Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 415: 3 way into Yunnan

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Going to Guangdong was unpleasant, and Shunzhi in the capital was equally unpleasant.

The turmoil that the two kings of Guangdong Han Dynasty died and the other surrendered, the Jingnan General Ha Mu was annihilated, the whole city was slaughtered, and the Governor Li Ruitai was captured was not subsided because Ji Du led the army south, but intensified.

The flags are talking a lot, saying everything, and those who are short-sighted even say that the Guangdong Incident shows that Nanming's anger is not exhausted, not a few will give up Yungui, give up Guangdong and Guangxi, as long as the southeast of the Qing Dynasty, other places will be given to Nanming, from now on, it will be a jade and silk with Nanming. A good relationship between the two will save you from wasting a lot of money and food in the south every year, and you will lose soldiers and generals if you get nothing. If the money and grain were saved and distributed among the banners, which of the eight banners would not be grateful to the emperor, there would be only a few people left and right in Manchuria, and there was enough land in the north to support the banners, so why bother to take Erlang's life to the south to fight the Han people to the death or the death?

This statement is also an old tune. Shunzhi has heard a lot in recent years. Most of the people who said this were attacking Hong Chengchou's inaction in Hunan for several years. Town in Bao (Qing), one town in Yong (zhou), one town in Qi (Yang), Xian Bo (Xian Guoan) in Guangxi, thousands of miles in four years, all of them are important towns. To switch between Wu and Yue, the annual cost of one million yuan is too much to consume the foundation of the country, and the gains outweigh the losses. However, since the war in the south was not an inch, there was no fault, so these words are just words. Now that the Qing Dynasty has suffered heavy losses in Guangdong, this remark has been brought up again, and its impact and significance are different from before.

One thing is not bad, this statement is much better than that when Shunzhi himself proposed to govern with Nanming by river, at least these people knew that Nanming could not give Nanming a lot of wealth. Even so, Shunzhi was angered, and he always felt that people who said such things were ridiculing him to a large extent, because he was the one who initiated the negotiation with Nanming and ruled by dividing the river.

"To rule the world, how can there be any shortage of Jin Mau! It's only been fourteen years since I entered the customs, and these people are so old, cowardly, and incompetent. Where did the spirit of pacifying the world go? When I listened to them, I really wanted to pick a few. Drag out and behead!"

When I said this to Concubine Dong E. Shunzhi really wants to kill. In the past two months, the emperor has been too aggrieved. In the end, he could only be drawn from his own pro-military. If this matter were put in Dorgon's time, I don't know how many people's heads will fall, but he has nothing to do with them today.

The ancestral system, the ancestral system, everything is the ancestral system!

The more Shunzhi thought about it, the more annoyed he became. How dare you show him the emperor's face like this!

"They are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. If I really obey them, I'm afraid that this Golden Palace will be returned to the Zhu family!"

Shunzhi's young face was full of grievance and anger, and Concubine Dong E gently grabbed his hand and persuaded softly: "As long as the emperor is not in chaos, the world will not be in chaos... The reason why Qi Li said this is nothing more than It's to frighten the Guangdong side. As long as Prince Jane's army is victorious, the flag will naturally quiet down. Why should the emperor be angry with them. It's his own body when he's angry. It's not that group of people. "

"Concubine Ai is right."

Shunzhi thought about it too, he lost his breath, looked at Concubine Dong E and said with emotion: "With you by my side, my heart is much more relaxed..."

Just as he was about to save his love and concubine, Wu Liangfu, the chief eunuch, rushed to report with a letter in his hand: "Your Majesty, the governor of Hubei, Zhang Changgeng, has an 800-mile express delivery!"


Zhang Changgeng was a member of the Zhenghuang Banner of the Han army. In the second year of Shunzhi, he served as a student at the Hongwen Academy. Later, he moved to the secretary school as a student, and was also an assistant leader of the Zhenghuang banner, and a bachelor of the National History Academy. In the eighth year of Shunzhi, Li Dingguo became a famous king, and the war in the south was about to collapse. Shunzhi appointed Zhang Changgeng as governor of Hubei. Zhang Changgeng did not live up to Shunzhi's expectations, and cooperated with Hong Chengchou to stabilize the situation, preventing Sun Kewang from hitting the Yangtze River.

Zhang Changgeng's 800-mile hurried delivery made Shunzhi a little shocked, thinking that something big happened in the south. He hurriedly asked Wu Liangfu, "Can Hong Chengchou deliver it in a hurry?"

Wu Liangfu shook his head and said, "There is no urgent delivery from Lord Hong."

Only then did Shunzhi feel at ease, and he took over the urgent delivery of Zhang Changgeng from Wu Liangfu and looked at it.

"The great rebel grandson can hope to occupy Yunnan, Guizhou, and Zhang Quyu. Over the years, he has been a diligent teacher and used Zhang to conquer. Today, he was ruthless and committed suicide. He bowed down and begged for conversion. Such a blessing!"

The content of Zhang Changgeng's urgent delivery was very short and the handwriting was sloppy. I think it was because he was too excited when he was writing the urgent delivery. What he said in a hurry was one thing - the Qin Wangsun of Nanming was expected to surrender!

But after watching the urgent delivery, Shunzhi didn't react, and looked at the urgent delivery in his hands in a daze. After a while, the whole talent shuddered and said in a trembling voice, "Zhang Changgeng said that Sun Kewang has returned?!"

Is Sun expected to return?

Wu Liangfu and Concubine Dong E froze there, both surprised and happy.

"How could there be no news from Hong Chengchou on such a big thing! Check it out, check it right away, whether there is any evidence from Hong Chengchou on the Yintai side, go check it out!"

Shunzhi was so excited that he almost burst into tears. He was even more excited than when he heard that Sun Kewang and Li Ding were fighting in the country, and he was instantly elated. He only felt that it was not wrong to reuse Hong Chengchou under the pressure of Manchu princes and ministers these years. Today, the reward has finally come. .


Hong Chengchou's urgent delivery was one day slower than Zhang Changgeng's. In his urgent delivery, he said that Sun Kewang would open the attachment to the Qing Dynasty on his own and would like to donate the land of Yunnan, Guizhou and Shu to the Qing Dynasty. Ask the soldiers to take revenge to restore Dianyun. Capture Qu and get ugly, pacify the rebellion, and return to the unified chapter.

When Hong Chengchou, also known as Sun Kewang, came back, he brought more than 400 subordinates and family members and more than 400 war horses.

Zhang Changgeng's subsequent urgent delivery was more detailed. After he received the news from Sun Kewang's wish, he immediately sent Li Ruchun, the commander of the Huguang Middle Road, and Wang Ping, the commander of the Zuo Road, to lead the army to respond, and repel the soldiers intercepted by the Nanming general Yang Wu. Sun Kewang and his wife Only then did the entourage, son and entourage enter the Qing jurisdiction from the Huaqiao area south of Baoqing Mansion.

As for why Governor Zhang Changgeng's urgent delivery arrived first, and Hong Chengchou's urgent delivery came later, Shunzhi knew very well, but Zhang Changgeng didn't want this great achievement to be taken by Hong Chengchou alone, so he came to report it first.

After confirming that Sun Kewang really came back, Shunzhi immediately ordered Hong Chengchou to direct the officers and men, and the general Gushan Ezhen clan Luotuo, the general of Tongning Nanjing Kou, to advance from Huguang, and the camera to pacify Guizhou. In addition, the third meeting of princes, ministers and ministers will be held immediately this month to decide the issue of the army entering Yunnan.

The meeting went very smoothly, and the Manchu princes and ministers shied away when they sent the army to Guangdong to fight the Taiping army. One by one, they were arguing to Shunzhi that they would transfer their own Niu Lu to Yunnan. The crowd was so intense that Shunzhi was in a trance. Are these people the same people from half a month ago?

The battle between the two tigers finally came to an end, and the return of Sun Kewang made the princes and ministers of Manzhou overjoyed. Hong Chengchou made it clear that although Li Dingguo had a great victory over Sun Kewang, his troops were equally exhausted, and there were actually no more than 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers. The facts of the Southern Ming Dynasty are also listed by Sun Kewang, who is expected to draw the topographic map of the mountains and rivers in Yunnan and Guizhou. He explained the garrisoning situation of the Ming army in various places, and also allocated all his subordinates to the Qing army as guides. It can be said that Sun Kewang's return has already captured half of Yungui for the Qing Dynasty. As long as the remaining soldiers use their lives and make a light blow, Li Dingguo will perish, and Nanming will also perish.

At this time, Nan Ming was just a dog under water. It's not until now if you don't beat it!

The Council of State Ministers agreed unanimously that the Qing troops in Hunan and Sichuan would go south immediately. At the same time, Shunzhi appointed Doni, the king of Xinjun, to hang the General Yin of Anyuanjing Kou to the south, and together with the king of Pingjun, Luo Keduo, and others, they marched south to Li Dingguo.


After the meeting, Shunzhi went to greet the Queen Mother as usual, but only after he left the Longzong Gate, he could no longer contain the excitement and ecstasy in his heart, and ran to the Cining Palace. A large number of servants and internal supervisors had to run with them holding golden cups, golden cups, golden pots and other royal items. How can they catch up with Shunzhi, they haven't reached Cining Gate yet. He ran out of breath.

Shunzhi was the one who rushed into the Cining Gate shouting "Emian". The Empress Dowager Bolzijit raised her eyebrows in surprise when she heard her son's call from a distance. open.

"Emother! Sun Kewang is down. Sun Kewang is down!" Shunzhi shouted to his mother excitedly.

The Queen Mother and Su Ma both widened their eyes and seemed a little disbelieving.

"Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo were defeated together. Sun Kewang ran out of Yunnan and surrendered to me!" Shunzhi danced with joy.

"This time, Zhu Youlang's inside story, the situation of Yungui's mountains and rivers can be known like the back of your hand. The deployment of troops will also be in the chest! I have let Hong Chengchou lead the army to attack, and at the meeting of the princes, ministers and ministers just now, I asked Doni to be the general of Fuyuan. Lead the army into Yunnan!"

As Shunzhi said, he waved his hands excitedly, walked up and down in front of the queen mother, turned around and raised his head for a while, opened his arms in ecstasy, and shouted loudly: "This is God helping me. The foundation of the prosperity of the world! .... Mother, if the child listened to the discussions of the king and ministers, the emperor and the emperor, and dismissed Hong Chengchou from his post, how could he be today? He really knows his talents and knowledge, and he will never camp for four years without any reason. Today, he has not disappointed me. Sun Kewang's return is like Nan Ming's broken arm. army!"

"Hong Chengchou is old-fashioned and resourceful. E-niang can be relieved to have him lead the army into Yunnan, but Doni is too young and inexperienced to be the commander-in-chief of the army?" The queen mother was worried about whether the general Fuyuan appointed by her son would be competent.

Shunzhi said with a smile: "Doni's expedition to Yunnan is just to patrol Yunnan on behalf of me, and to come to Yunnan with the power of the emperor. As for the opportunity to fight, Hong Chengchou is the commander-in-chief, Wu Sangui and the others are in charge of the battle, and the division of the Eight Banners can supervise the battle. He said again: "I called Jidu over there in Guangdong, and now Yungui Doni, I have two princes in the Qing Dynasty leading the army, one Han Dynasty came from Sichuan, and hundreds of thousands of troops went south at the same time, Zhu Youlang didn't have it this time. The place ran away."


At the Meridian Gate, General Anyuan Jingkou and Duoni, the king of Xinjun, set off on an expedition to Yunnan and Guizhou, and the emperor personally saw them off.

Doni led the expedition from the Meridian Gate, and in the two rows of welcome and salute, led by the Honglu official, solemnly and solemnly walked the white marble royal road, passing through the line of servants of the princes and officials, Step by step, you ascend the jade steps of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. In the majestic and sacred Hall of Supreme Harmony, you kneel to receive the seal of the Great General and obey the imperial edict.

Afterwards, in the Huangjing, the emperor outside the left gate of Chang'an, Shunzhi personally respected Duny for the wine, and Duny knelt down to accept it, and after drinking, he got on the horse.

"Your Majesty, the minister Ping Nanming is gone!" Duny was ambitious and full of enthusiasm.

Shunzhi looked at Duny with bright eyes~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and raised his voice: "Donny, let's get out of our Eight Banners!"

On October 19, the eleventh year of the Yongli calendar, Shunzhi issued an imperial edict to advance to the southwest on three routes, and appointed Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi, as the general of Pingxi. Gushan Ezhen Zhao Butai was the general of the south, and he led his troops south to Hunan, and was allocated to some Han soldiers by Jinglue Hong Chengchou, and went through Guangxi to join the Guangxi admiral line Anbei to attack Guizhou; he ordered Gushan Ezhen's clan Luoto to be Nanjing Nanjing Jing General Kou Tong Gushan Ezhen Xi Jiha Tongbing together with Hong Chengchou restrained Han soldiers from Hunan to attack Guizhou.

Three days later, another decree was issued, appointing Doni, the king of Xinjun, to be the general of Anyuan Jingkou, and the kings of Tongping County, Luo Keduo, Baile Shangshan, Duran, Gushan Erzhen Yild, Arzin, Basihan, and Zhuo Luo. They led 38,000 soldiers from the Manchu, Mongolian and Han banners to the south to take Yunnan.


May 1st three days off, originally I just wanted to have one more day a day, so that I could have time to play with the children, but you guys were so fierce, helpless, and came back in a hurry to update. It can only be guaranteed twice a day, don’t rush everyone, it’s rare to have three days off, you guys have fun, I’ll take a break, okay?

In addition, due to the needs of the novel, the historical events in the book deviate from the time of the official history, and the approximate error is about three months. (To be continued.),.

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