Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 397: I'm sorry Daqing

His uncle became the eagle dog of thieves and scholars, and led people to beat his nephew. This made Shang Zhixin's face ugly, and the generals under Pingnan were also very strange. Needless to say, there is something wrong with Shang Keyuan. Shaohan army colleagues.

Ban Zhifu, however, was refreshed and quickly asked the sentry how many troops of the Taiping Army had left the city. The sentry was also experienced, and based on the flags and the length of the Taiping army, it was estimated that the Taiping army should be around 6,000 or 7,000 people.

As soon as he heard that there were so many people, Ban Zhifu felt relieved and said to the generals: "I am afraid that there are only so many soldiers that the thief show can bring. It is impossible for him not to stay in Guangzhou City, and some soldiers in Shunde will also be left behind. , in this way, six or seven thousand people should be the largest mobile force in his hand. However, I think that only half of these six or seven thousand people are at most his old background of Taiping bandits, and the rest are mostly generals and soldiers, which is not enough. I'm worried." Speaking of this, he subconsciously glanced at Shang Zhixin, and seeing that the prince was listening, he didn't think much about his cousin, so he calmed down and continued: "These generals and soldiers are just Frightened by the fact that his family was in the hands of the thief Xiucai, he had to surrender, so the morale of the army would not be too high, and he might not have much loyalty to the thief Xiucai. We have a great chance of winning.”

Song Rui, the general soldier of Yingde, frowned and said, "What does Ban Dutong mean that we want to fight the thief showcai?"

"The soldiers and horses were in a hurry to attack us. It seems that we are here to make the thief Xiucai feel at ease in Guangzhou. Hmph, he is too arrogant. He doesn't know that he has taken advantage of Shunde to control the Sanjiangkou, and the anti-leader army will go out of the city to fight with us. , isn't this self-defeating?"

Ban Zhifu is very confident. If the thieves Xiucai and Xinhui stick to the city and trap them alive, there is really no chance of winning this battle. After all, I don't know if Xu Erxian and Wu Liuqi will send troops immediately, but if they fight in the field outside the city, When the Japanese soldiers were under the Xinhui City, they showed their prestige. His thief Xiucai's soldiers are complex, but they are not as pure as the Qing army in Sanjiangkou, as long as Kong Guozhi they are willing to give their lives. Even if they can't win a big victory, they can also severely defeat the Taiping bandits. At that time, Kong Guozhi and the others are afraid that they will no longer want to run.

"The thief show was delivered to the door by himself, and everyone didn't grasp it. But I'm sorry for this opportunity given by God."

Ban Zhifu looked at Kong Guozhi and Song Rui expectantly, and he also had a good look on the deputy general of Nanxiong, Sun Yi, who almost made him vomit blood just now.

"What do you say?" Kong Guozhi asked Song Rui and the others sideways.

Song Rui pondered for a moment, and said, "If it is a field battle, I'm not afraid of the Taiping bandits. There are six or seven thousand of them. There are also many of us. There is no reason to dare to fight them."

"I originally thought that the thief Xiucai was guarding Shunde to cut off our food supply and trap us alive, but now he has come to fight with us, hey, this Xiucai really doesn't take us seriously, let's fight a battle, how can he be better than us? Can you run by yourself?"

Sun Yi was a little moved. If he really wanted to run, he would at most have to run with his own soldiers. In that case, the subordinates would lose more than half of them, but if they fought the Taiping army in the open field, there was a great chance of victory. This Sanjiangkou is not a Fragrant Mountain, but if there is no land, the thieves and scholars will set up an ambush, and the two armies will fight in an upright manner, and the soft guy will know the tough guy.

Shang Zhixin was also very moved. If the Taiping Army stayed in Shunde City and did not come out, there would be a shadow of the new club. He really didn't have the mood to attack, but now he came out to fight. It's hard to say who killed this deer.

"The thief showcai has already hit the door. If we still want to run, wouldn't we tell him to laugh at our lack of courage! Zhixin hopes that all generals can put aside their distractions and work together to compete with the thief showcai!" Shang Zhi Xin decided to fight. He stood up and looked at Kong Guozhi and them.

"Well, since the thief showcai is going to confront us, let's fulfill him, so as not to make the thief showcai think that we are all afraid of him!" .

"Since His Royal Highness is going to fight. Well, let's go and fight with his thief and show talent, and see if his Taiping Army really can't control him!"

After weighing the pros and cons repeatedly, Kong Guozhi and others agreed to fight the Taiping army decisively. They were all killed in a sea of ​​corpses and blood. All of them are ruthless masters. If there is no way, they would not have thought of running. Now the thief show is arrogant to come and fight them to the death, how can they not fight a handful!

"Thank you, generals!"

Shang Zhixin breathed a sigh of relief, and bowed to Kong Guozhi and the others with a sincere expression, shocked that Kong Guozhi and the others hurriedly returned the salute, saying that it was impossible for His Royal Highness to give such a great gift.

At the moment, Shang Zhixin discussed with Ban Zhifu and Kong Guozhi about sending troops to fight.

"The soldiers forced the fat water to Chen, the Jin soldiers could not cross the Chu Chu, the Qin soldiers were few, and Zhu Xu shouted after Chen: "The Qin soldiers are defeated!" Jian rides in a mica car. He recaptures Shouyang and holds Guo Bao, the prefect of Huainan."

In the tent of Tang Sanshui, the deputy general of the Zhaoqing Green Camp, after reading the letter for the deputy general, Lu Daheng, a literate subordinate, looked at him dryly.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand. You speak plain language and listen to me." Tang Sanshui wanted to scold his mother, but he didn't understand a word.

"Yes, yes." Lu Daheng laughed dryly and explained to Tang Sanshui, "Sir, this sentence means that the Qin army and the Jin army were fighting, but a man named Zhu Xu was shouting in the Qin army. , said that the Qin army had already been defeated, but the Qin army thought it was defeated after hearing it from top to bottom, so they turned around and ran back, but the Qin army was really defeated."

"Well, that kid wants me to do this Zhu Xu?" Tang Sanshui understood, seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be asking Lu Daheng.

"I'm afraid that's the case." Lu Daheng nodded.

Tang Sanshui pouted, looked at the letter in Lu Daheng's hand, and asked, "What good does he have for me?"

Lu Daheng shook his head: "I didn't say this~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I didn't say anything?" Tang San was angry, "He won't give me any favors for such a big deal? His grandma's, don't think that I didn't know he had grown big in Guangzhou!"

"My lord, I thought it was because the deal was too big, so that person didn't dare to give us any favors easily, but according to my rank, that person is a refreshing master. The deal is really done, and the benefits for my lord will definitely not be small. "Lu Daheng has been dealing privately with the people of the Taiping Army, so he is very optimistic about the character of the thieves and scholars, and there is no doubt that they will not get the remuneration they deserve.

Tang Sanshui didn't speak, he thought for a moment, then asked Lu Daheng, "Do you think this business can be done or not?"

"This" Lu Daheng hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "Do it!"

Tang Sanshui sighed, got up and walked a few steps in the tent with his hands behind his back, and said melancholy, "I'm sorry for the Qing Dynasty." (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please visit.Website URL: .n.n, please support this site!


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