Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 418: Imperial envoy

The visitor told Zhou Shixiang that the imperial envoy sent by the imperial court was a great scholar Guo Zhiqi, and he was accompanied by officials from the Yamen, the governor of Qinzhou. . As for the content of the imperial decree brought by Guo Zhiqi, Zhou Shixiang himself needed to receive the decree to know. The imperial decree was awarded to Zhou Shixiang, the commander-in-chief of Guangzhou. Guo Zhiqi did not see the master, so how could he take out the imperial decree and read it out? Song Xianggong and the others naturally had no way of guessing the content of the imperial decree.

Zhou Shixiang asked the visitor again if Guo Shao and Liang Shuanghu, who had been sent to Kunming to report the victory, had returned, but the visitor shook his head and said they had not returned.

After counting the time, Guo Shao and Liang Shuanghu should have also returned from Kunming. Why did the imperial decree of Kunming come, but Guo Shao and the others did not come back together?

Zhou Shixiang was perplexed, thinking that something happened to Guo Shao and the others?

Guo Zhiqi's identity is much higher than that of Cheng Bangjun, the head of the Ministry of Military Affairs. The Yongli court sent a scholar to Guangzhou to issue the decree. The significance of this made Zhou Shixiang press his confusion in his heart, and he didn't dare to delay for a moment. Guangzhou. Before returning to the military commander's mansion, Shang Keyuan, Geng Zhongde and other descendants who were rushed to hear the news were stopped halfway.

Shang Keyuan and Geng Zhongde represent the descended generals of the Pingnan domain and Jingnan domain respectively. The two were originally a deputy commander and a commander. They were both high-ranking officials in the Qing court, but now they are in the Taiping army. But instead of leading troops, he served as two deputy admirals of the military training center.

The armament workshop is a training base for junior officers of the Taiping Army. Zhou Shi is similar to the establishment of political officials, and he serves as the admiral of the workshop, and there are four deputy admirals in charge of daily affairs. Shang Keyuan and Geng Zhongde were the third and fourth deputy envoys. The first deputy envoy was concurrently served by Duke Xiang of Song, and the second deputy envoy was concurrently served by Zhao Sihai. (Author's Note: A provincial school administration is also called an admiral. It is called an admiral school administration)

Zhou Shixiang attached great importance to the military training center, an officer of the Taiping Army, so the officials and instructors given to the training center were all high-quality appointments. The envoy, Zhao Sihai is holding the title of deputy general, Shang Keyuan and Geng Zhongde, the deputy envoys representing Pingnan and Jingnan, will naturally not be low. Although not in the military. But what Zhou Shixiang gave them were all the deputy generals. This is already a very high rank at present, after all, Zhou Shixiang is only a second-rank Guangzhou military officer in name.

After all, Zhou Shixiang now has three part-time jobs, one is the commander of the water camp, the other is the ambassador of the Ordnance Institute, and the third is the admiral of the training office. There are also four branches of the infantry, cavalry, artillery, and navy in the workshop. Except for some changes in the subjects by Zhou Shixiang, the rest are imitating the martial arts of the Ming Dynasty. The instructors in the institute include Han Chinese and Manchurians. There are also Westerners, and the trainees are all officers above the rank and file in active duty in the towns.

Due to the urgency of time, the training of middle and senior officers has not yet been carried out, and the existing courses and hardware conditions in the workshop have not been perfected. Zhou Shixiang will hold a training course for middle and senior generals after next fall. He also plans to set up a soldier brigade similar to the teaching team of later generations, and select young people under the age of 16 and 25 from the youth army camp and the private sector to study in the workshop. After the completion of the study period, after the assessment, he will be re-entered into the army brigade, and awarded to the officers of the first level of Wu Zhenghe's team, and since then he will become a formal officer of the Taiping Army. This plan was also the basis for the regularization of the Taiping Army.

Shang Keyuan once led his troops to break through the city, and personally killed Shang Zhixin. In fact, he has become a mortal enemy with the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and there is no way to retreat, so what he wants is to be able to establish a firm foothold in the Taiping Army and gain a high position. If Nanming can really be revived, he can also become a Shang family in the future. An important minister of the Ming Dynasty, he reinvigorated the style of the Shang family. However, Zhou Shixiang did not give him a heavy responsibility when he reorganized the army. Instead, he was asked to be the deputy admiral of the training institute, which was just as nondescript as the nominal administrator of Song Xianggong who also served as the deputy admiral. This made him very dissatisfied with Zhou Shixiang and felt a lot in his heart. Resentment, thinking that Zhou Shi will not trust them.

Geng Zhongde also had a grudge against Zhou Shixiang, but this resentment was not because he was idle and not reused, but because his old master, King Geng Jimao of Jingnan, was placed under house arrest by Zhou Shixiang in the palace. The Pingnan Palace, which made Geng Zhongde, an old general in Jingnan, look very dull.

In fact, Shi Yuanling's woman is not worth Geng Zhongde's anger, and it is impossible for him to resent Zhou Shixiang. Why should a husband be without a wife, and his nephew is not just a woman, Shi Yuanling. The situation is stronger than others, and now his life is in the hands of others. If a woman can exchange the freedom of his nephew, Geng Zhongde can wake up from his dreams.

When Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, and Geng Zhongming crossed the sea to invest in gold, which family did not ask the Manchurians to spoil it? At that time, it was not the Manchurians who forcibly occupied it, but each family offered it on their own initiative.

Shang Kexi's two wives, Geng Zhongming's concubine, and Kong Youde's three beautiful wives were offered up by their own men. They were either gang-raped to death or committed suicide after being humiliated. When the Manchurians returned the corpses, the three cuckolded "lords" were not smiling for the big golden saddle, and they gave their lives for the Manchurians, and no one was seen to be angry with the crown.

Therefore, in Geng Zhongde's eyes, women are not a thing at all. What made him really resent Zhou Shixiang was his nephew's house arrest. No one knew whether he was dead or alive. If Geng Jimao is still alive, once the Yongli court canonized him as the king of the Ming Dynasty, then Geng Zhongde and other old generals under the Jingnan domain can justifiably return to Geng Jimao's command, instead of being useless under the hands of Zhou Shixiang and not allowed to be reused.

When Zhou Shixiang was inspecting outside, the generals who were "idle" under the Jingnan domain met with Geng Zhongde many times, and they would say some dissatisfied words at each meeting. Of course, after the party, someone would secretly report these words to Duke Xiang of Song. Zhou Shixiang was not a fool, he couldn't help guarding the gang of people under Jingnan, but he did not take action because of this, but let them gather to speak ill of him.

It doesn't matter if you speak bad words or complain, as long as Geng Jimao is in your hands, as long as Guangzhou City is in your hands, as long as the Taiping Army is in your hands, Zhou Shixiang is not afraid that these generals who have no military power will be able to make waves in the palm of your hand. , not to mention that the people of the Ministry of Military Intelligence have been secretly watching them.

Geng Zhongde came to see Zhou Shixiang together this time, but he didn't complain or accuse Zhou Shixiang of something. The two of them had the heart and the courage. The two of them had only one purpose for this trip, and that was to ask Zhou Shixiang to save their lives no matter what.

After the scholar Guo Zhiqi arrived in Guangzhou, Shang Keyuan and Geng Zhongde were afraid. They couldn't help but be afraid, because they had killed many officials and generals of the Ming Dynasty. Among these people were Guo Zhiqi's nephews and students. And when they went south with Shang Kexi and Geng Jimao, they came all the way to massacre the city. There were two of them in the Guangzhou Massacre, and two of them in the Chaozhou Massacre, but their hands were stained with the blood of the Nanming army and civilians. Guo Zhiqi was a loyal and loyal minister of Nanming, and he hated evil. They are naturally worried that Guo Zhiqi will settle accounts with them.

Although Shang Keyuan and Geng Zhongde were not allowed to lead the army, this does not mean that Zhou Shixiang really does not plan to reuse these two people, otherwise they will not be appointed as deputy admirals of the workshop~www.wuxiamtl.com~ he is the admiral. There is no time to preside over the affairs of the workshop, Song Xianggong is also a name, just to allow the workshop to get a better allocation of resources, Zhao Sihai presides over the military department of the military commander's mansion, this is a staff department in disguise, and he is busy around Therefore, it is Shang Keyuan and Geng Zhongde who actually preside over the affairs of the workshop.

Zhou Shixiang was more optimistic about Shang Keyuan, a "smart man" who destroyed the city and killed his nephew. If Geng Zhongde was smart, he wouldn't mind using him. Hearing their intentions, Zhou Shixiang smiled and comforted the two of them with what happened to Li Chengdong back then, saying that Li Chengdong also committed several massacres in the south of the Yangtze River. Anyway, it was not reused by the court after that. Feng Hou, Bo, after his death was posthumously awarded the king.

"As long as the two of you are loyal to this commander and Daming, this commander can keep you safe. You have to understand that the only person in Guangzhou who can decide your life and death is this commander, so you can rest assured, as long as you live your life well. , do the errands that this commander has given you, and your heads will not be chopped off."

Zhou Shixiang glanced at Shang and Geng with deep meaning, whipped the horse lightly and ran to the military commander's mansion.

The May 1st holiday is over, and tomorrow will resume three times a day. If there is a significant increase in subscriptions, the bones will be updated every 10,000 words or more to give back to readers! (In addition, these two days the book is free, ahem, which means that the bones have no income for these two days.) (To be continued.)

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