Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 400: protect your highness

Zhaoqing Lvying really turned his mother's side. The gang of Guisun shouted "The Qing army is defeated", and charged towards Shang Zhixin's place with a knife and a spear.

"My lord, it's not just for us to call, you were going to take us to arrest His Highness yesterday!"

Lu Daheng was stunned by the sudden action of the lieutenant general. Isn't it a good thing to say that it is enough to say that the Qing army was defeated in front of the battle? Why did the lieutenant general lead them to arrest His Royal Highness.

After all, His Royal Highness is the prince and the old master. They have been with his family for a few years. Even if the old master is sold, it would be too **** shameless to go and arrest people. Bar?

Lu Daheng couldn't figure it out, and couldn't understand it.

Vice Admiral Tang gave him a roll of eyes and scolded, "Why are you arresting His Royal Highness, we are protecting His Highness!"

"Protect Your Highness?"

Lu Daheng was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth: Are you trying to protect His Royal Highness?

Still stunned here, Deputy General Tang shouted in a hurry: "Quick, don't let His Highness run away!"

After speaking, he swung the 40-50 jins big sword in his hand, and those who bared their teeth and cracked their mouths went to "protect" His Highness.

(Cough, whoever arranged the 120-pound heavy knife in the book review area, the lieutenant can't lift it, even the lieutenant is too tired. If you give me a reward, I will give the lieutenant some strength. Using a large sword with a blue dragon, a moon and a tiger's head, it looks majestic! He stood in front of the army one day and shouted: "thief! I am a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty.


The revolt of Zhaoqing Green Camp caught Shang Zhixin by surprise. His face turned pale with fright, and he looked at the Zhaoqing soldiers who rushed like a tidal wave in horror. His teeth were shaking. Tang Sanshui.

"This bastard!"

Ban Zhifu's face was ashen. He gritted his teeth and said nothing, the wrinkles on his forehead were deep enough to fit a copper coin, and the left hand that held the saber at his waist couldn't stop shaking.

silence. After a brief silence, Ban Zhifu suddenly stepped forward. Kneeling in front of Shang Zhixin, Na Shou bowed and pleaded, "Your Highness, it's too late to go now!"

"You still have time?"

Shang Zhixin laughed, and the laughter was full of despair. No matter how big the world is, it seems that there is no place for Shang Zhixin anymore!

He was defeated, and he was defeated three times in a row by the thief Xiucai. He was unwilling, he was angry, why did God treat him like this!

He could have been a good son of the Prince of Pingnan, and he would inherit his father's title and be his vassal prince happily in Guangdong!

But now, everything is gone, everything is ruined, the thief Xiucai killed his father, and now he is coming to kill him again!

"You told me to go, where to go. There is still a place for me, Shang Zhixin, in this world!" Shang Zhixin roared unwillingly.

"His Royal Highness, let's go to Zhaoqing. Xu Erxian was pulled by the prince. He will definitely not ignore His Highness!"

"What if I went to Zhaoqing, the soldiers are gone, and the Qing court still recognizes me as the prince of Pingnan!"

"The court will definitely recognize His Highness, and they still need our Han army to work for them!"

"If you want to go, you go, if I don't go, I will die here today!"

"His Royal Highness! Keep the green hills here, don't be afraid of running out of firewood!" Ban Zhifu persuaded hard, "We have tried our best, this defeat is not due to His Highness' incompetence. It is really the harm of dog thieves! ... Your Highness is leaving now, and we will do more in the future. That's right. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!"

Shang Zhixin was unmoved, and looked at the Zhaoqing soldiers who rushed up with a deadly expression.

see. Ban Zhifu had to grit his teeth and lead Shang Zhixin's dozens of personal soldiers to meet the Zhaoqing soldiers who were rushing up. The prince really wanted to die here, and he, an old official of the Shang family, had only one death to repay the master.


The defection of Zhaoqing Green Camp caused Song Rui, the general of Yingde, and Sun Yi, deputy general of Nanxiong, to withdraw quickly. The soldiers at the back heard the Zhaoqing soldiers shouting that they were defeated, and they all ran away without asking whether it was true or not. A group of less-brained soldiers were still running behind the Zhaoqing soldiers, so they were not afraid of the Zhaoqing soldiers who turned around and chopped them down!

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

Kong Guozhi was anxious, and **** Tang Sanshuiniang 10,000 times. Knowing that the situation was over, he yanked the horse's head and ran to the rear.

When the soldiers of the Nangan battalion saw the commander running away, they were busy running after them, even ignoring the injured companions.

Like a bereaved dog, he ran out of the two miles in one breath. Kong Guozhi looked back and saw that there were only a hundred men who followed him. The rest were either surrounded and eaten by the Taiping army, or they surrendered on their knees.

The Ming army navy on the river could not stop shelling the rear camp, and there were faint shouts of killing from the shore. It was estimated that the Ming army navy had already sent troops ashore.

Can't see Shang Zhixin in sight, Kong Guozhi only said that he had been harmed by Tang Sanshui, who turned against the water, he gritted his teeth and motioned his personal soldiers to follow him to the northeast. Zhaoqing Green Camp is not against the tide, and this battle can be fought again, but now it can't do anything. Song Rui and the others had also dispersed, so what Kong Guozhi could do at the moment was to stay on his own and save his life.

Dozens of Taiping cavalrymen spotted Kong Guozhi fleeing to the northeast. The Manchurian flag, who was leading the charge, grinned and shouted with his mouth full of words. Immediately, all the Manchurian soldiers chased after him.

When he found that there were Taiping cavalry chasing after him, Kong Guozhi was so shocked that his hair stood up all over his body, and he hoped that the personal soldiers could block him, but those personal soldiers found that the Taiping cavalry did not kill the comrades who were kneeling and surrendering. He also clenched his teeth and knelt down.

Kong Guozhi lost all his thoughts and fell off the horse inadvertently. Because the armor on his body was too heavy, he couldn't get up from the ground after he fell. He was so anxious that he undid his armor and was about to run when he heard the sound behind his ears. The sound of hoofs, followed by a chill in the neck, and then I felt like I was flying.

The head fell to the ground, and the eyes were still open!


"The Qing army is defeated, follow me to kill Shang Zhixin!"

Suna shouted in half-familiar Chinese and rushed forward, not chasing the Qing troops who were running around, just staring at Shang Zhixin's banner of the Chinese army~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There was a stream in front of her, After the horse's hoof went into the water, a splash of water splashed. As more and more cavalrymen entered the water, the stream suddenly became chaotic, with fish and shrimps scurrying around.

The battlefield situation has been one-sided since the Zhaoqing Green Battalion rebelled. Hundreds of cavalrymen of the Taiping Army took the lead in the battlefield, and they divided into several teams to chase and kill the defeated soldiers. Three large infantry formations followed.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the soldiers of the Qing army of the guards were either dead or surrendered.

Surrounded by soldiers shouting for their lives, Shang Zhixin was dumbfounded as he watched Ban Zhifu trapped in the siege of Zhaoqing soldiers, and saw Tang Sanshui waving the big knife in his hand constantly running towards him.

Ban Zhifu tried his best, but he was powerless to change this defeat. He and dozens of personal soldiers were soon overwhelmed by Zhaoqing soldiers.

In the pile of corpses, Ban Zhifu, whose body was covered in blood, struggled to get up from the ground, stabbed the knife on the ground with difficulty, held the knife face to the direction of Shang Zhixin and made a final voice, "His Royal Highness!"

Before he finished speaking, the whole person fell to the ground with a bang, and the blood-stained saber also fell.

(To be continued.)

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