Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 402: Dangerous Taiping

In this battle, Kong Guozhi, the general soldier of Nanxiong, and Ban Zhifu, the commander of the Han army in Pingnan, were killed, Song Rui, the general soldier of Yingde, was captured, and the deputy general of Nanxiong, Sun Yi, was injured and captured. There are more than 40 people, more than 4,000 battalions and more than 3,000 civilians. The Han troops under Shang Zhixin's subordinates surrendered to the navy only after a symbolic resistance when the Ming navy landed, numbering around 1,500.

Shao Jiugong led people to clean up the battlefield. Regardless of whether the Taiping Army or the Qing Army were injured, they were all brought out for treatment. Of course, this treatment could only be for the lightly injured, but the severely injured with broken arms and legs could not be saved.

The medical camp set up by Zhou Shixiang in the Taiping Army in the early days was not expanded when the army was formed in Xiangshan, and the medical camp remained in Xiangshan City during the Battle of Shenwan. Therefore, there are not many doctors in the army who understand medical skills. Just those rough bandaged soldiers. Whether the wounded soldiers survive or not depends entirely on their personal destiny.

Shao Jiugong found that when no one was paying attention to the surrendered soldiers who joined the Taiping Army, they would secretly **** among the corpses of the Qing soldiers, and then put the gold and silver jewelry in his arms instead of handing them over. He reported the matter to Zhou Shixiang. Zhou Shixiang did not immediately order the rectification of military discipline on the battlefield, but decided to leave the matter alone for the time being. However, he decided to reorganize the army immediately after returning to Guangzhou, because the current Taiping army was too dangerous.

There were more than 1,000 Han troops and battalions captured in Guangzhou City, and more than 2,000 Han troops were cast from Jingnan. There are more than 2,000 soldiers under Hu Qili, and there are more than 10,000 of them. And the Taiping army invaded Guangzhou only more than 5,000 people, and nearly half of them were Han army and battalion soldiers who were newly descended after the year. Therefore, it can be said that the current Taiping Army has completely evolved into an army dominated by surrendering troops.

An anti-Qing army has become dominated by the Qing army, which is undoubtedly a dangerous signal.

In Zhou Shixiang's eyes, the loyalty of the surrendered soldiers was almost zero. If today's battle cannot be won, or if there is a slight setback. Zhou Shixiang believed that these soldiers would be shaken.

If we had to talk about the loyalty of these surrendered soldiers, Zhou Shixiang believed that the Manchu soldiers in Suna were undoubtedly the highest, followed by the Han soldiers with their family members pinched. The second is the Green Battalion. The three are the green battalion soldiers with the lowest loyalty.

Zhou Shixiang didn't count how much money he had, but he carefully counted how many soldiers he had now.

There are more than 4,000 people in the cargo battalion and artillery battalion in Xiangshan, and more than 3,000 in the reserve barracks, plus the more than 1,000 soldiers in the hands of Guangzhou Tieyi. There are also two newly recruited young men from the two camps, and there are nearly 15,000 people here.

Zhou Shixiang brought 5,600 soldiers from Guangzhou, and Hu Qili had more than 2,000 men under his command. The Han army and battalion soldiers captured today will not be less than 5,000 people, plus those who have not been released to transport food and grass to the three-way Qing army. Minfu, there are nearly 20,000 people here in Sanjiangkou.

Thirty-five thousand people is the most conservative figure that Zhou Shixiang came up with. This does not include those soldiers from the Green Battalion who carried out bandit acts in the countryside under the banner of the Taiping Army, nor does it include Wang Zhaoxing, Zhao Ziqiang, Hu Mingyi, etc. Green Battalion.

It took less than two years to change from dozens of men in Daqiao Mountain to tens of thousands of people today. In the past two years, the Taiping Army has never really been reorganized or trained. Whether it is a camp or an army, it is just a simple promotion of veterans, and then it is expanded level by level.

In terms of political and ideological work, Zhou Shixiang only placed some Anjun envoys and carried out publicity on the deeds of the "Lingnan Three Loyalties" in the army, but there was no other action. This is limited by the lack of a stable environment for Taiping troops to train.

All the rules and regulations of the Taiping Army are extremely sloppy, whether compared with the armies of later generations or with the armies of this era. It's all just to get used to the upcoming battle.

It's an army that keeps fighting, keeps dying, and keeps expanding. This is an army built on the basis of constant victories, and the cohesive force of the people's hearts can only be reflected in a part of the early personnel. As the snowball rolls bigger and bigger, the core circle becomes smaller and smaller. Tens of thousands of people are attached to this snowball, but they cannot truly become a team that can be trusted and can be used, but it just grows like this. the power of.

This power is so great that the coach panics in his heart. All are afraid, this is the status quo of the Taiping Army.

After conquering Guangzhou and eliminating the Qing army at Sanjiangkou, what Zhou Shixiang faced next was not only the conquest of the prefectures and counties near Guangzhou, but how to truly build these tens of thousands of people into an absolutely reliable force.

Therefore, it is imperative to reorganize the army. Everyone, including the civilians, cannot be released. They must be included in the Taiping Army. On the one hand, they are afraid, and on the other hand, they must use it. This is not Zhou Shixiang's ambivalence, but the reality.

Time is the greatest enemy of the Taiping Army. If history does not deviate ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the current Sun Kewang is probably on the eve of his defeat. Once the conflict between Sun and Li comes to an end, the army of the Qing court in Hunan and Sichuan will definitely go south into Yunnan immediately, then this means that Zhou Shixiang had only two or three months at most to complete the initial integration of his forces in Guangdong.

Comparing the expansion of the territory and the consolidation of the army, it must be trivial. Only if there are people, there will be territory, and if there is strength, there will be a future. Therefore, Zhou Shixiang would rather give Huizhou to Hu Qili, Zhaoqing to Chen Qice, and Shaozhou to Tang Sanshui. Time and energy are devoted to the whole army.

The current Taiping Army is definitely no longer an anti-Qing force operating in a small area, nor a force that can be dispatched by relying on a group of leaders, nor a force that relies on hiding in any corner from time to time. The power to come out to harass, but to become a power to control a province.

The purpose of reorganizing the army is not only to expand its strength and to promote large-scale promotions for its subordinates, but to digest and condense these surrendered soldiers, so that the Taiping Army can have a mobile force that can carry out a large-scale battle at any time. .

The Taiping Army must have the strength to launch a campaign, and it must also be a force capable of long-distance and long-distance maneuvering. This requires a strict hierarchy, the soldiers must obey the generals, and the generals must obey the commander. out like a mountain.

The officers and soldiers are one, and the soldiers are like sons. Zhou Shixiang believes that he can't do it, at least he can't do it now. There is not much time for Zhou Shixiang to start the army, he can only use the most effective and quick way to integrate the Taiping army, and the Qing army is undoubtedly the best object he can learn from - use the personnel who joined the Taiping army in different time periods to suppress the army. A group of people joined in, just as the Eight Banners of Manchu suppressed the Eight Banners of Mongolia and Han, and the Eight Banners of Mongolia and Han suppressed the Green Camp. (To be continued.)

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