Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 396: Don't try to pull Lao Tzu's back

"General Hu, would you like to go with this commander to kill Shang Zhixin's son?"

"Don't worry, Commander, I'm willing to follow the Commander to capture and kill Shang Zhixin's son!"

When Hu Qili hesitated, his subordinate Qian Zong, Han Chaozong, patted his chest and said he was willing to go. {щww{suimеng][lā}In desperation, Hu Qili had to bite the bullet and said that he was willing to send troops to attack Sanjiangkou with the Taiping army.

On that day, under the command of Jinghai General Chen Qice and Zhenguo General Zhu Tong, more than 10,000 sailors of the Ming Army of Xinhui sailed into the river surface of Sanjiangkou.

There was originally a navy team transferred from Chaozhou by Shang Kexi on the Sanjiangkou, but it was small in scale, with only dozens of navy ships, and could not compete with the Taiping Army navy team with more than 100 ships of various sizes. Seeing that the Ming army navy was dispatched again this time, the Chaozhou navy, like the previous two times, first swam around the periphery of the Ming army navy, and then took advantage of the night to sail out of Sanjiangkou, preparing to wait for the Ming army navy to withdraw. I will come back at the meeting, but I don't know that this time the Ming army navy will not leave.

When it was reported that the Chaozhou boat master had run away, Shang Zhixin broke the desk with his sword in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

The Ming army navy did not land, but only bombarded the Qing army's defense lines on the river. The guns didn't take many downs, and the hit rate was low, but they didn't stop, even at night. As a result, until dawn, all the Qing troops on the shore were tortured and lethargic.

What frightened Shang Zhixin was not the shelling of the Ming army's navy, but the sudden roar of hundreds of thousands of people at the same time after dawn, saying that the King of Pingnan was happy to die, and the King of Jingnan, Geng Jimao, had descended. The masters of the state have also been killed by the Taiping army. Shunde has been occupied by our Daming Taiping army. You have been surrounded and there is no way to escape. If you want to survive, leave the camp or kill the general immediately. Anyway, Daming soldiers can Rao can't wait to die. They even shouted that the people who sacrificed their heads with the letter of Shangzhi were officials of the third rank, and soldiers rewarded a thousand taels of silver...

The news shouted out by the Ming army navy was originally blocked by Shang Zhixin. In order not to let the Qing army in Sanjiangkou know what happened in Guangzhou, he even isolated the Han army and Zhaoqing green camp from the Han army and the Qing army camp stationed in Sanjiangkou. The Qing army generals stationed at Sanjiangkou knew about these things. In order to reassure people, they cooperated with Shang Zhixin to block the news. But now that the Ming army is shouting like this, no one on the shore can hear it.

Hearing so many terrifying things all of a sudden, one can imagine the fear and thoughts of those garrisoned Qing soldiers.

Kong Guozhi and other guest generals spent most of their energy on appeasing the soldiers under them, saying that it was a treachery of the Ming army. Rumors are intended to make your army unstable, so they can take advantage of the momentum to attack. In this way, the subordinates were barely appeased, but the soldiers were still suspicious, and various rumors began to spread in the camp.

The garrisoned Qing army was barely appeased, but the Han army brought by Shang Zhixin escaped with hundreds of people.

To Shang Zhixin's despair, those Han troops who escaped ran in front of the soldiers from his own family who he sent to monitor, but none of those soldiers from his own family stopped them from escaping the camp.

In this case, the remaining thousand or so Han troops who did not escape could not be counted on, even their own soldiers could not be trusted. Who let their wives and children fall into the hands of the Taiping Army? If their children were still in Liaodong, how could such a thing happen. Shang Zhixin complained a little bit about the regent Dorgon back then, and asked his father to move the capital of his subordinates to Guangdong.

Zhaoqing Green Camp is also unreliable. Tang Sanshui's performance when he first entered Xiangshan was quite impressive, but when he heard that Guangzhou had been captured by the Taiping Army, he seemed to have changed his personality. Shang Zhixin asked him to lead the army to attack Shunde City, but he dared to use the excuse that the soldiers could not eat enough to attack the city, and once rejected His Highness Prince Pingnan, Shang Zhixin was very angry. But he couldn't help the other party, this **** was also very cunning, and ran after Sanjiangkou. He stayed in his camp all day and went nowhere.

Shang Zhixin sent someone to ask Tang Sanshui why he didn't go to his tent for a military meeting, and he said confidently that his subordinates were unstable, and his lieutenant must never leave the camp. Otherwise, he would not be able to suppress the riots of his subordinates. If his soldiers were in chaos, he would have no face to go back to see the commander-in-chief Xu Erxian.

This move made the people of Shangzhi want to get rid of Tang Sanshui and control the Zhaoqing Green Battalion in their hands. The only thing that made him feel at ease was. Although Tang Sanshui did not dare to leave the camp, he did not lead troops to surrender to the Taiping Army. Thinking about it, he was also afraid that the Taiping Army would remember his revenge. After all, it was his Lieutenant General Tang who drove the Taiping Army away from his old home, Luoding.

Shang Zhixin heard that Tang Sanshui killed a lot of Taiping soldiers in that battle. One of their big bosses surnamed Hu was killed by Tang Sanshui himself. There is no reason for the Taiping Army not to avenge this revenge.

Kong Guozhi, the general soldier of Southern Jiangxi, Song Rui, the general soldier of Yingde, and Sun Yi, deputy general of Nanxiong, and other generals of the Qing army and monk Zhixin stationed in the Sanjiangkou defense line, all under the command of Ban Shanzhi, quarreled fiercely over whether to fight or defend.

Ban Shanzhi advocated sticking to the Sanjiangkou and waiting for the Qing troops in Zhaoqing and Chaozhou to attack Guangzhou, so that the Taiping army could be forced to withdraw to Guangzhou, thereby releasing the siege of Sanjiangkou. Kong Guozhi and others believed that they should immediately evacuate from Sanjiangkou and break through from Shunde Jiujiang to Sanshui to Zhaoqing, instead of placing their hopes on the uncertain Zhaoqing and Chaozhou sending troops to Guangzhou.

Ban Shanzhi's proposition was based on the overall situation of Guangdong. Shang Zhixin had sent letters to Zhaoqing and Chaozhou, asking Zhaoqing general Xu Erxian and Chaozhou general Wu Liuqi to immediately send troops to Guangzhou in order to surround Wei and save Zhao.

Ban Shanzhi and Monk Zhixin agreed that although the morale of the Han army under the vassal and the Zhaoqing Green Battalion were low, and the soldiers had no fighting spirit, Kong Guozhi, Sun Yi and others still had the strength to fight, and there were also a lot of troops, so they could not fight. Easily give up Sanjiangkou. As long as Sanjiangkou is still in the hands of the Qing army, the Taiping army will not be able to act recklessly even if they occupy Guangzhou.

It can be foreseen that once Zhaoqing Xu Erxian and Chaozhou Wu Liuqi send troops to Guangzhou, the thief showcai will lead their troops back to help, and when they arrive at the fashion letter, they can command Kong Guozhi to capture Shunde and attack Guangzhou from the southwest.

But if they adopt Kong Guozhi's advice and abandon Sanjiangkou and go to Shunde Jiu Village towards Sanshui, it will undoubtedly be self-destructing. First, it is vulnerable to the attack of the Shunde Taiping Army. Second, this road is not easy to walk. It is a small path, and the heavy vehicles cannot travel at all, so they can only travel lightly.

Tens of thousands of people marching lightly on the sheep intestines path, once blocked by the Taiping Army, what the consequences will be, Shang Zhixin can't imagine without his head. Shunde's Taiping Army is not a fool, how can they be allowed to run under their noses.

Kong Guozhi and the others insisted on withdrawing and did not want to stay in Sanjiangkou for another day. The most frequently mentioned thing was food and grass.

The supplies of food and grass for the Qing army in Sanjiangkou were all transferred from Shunde. Now that Shunde was captured by the Taiping Army, all the food and grass that should have been supplied to Sanjiangkou became the Taiping Army.

Song Rui, the British-German general soldier, shouted that the urgent priority must be to withdraw immediately, even if only a part of it can be withdrawn.

What Kong Guozhi and the others actually wanted to say was to sacrifice those ordinary battalion soldiers and only bring their own soldiers to withdraw. These days, the personal soldiers of each family are the capital of their officials. As long as there are personal soldiers, they can immediately pull up another team when they go back, and still be their chief soldier and deputy general. If you continue to stay in Sanjiangkou, you will not only face the threat of running out of food, but also the threat of the Ming army being surrounded by water and land. Smart people should not stay in this Jedi any longer. The ghost knows whether Wu Liuqi and Xu Erxian will send troops to Guangzhou, and when they will leave. Waiting here stupidly, the wise don't do it.

Anyway, Guangzhou has been lost, the two princes died and the other fell, and the heads of the Manchu generals were also chopped off by the Taiping Army. The war in Guangdong had completely collapsed.

The performance of the Han army and Zhaoqing Green Battalion under Pingnan Fan~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Kong Guozhi and others are not ignorant. They have a thorough understanding of Shang Zhixin's efforts to win over them. There are no soldiers available, so I want to rely on them.

Kong Guozhi and others didn't want to be Shang Zhixin's cannon fodder, they were just guest soldiers, not to mention that when they followed Shang Kexi to fight Chaozhou, they didn't even drink a cup of soup, and they were driven to the ghost place of Sanjiangkou to be exposed to the sun and rain. Why should they work for Shang Zhixin!

If you talk too much, you will naturally blurt out anger. They are all leading soldiers. Can you have good words when you are in a hurry?

Sun Yi said, "If you have the ability, Ping Nanfan fights the Taiping army by yourself, don't **** want to pull Laozi's back!" Ban Zhifu was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Shang Zhixin's face turned green, Kong Guozhi and the others were about to run away, and he, the Prince of Pingnan, really didn't have a single soldier available. Prince Pingnan, who has no soldiers, will the Qing court recognize him?

During the quarrel, the sentry came to report that there was a Taiping army coming from Shunde to Sanjiangkou.

Shang Zhixin was startled, and asked the sentry to investigate again, but the news was confirmed that the Taiping army in Shunde City really killed Sanjiangkou. It was his uncle Shang Keyuan who led the troops as the vanguard of the Taiping Army. (To be continued.)

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