Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 417: Bunkers and watchtowers

Compared with the civil administration, the military administration undoubtedly took up most of Zhou Shixiang's energy. In order to strengthen the combat effectiveness of each town, he inspected back and forth between the towns. Almost all the officers above the Weiwei were received once, and he also visited the armament workshop several times. In the first town, he personally demonstrated the infantry slaying technique he learned in his previous life to his soldiers. ↑,.

Due to limited conditions, Zhou Shixiang was unable to equip the fire guns with stabs, so the fire guns were all equipped with waist knives. If the number of waist knives was not enough, they were equipped with daggers and short swords, so as to prevent the fire guns from becoming like a god’s bay when fighting in foggy and rainy weather. Fire sticks in battle.

The coaches of the slaying tactics mainly focus on the spearmen. The spears are uniformly 3.5 meters in size and made of white wax rods. When fighting, if a duo assassinates, one person stabs the leg and the other stabs the head; for a three-person group, one stabs the head, one stabs the leg, and one person blocks. Both training and combat are premised on simplicity and flexibility.

In order to maximize the advantages of firearms, Brigade C of the three brigades under the jurisdiction of each town is an all-firearm combat force, and Brigade A and B are mainly swordsmen and spearmen.

The combat rules formulated by Zhou Shixiang clearly stipulated that when fighting with the Qing army, the A and B brigades must be placed on the two wings of the B brigade, and advance about 30 meters in order to cover the Brigade Brigade's fire gun formation from being scattered by the Qing army. When the fire brigade is lined up to fight, it is also necessary to separate the two wings to form cross fire. When the battle was fierce, and the firing rate of the guns could not suppress the enemy in front of them, the gunmen abandoned their muskets and drew their swords to fight.

If a group fights, the cavalry brigades will cover the flanks, and the artillery battalion will be placed in the rear of the large formation, and they will fight forward as necessary. Zhou Shixiang, the tactic of infantry artillery coordination, has not yet been able to promote it in the army, mainly because the artillery in the artillery battalion belongs to the backward front-mounted artillery. Most of the guns are solid bullets, while the number of large-rod guns and tiger squat guns that can fire shrapnel is limited. The power and range are also limited, and it is impossible to do any coordination of infantry and artillery. If you really want to do this, more people will be killed by their own artillery than the Qing army.

During an inspection in the fourth town of Xiangshan, Zhou Shixiang sent an order to Guangzhou, asking Song Xianggong to organize blacksmiths to build shovels, even if the production of agricultural tools was delayed. Also make sure to build 5,000 shovels in a month. In fact, what Zhou Shixiang wanted was a shovel. However, the current technology cannot reach the production scale, and the long-handled shovel commonly used by farmers in this era can only be used.

When he was in Xiangshan, Zhou Shixiang asked someone to build a "bunker", which was made of masonry mixed with glutinous rice that was boiled into a paste. Three meters high, there can be a troop of soldiers in the fort, and twelve holes are opened from top to bottom. The top of the fort is also built with a shielding board, and there is an iron pot in the middle, so that it can not only boil the golden juice to kill the enemy soldiers close to the fort, but also light the "wolf smoke" on it to communicate the military situation to the rear.

It took dozens of masons from Xiangshan County to work for three days to complete the construction of a blockhouse according to Zhou Shixiang's intention. Zhou Shi was not satisfied with their speed. The construction process was programmed. After each procedure was simplified and fixed, the masons were required to rebuild it. As a result, it only took two days this time, but Zhou Shixiang was still not satisfied. In the end, the masons spent half a day building the bunker that Zhou Dashuai needed. up.

The bunker style is simple. There are almost no living facilities in the interior, and it is basically useless except for killing people. The space inside is cramped, so it’s okay to stay for a few days in a short period of time, but it’s unbearable for a long time. Zhou Shixiang went in and stayed there for a while, feeling stuffy. This suffocation is not because of difficulty breathing, but the kind of hidden suffocation.

After rewarding the masons, Zhou Shixiang asked them to build a "guard tower" on the basis of the bunker. This watchtower is actually an enlarged version of the bunker. It is nearly five meters high and three times the volume of the bunker. In addition to having the same military settings as the bunker, there are living quarters behind the watchtower, where people can live, cook, and raise horses. In the living area, there is a wall with a height of two people and a width of more than one meter. People can walk on it, and there are simple fortifications.

Such a watchtower, even if the masons worked hard for the bounty, finally took three days to build.

Zhou Shixiang frowned and approved the speed. The next step was to recruit all the masons into the army. In addition, he asked Guangzhou to gather all the masons from various counties to Guangzhou, and then recruit thousands of young people to study in the camp. What I learned is not **** the enemy, nor anything else, but how to build bunkers and watchtowers.

A bunker for half a day and a watchtower for three days. If you repair it, you will be rewarded;

Building bunkers and watchtowers requires a lot of bricks, stones and glutinous rice. Zhou Shixiang asked Song Xianggong to prepare the raw materials needed to build 500 bunkers and 100 watchtowers no matter what means. The original brick kilns near Guangzhou were all produced. Chuan Si will immediately build new kilns in various places to ensure that masonry production can keep up with the progress. All the young and strong men in each county should be mobilized, even if there are not enough men for women.

Not only the counties controlled by the Taiping Army were mobilized to build kilns to produce bricks, but Zhou Shixiang even sent people to Huizhou to ask Hu Qili to build a kiln to produce bricks in the Haifeng area of ​​Huidong. Guangzhou, but hoard local.

Although Hu Qili didn't know what the Taiping Army wanted so many bricks for, in order to get Zhou Shixiang's support, he immediately ordered people to carry out the kiln making.

Hu Qili, who was confronting Wu Liuqi in Chaozhou, also received the news that Prince Jian of the Qing Dynasty Jidu's army was heading south~www.wuxiamtl.com~ In panic, he had sent two groups of people to Guangzhou to ask Zhou Shixiang for help. Zhou Shixiang promised to lead the main force of the Taiping army into Huizhou after the new year, which made Hu Qili a little more stable.

Zhou Shixiang originally planned to leave Xiangshan and return to Guangzhou on the 25th, but Duke Xiang of Song sent someone in a hurry to tell him that the imperial minister of the imperial court was here.

The Yongli court came so quickly

Zhou Shixiang was a little surprised. The messenger he sent to Kunming to report victory should not have arrived in Kunming yet. Why did the Yongli court send people to Guangzhou so quickly? Did something change happen?

Zhou Shixiang couldn't help but feel agitated when he thought of the hard work he had put into Guangzhou and the Taiping Army these days. He was very afraid that the Yongli court would send someone to take over Guangzhou, and he would not recognize the administrative envoy Si Yamen he had set up, nor would he admit that he gave Hu Qili and Hu Mingyi. , Wang Zhaoxing, Wang Zhangjun, Zuo Qing, etc., the appointment and removal of demotions and generals would mean that Zhou Shixiang had to turn against the Yongli court. Although it would not be a rebellion against the flag, it would be difficult to cooperate with the Guangdong Ming Army. . After all, compared to his two-generation general, General Ling Hai Chen Qice and General Zhen Guo Zhu Tong had a strong view of Zhu Ming's orthodoxy. If they had to choose between the imperial court and Zhou Shixiang, they would definitely not Choose the latter, and the navy in their hands is exactly the strength that Zhou Shixiang needs to rely on. To be continued.

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