sealed with wooden boards, Na Hai subconsciously stopped. Inside the stone house were dozens of injured Manchurian children. Because of insufficient food, these injured Manchurian children who were unable to move could only be cruelly abandoned. Ji Du couldn't bear to kill them, so he ordered them to be sealed alive in a stone house, and let them fend for themselves, so that Prince Jane would feel at ease because he did not smear the blood of Manchu children with his own hands.

The decision to abandon the wounded was unanimously supported by the Manchu generals and even by the living Manchu soldiers. Because they all want more food. Valuable warriors are obviously heavier than the meager food. Everyone wants to live. It is natural for everyone to want more food.

Although the stone house was sealed, it seemed that there was no smell from far away, but when he got closer, Nahai could smell the faint odor emanating from the house.

Na Hai sighed. He knew that all the Manchu disciples in this room must have died. Even if they were hungry for seven or eight days, the gods couldn't stand it. Besides, these people were already injured. Thinking that these people are brave Manchurian children after all. They were wounded on the road of attack. Although they had to be sacrificed because of the problem of food, at least they should be given dignity after death.

"Come on, open the house!"

Nahai didn't want the Manchu children to decay slowly in the stone house. He wanted their bodies to be dragged outside for burial.

The Gosh'has of Nahai reluctantly stepped forward and smashed the door locked with iron chains, thinking that the people inside had already died. But when the sun shone into the house, they were stunned and stepped back subconsciously. There were actually living people moving in the stone house, holding pieces of blackened flesh in their hands.


Cordo didn't want to die, he wanted to go back alive, but he was injured. His leg was injured by Zai Nanmanzi's fire gun when he was charging, but he didn't scream, and struggled to climb back. He thought that he would be treated and taken care of, but Cordo never expected that he would be abandoned by his masters.

At the moment of being locked in the stone house, Cordo and his injured companions cried and howled, and they were unwilling. They are not cowards, they are warriors, they are wounded for bravery! They deserve to be treated and better food, not abandoned, locked in this stone house and starved to death!

At first there was an angry roar, and at the end there was a desperate cry. The stone house isolated these wounded Manchurian soldiers from the world, who did not know what was going on outside or what was going on inside. Because no light penetrated, it was dark, and no one could see the other, only the presence of the companions could be felt from the sound of each other's breaths.

One day, two days, three days...

No food, no water~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Everyone is too hungry to have strength. One by one, his companions died, silently, and Cordo shrank in the corner in fear, swallowing, waiting for the coming of death. In a daze, he suddenly heard the sound of chewing coming from his ear, gobbling it down loudly, as if someone was gulps.


Korduo quickly straightened up, but it was still dark in front of him, and he couldn't see anything, but the sound of chewing food was clearly there, and it was not one person eating, but many people eating.

"What are you eating?"

No one answered Cordo, only the chewing voice.

Cordo didn't dare to think about what those companions were eating. An unprecedented fear surged into his mind from the depths of his heart. He was so scared that his whole body trembled. A corpse that died at an unknown time. The touch of his fingers told him that the corpse didn't seem very complete.

Cordo actually knew the answer for a long time, apart from human flesh, what food is there in this stone house! He vomited loudly, but he couldn't spit out anything. His stomach seemed to be empty, and he couldn't even spit out a drop of bitter water.

"If you don't want to die, just eat it."

A muffled voice came from not far away, and Cordo was silent. The desire to survive told him that he could see his mother-in-law only if he lived. And to live, only...

Some days later, when the sun shone into the stone house again, Cordo couldn't see anything because his eyes were blinded by the dazzling sunlight.

Cordo crawled over the stinking and rotting corpse with difficulty, struggling to climb out step by step. When he touched the door, he suddenly screamed: "Why abandon me, why abandon me!" (To be continued.)

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