Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 401: money is not a problem

Zhou Shixiang was very surprised when he learned that Shang Zhixin had called Tang Sanshui's Zhaoqing battalion alive, but he was not surprised that Shang Zhixin was captured, but that Tang Sanshui could take things one step further.

Zhou Shixiang admired Tang Sanshui very much. If he didn't attack anything else, he just wanted the 2,000-odd battalion soldiers under him to be well-organized and willing to follow him to sell the business together, which was enough to make Zhou Shi look at him with admiration.

Zhou Shixiang did not rush to see Shang Zhixin, but met Tang Sanshui first. In order to prevent accidental injuries by the Taiping army, Tang Sanshui had already dragged his subordinates to the riverside, while Shang Zhixin was bound by Wuhua and taken to the Taiping army. For Shang Zhixin, this hot baby, he has no idea of ​​rare goods.

The two sides met in a pleasant atmosphere, tacit understanding of each other, and after a few polite words to each other, they entered the topic.

Zhou Shixiang originally wanted to ask Tang Sanshui's future plans, whether he would submit to the Taiping army or have other ideas. If the other party is willing to follow him, Zhou Shixiang will definitely help him because of his outstanding "contribution" to the Taiping army. Ask the Yongli court for a commander-in-chief seat.

Huizhou Xu gave it to Hu Qili, Zhaoqing gave it to Chen Qice and Zhu Tong, then choose one of Shaozhou, Chaozhou, and Nanxiong for him. If the other party doesn't want to go to the Ming Dynasty, Zhou Shixiang will not be **** others. Although he really wants to eat the 2,000 battalions of the other party's soldiers, it does not mean that he will be "ungrateful".

Gentleman, how can you not believe what you say, how can you forget the righteousness when you see the benefits?

Don't want Zhou Shixiang to open his mouth, Tang Sanshui is the first to open his mouth, and he asks for money as soon as he opens his mouth.

"Xiusai, let's not make those fake courtesies. Tell me, I took someone to solve such a big trouble for you. How much did you pay me?"

Tang Sanshui stabbed straight in, picking out that he wanted money. Zhou Shixiang smiled. Thinking of the famous saying in a previous life - "What can be solved with red envelopes should not be expressed in words."

He wanted to immediately put down a bitter face, and then said to Tang Sanshui: "Money is not the problem, the problem is lack of money."

But in fact Zhou Shixiang is very rich. If there is a list of the richest people in Ming and Qing Dynasties, his name can definitely enter the top five. Even the top three.

Turning your fingers, Zhu Youlang, a young boy in Kunming, is definitely not as rich as he is. After a few years of suffocation in Anlong, he was so poor that he almost became a pair of pants. The only thing he was worth was his status as the emperor. Without this status, Zhu Youlang would be a hapless suzerain of the Ming Dynasty. The fake emperor of Fulin must be richer than himself, but apart from Fulin, those princes and ministers in Manzhou might not be richer than him, right?

Um. Perhaps the Zheng family is richer than himself. After all, the father and son are both foreign thieves. His Zheng family has monopolized the maritime trade in East Asia. It is not a blow for being rich and an enemy country. Otherwise, it is impossible to even have a land site. It can raise a dozen or two hundred thousand soldiers and horses.

Sun Kewang, the lord of the country, should be richer than himself, but Li Dingguo may not. Zhou Shixiang thought about it, even if he couldn't make it into the top three on the rich list, he would definitely not be able to run out of the top five. After all, the hammer business he did in Guangzhou was too big to imagine.

The two palaces plus the wealth robbed by the Han army under the two feudal vassals over the years, plus the wealth of the Eight Banners of the whole city were looted. Zhou Shixiang didn't count how much money he robbed from Guangzhou, because he didn't have time to count and dispose of the spoils, but one thing he was sure about was that he was really rich.

"Money is not an issue, nor is it important, what matters is our relationship! Brother Sanshui has helped me over and over again, and I am very grateful. Today, he helped me in addition to this serious problem, and even helped me capture Shang Zhixin. .So just rewarding Brother Sanshui with money, brother, I feel a little guilty. It is better for Brother Sanshui to ask for something else. As long as brother I can do it, I will definitely do it for Brother Sanshui..."

Zhou Shixiang really felt embarrassed, Tang Sanshui's help to him really couldn't be measured by money, he sincerely wanted to seek better interests for the other party, not just something outside himself.

He didn't want to, but Tang Sanshui didn't accept this, he said "Hey!", interrupted Zhou Shixiang, and said directly: "Xiusai, don't tell me these useless things, tell me, how much do you give me?"


Zhou Shixiang was rich, but he didn't want to be taken advantage of. Without Tang San's rebellion, he would be able to clean up these Qing troops who had no morale at all, but it would cost more effort and more casualties. But since Tang Sanshui only wanted money, he didn't talk about anything else, he just talked about things.

Zhou Shixiang didn't know how much money Tang Sanshui wanted, so he stretched out his finger inquiringly, and was about to say 10,000 taels, but when Deputy General Tang looked at him and raised only one finger, his face immediately changed.

Seeing this, Zhou Shixiang hurriedly turned one finger into two, but Lieutenant General Tang's expression was still ugly.

Sangen, Vice Admiral Tang felt insulted;

Sigen, Vice Admiral Tang felt aggrieved;

Wugen, Vice Admiral Tang felt that Xiucai did not take himself seriously;

Six, Vice Admiral Tang became impatient;

Qigen, Vice Admiral Tang was about to collapse;

Bagen, Vice-General Tang looked at Xiucai speechlessly;

Jiugen, Vice Admiral Tang's expression moved slightly, but only slightly.

Zhou Shixiang sighed and pulled out all ten fingers. This time, Vice Admiral Tang finally no longer had an expression, but said angrily: "Xiusai, you are too bullying, if it wasn't for me, you would have today! Drink water and don't forget to dig the well, think about my brother, I will take care of you. How much did you do? If I didn't hide it for you that day, would you be able to run from Luoding to Xinhui smoothly? If it wasn't for me to cover for your people, your people would be able to transport food from Zhaoqing to Xinhui Go? If it wasn't for my help, would your people be able to get information in Guangzhou? If it wasn't for me, could Shunde City be captured by you? If it wasn't for me, would Kong Guozhi and the others be defeated? If it wasn't for me, would Shang Zhixin be captured alive? . . ."

Vice Admiral Tang's series of angry questions made Zhou Shixiang feel ashamed. The other party was very kind to the Taiping Army and himself, and he was obviously rich.

"Brother, please make an offer. Say, I don't even frown, Zhou Shixiang." Zhou Shixiang decided to bleed a lot. He made a deal with Tang Sanshui, and he must never let something yellow and white hurt this rare friendship.

"You asked me to say it, so I can say it."

Vice-General Tang looked at Zhou Shixiang with satisfaction, and the more he looked, the more happy he became, after dealing with this person. He, Vice-General Tang, not only has his wealth rolling in, but his official fortune is also prosperous. This scholar is indeed a nobleman of his own destiny.

"Go ahead!"

Zhou Shixiang looked generous. There was an inexplicable pain in my heart, and I always felt that my statement was a bit too much. If Vice-General Tang is not moral and asks him for millions of taels, what can he do?

Fortunately, although Vice-General Tang was greedy, he was not someone who didn't know what to do. He smiled and quoted a price. He said, "Don't worry about being a scholar, I only need 200,000 taels." After that. Afraid that Xiu Cai would kill him, he hurriedly said, "I didn't ask for this money alone. You also know that the 2,000 soldiers under my command are all fed with money, otherwise they wouldn't listen to me like that. This soldier is better to talk about, one person can fool him by giving a dozen or two taels, but those officers can do it without giving a few hundred taels to one person? Bring them, if the heart is scattered, the team will not be easy to lead, this reason, you won't understand the talent?"

Zhou Shixiang held his breath and listened to these words. After Vice Admiral Tang finished speaking, Fang Chang let out a long sigh, and said with a bright smile on his face: "Brother Sanshui is right, that's the truth, that's the truth, I'll give 200,000 taels, and I'll give more. You are one hundred thousand taels."


Tang Sanshui was not overjoyed by the extra 100,000 taels, but stared at Xiucai with a wary expression, hesitantly asked: "Xiusai want my help?"

Zhou Shixiang coughed lightly and said solemnly, "I wonder if Brother Sanshui is considering returning to Ming Dynasty? If so, brother, how about I protect you from the imperial court as the chief soldier of the town?"

"I don't think so, my deputy general of the Qing Dynasty did a good job." Tang Sanshui shook his head violently. It doesn't take into account the matter of Mingming in the slightest.


Zhou Shixiang was surprised that Tang Sanshui sold so many Qing troops. The Prince of Pingnan also told him to sell it, but he did not consider Guiming, and still wanted to be his deputy general of the Qing Dynasty. Could it be that this head was soaked in water and was smeared?

"Xiusai, you've done a great job now, but in Tang Mou's opinion, it's still a little unsafe. If I follow you to Guiming, if one day you fail, I'll be unlucky. I'll stay on Daqing's side. Calm down, as long as the talented people don't come and beat me, I'm having a pretty good life, pretty good, hehe." Tang Sanshui smiled slyly, "Do you want me to defraud Zhaoqing City for the extra 100,000 taels you gave me? Give you?"

"Since Brother Sanshui thinks this way, I can't persuade my brother." Zhou Shixiang nodded, "The 100,000 taels of silver were indeed used by Brother Sanshui to cheat the city, but Zhaoqing didn't know what Brother Sanshui did today. I want the navy to send Brother Sanshui back to Zhaoqing, so that even if someone escapes, they will definitely not rush back to Zhaoqing before Brother Sanshui."

Tang Sanshui thought about it for a while, and then readily agreed. Anyway, he has already done the seller's business, and one more sale of the city is not a big deal, but he said: "This transaction is not worse than today, 100,000 taels is too little."

"200,000 taels, no more." No matter how rich he was, Zhou Shixiang couldn't bear it for 400,000 taels.

"Then 200,000 taels. In this case, I have to choose some reliable people to take back, and I will ask the scholars to help me take care of the rest for a few days. After Zhaoqing is taken, they will be returned to me together with the silver. What do you think? ?"

Tang Sanshui thought more carefully. Selling allies on the battlefield was one thing, cheating the city was another. The subordinates he brought back must be loyal and reliable, or he would risk his own head.

"But you have taken Zhaoqing, where am I going?" Tang Sanshui thought of a very important thing. He is a deputy general of Zhaoqing, but if the Taiping Army takes Zhaoqing, where will his lieutenant go.

Zhou Shixiang said frankly: "Brother Sanshui, Zhaoqing City is my gateway to Guangzhou. I made an agreement with General Linghai and General Zhenguo of Xinhui. After capturing Zhaoqing, I will hand over Zhaoqing to them to garrison~www.wuxiamtl.com ~Where am I going?" Vice Admiral Tang was also very embarrassed, he really wanted to make himself homeless for 200,000 taels of silver, but it was not worth it.

Zhou Shixiang mentioned a place name: "How about Shaozhou?"

"Shaozhou?" Lieutenant General Tang was unhappy, "I am not Lieutenant General of Shaozhou, how can I go to Shaozhou, Xiucai is fooling me too much."

Zhou Shixiang said meaningfully: "Of course this Shaozhou was recaptured by you with your own troops. With the credit for recovering Shaozhou, Brother Sanshui must be the general soldier in Daqing, maybe in Daqing. Guangdong is all counting on Brother Sanshui."

Tang Sanshui laughed, the Xiucai's eyes were all too familiar to him, and Luo Ding was not the one who led the troops to recover him that day.

"Okay, thanks to the good words of Xiucai, if I become the general soldier, I will definitely invite you to drink."

"Brother Sanshui, please, brother, can I not go?"

The two looked at each other, understood, and laughed together. (To be continued.)

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