Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 416: Holding a steel knife 99

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The great victory of the Taiping army in Guangdong made the Portuguese governor in Macau, Bougallo, afraid and regretful. He was worried that the Taiping army, which had won the military battle against the Manchu Qing Dynasty, would turn around and block the wall of Guan Macau again and restart the blockade of Macau. He would even send troops to attack Macau immediately, so he sent his general secretary Xiao Bailang to Guangzhou to express to the Taiping army the "goodwill" of himself and the Portuguese government to the Ming and Taiping forces, and to ask the Taiping army, which has become a huge and terrible neighbor, "Together in harmony".

After repeated negotiations, Zhou Shitong agreed not to blockade the Guanao City Wall, but the premise was that the Portuguese must immediately provide the Taiping Army with 1,000 arquebuses for free, and sell 2,000 arquebuses to the Taiping Army at the price of 6 taels of silver per shot. At the price of 1,200 taels of silver, 45 red cannons were sold to the Taiping army, and 80 large and small bronze cannons were provided to the Taiping army at the price of 400-500 taels of silver, and more than 20,000 catties of medicine were provided.

In addition, the Macau authorities must allow the Taiping Army to recruit military personnel and various craftsmen in Macau, and donate materials worth about 100,000 taels of silver to the Taiping Army. Such materials are planned to be purchased by the Taiping Army. If the purchase is not enough for the remaining silver taels, the cost of purchasing firearms can be deducted. In other words, Zhou Shixiang blackmailed the Macau authorities with arms and supplies worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver on the condition that they would no longer blockade and military strikes against Macau, and asked the Macau authorities to provide the Taiping Army with the required military talents.

Zhou Shixiang really gritted his teeth and offered this negotiating condition that, in his opinion, was not excessive at all, because the wealth in the hands of the Portuguese in Macau was more than ten or even dozens of times what he asked for, and it was impossible for the Portuguese to let the Portuguese have a mere 100,000 taels of silver. It hurts, and it doesn't even make them frown. If he directly sent troops to occupy Macau, he would definitely earn far more than this price. There is no need to continue to keep the wealth of the Portuguese who made the Orientals in Macau.

Zhou Shixiang had thought about taking the role of the Portuguese in the East and earning military expenses from maritime trade, but the shortcomings of the navy made this idea unrealistic. So after Tang Sanshui told him that Shunzhi in Beijing had sent Prince Jian Jidu to lead a 20,000 Manchu, Mongolian and Han army to attack him, Zhou Shixiang resolutely chose to back down. Stop being aggressive towards Macau.

At present, it is impossible for the Taiping Army to use troops against Macau, and it is impossible to allocate enough troops to maintain the blockade of the Guan Macau city wall, compromise, give in, curb their ambitions, or put away their greed, and try their best from the Portuguese. Get some ammunition and supplies that can be immediately used in the war against the Qing. It was Zhou Shixiang's right choice.

After the threat of the Jidu army was resolved, Zhou Shixiang swore that the fatty meat of Macau would be swallowed with the belt bone sooner or later!

If you want to make a fortune, you must be Zhou Xiucai!


Hundreds of thousands of taels of silver can be exchanged for peace in Macau. This amount of money is much less than the loss caused by the war with the Taiping Army. Bougallo agreed to this condition without hesitation. After all, he does not have the Portuguese Eastern Fleet in Goa. Support, there is not enough army to resist the Taiping army's attack, let alone give the Indian governor of the East, who has been disliking him, an excuse to drive him away from Macau.

Peace must pay a price.

Bougallo did not mind that the Taiping Army recruited Western military personnel and artisans from Macau, which had previously provided several batches of military personnel to the Ming Dynasty. The two sides have a precedent for cooperation. If the Taiping Army can't defeat the Qing Army in Guangdong, Bugalo will naturally not consider this "enemy-funding" plan, now. However, he must continue to take out the friendliness of the former Vine people towards Daming, because if he does not do this, Macau is likely to be destroyed.

During the Chongzhen period, Sun Yuanhua, governor of Denglai, hired a group of instructors and craftsmen in addition to purchasing cannons and arquebuses from Macau, in order to make the new army of new firearms into combat as soon as possible. When Dengzhou was destroyed by Kong Youde's rebels, the Portuguese officer-in-chief Xi Teixeira Correa and 11 of his subordinates died in battle for Ming, and 15 others, including Fisk, served for the rebels. This made the army of the gold-throwing "King Sanshun" completely consistent with the Westerners in the use and training of firearms. In the second year of the Yongli calendar, when Pang Tianshou purchased firearms from Macau, he also recruited hundreds of Western military personnel in Macau to form Xiyi soldiers to serve in the Ming Dynasty. The training method of these Xiyi soldiers was almost the same as that of the Han army of Kong Youde and others, and it was also similar to the training method adopted by the Second Town formed by the Taiping Army.

The second town is a fully firearmed force. There were more than 5,000 arquebuses seized from the Pingnan and Jingnan domains, and 3,000 arquebuses provided by the Portuguese. The Second Town can be said to have one shotgun.

The second town is filled with a large number of soldiers and officers from the Han army under Pingnan and Jingnan, and there is a training manual formulated by Zhou Shixiang, so the training of fire guns no longer needs to be taught by Westerners in Macau, but the artillery battalion Artillery guidance still needs these Westerners to work hard.

Like Sun Yuanhua, Zhou Shixiang offered a lot of money and silver to these Western officers, including the Portuguese. Zhou Shixiang clearly told these Western officers that they could leave as long as they served in the Taiping Army for three years. At that time, not only would they have a huge amount of money to receive, but also Road toll gift. If they are unwilling to return to Europe, then the Taiping Army also has a place for them, and they can completely obtain the titles and official positions of the Ming Dynasty by virtue of their military exploits.

Many Westerners in Macau have a certain degree of military literacy. They are either not settled in the country, or they are defeated. They risk death in the sea and travel thousands of miles to the East to seek wealth. Therefore, the Taiping Army Hiring for them is simply a blessing in disguise.

Within a few days, Xiao Bailang justly recruited hundreds of Western military personnel for the Taiping Army. Some of these people could be officers, while others could only be ordinary soldiers. Zhou Shixiang did not blindly "follow foreigners", and treated these Western military personnel as treasures. Everyone was entrusted with official positions. Instead, he personally tested and selected them. In the end, 80 people were assigned to the military training center to serve as instructors, and 120 were assigned to the military training center. They were assigned to the second town to serve as sergeants, 35 to serve as officers at the first level of Wuzheng, more than 20 to serve as team leaders, and more than 40 to stay in the military commander's mansion as staff officers. Willing to give the toll to go back. Eventually, 589 Western military personnel became members of the Taiping Army.

Xiao Bailang recruited more than 100 craftsmen from Macau who were proficient in ordnance maintenance for the Taiping Army. These people included Westerners and Han Chinese. In addition, there were also some craftsmen skilled in firearm maintenance and forging under the Pingnan and Jingnan domains. All of them were transferred by Zhou Shixiang to a remote ordnance depot in the west of Yuexiu Camp. Whether it is Westerners or Han Chinese, they all give Weiwei a first-class salary, and those who have special performances and major meritorious deeds will be rewarded depending on the size of their merits.

The Ordnance Institute is directly under the leadership of the military commander's office. Zhou Shixiang intends to use the Ordnance Institute as the core to support a series of military projects, making it an arms factory of the Taiping Army. However, for the time being, he has no conditions to open mines in Guangdong, nor to develop some forging equipment, so the Ordnance Institute can only repair the damaged firearms by hand, and there is no way to transform the firearms. Some ideas about the improvement of fire guns can only stay on the drawings, and the second town is still mainly equipped with arquebuses.

The training of the Taiping Army's subordinate troops did not stagnate because of the bandit suppression, but was adjusted during the bandit suppression process. Let a sheep lead a group of wolves, it must be unsightly, but let a wolf lead a group of sheep, it is admirable, and these soldiers are not sheep, but a group of wolves, as long as they can effectively control and Using them and giving them enough sweetness, these soldiers can quickly integrate into the Taiping army, and immediately improve the combat effectiveness of the Taiping army.

Controlling the family members of the surrendered soldiers, relocating them to various places and building villages and townships is a means. Giving the surrendering soldiers land is also a means. It is also a means to divide and rule the surrendered soldiers. Still profit-driven.

Promotion to get rich is the most old-fashioned but also the most useful. No matter ancient or modern, promotion and getting rich is always the best way to motivate people to work hard. Even if the essence of the revolution of later generations is actually to be promoted and rich, but there is a layer of righteousness on top of this essence. Destroy the old class, and a new class will naturally be born. The Taiping Army destroyed the old landlord gentry class in Xiangshan, and the military meritorious class of the Taiping Army was also born, and gained the right to rule over the place by violence, becoming a new landlord gentry class.

With land, wealth, and something worth defending, anyone will fight in the Taiping collective.

The Taiping Army's righteousness is to oppose the Qing, but why it is opposed to the Qing, not many people can tell clearly, the people of this era do not have the concept of a nation-state, and what Zhou Shixiang can instill in them is the most primitive and barbaric concept - the Manchurian occupation. Our land, robbed our gold and silver, and played with our women, so we must resist and take back what belongs to us!

These words sound almost ridiculous in later generations, but they are the most effective slogans.

"For Daming, for the Taiping Army, for your wives and children, you must fight!"

Zhou Shixiang promulgated the Taiping military song, not a new creation, but took the military song of the Red Turban Army at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and ordered the whole army to sing it without changing a word.

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, fame and fortune, dust and soil;

Look at Shenzhou~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The people are suffering, and the fertile soil for thousands of miles is barren;

Look at the world, make all the hustlers, and make up for the incompleteness of the way of heaven;

Good man, don't be parents, only for the common people, not for the Lord;

With ninety-nine steel knives in hand, he killed Hu Erfang and stopped;

I am a dignified man, how can I be a barbarian as a horse and an ox;

The strong man drank the wine in his bowl, and traveled thousands of miles without turning back;

The golden drums roared in unison, and everyone roared, never breaking the Huanglong oath! "

Every day, in the barracks of the Taiping Army, groups of soldiers with broadswords, spears, and fire cannons marched forward step by step, singing loudly step by step.

"Holding ninety-nine steel knives, kill Hu Erfang and stop!"

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