Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 395: 3 Eguchi

Zhou Shixiang arrived in Shunde on the second day of September, just as he personally went out of the city to welcome Geng Jimao into the city a few days ago. {щww{suimеng][lā}

The difference is that after being welcomed into the city, Prince Jingnan was placed under house arrest in the palace of Jingnan. He could only listen to the sound of wind and rain and read books under the eaves of the corridor, but did not know about family affairs, state affairs and world affairs; after Hu Qili welcomed Chief Zhou into the city However, he honestly handed over the defense of the city to the Taiping Army, and all the food and grass hoarded in the city were handed over to the Taiping Army to take over.

Political participation Zuo Qing and magistrate Wu Eryuan were also forcibly set up by Hu Qili's people to greet Dashuai Zhou. One of them was angry, and the other was sad. I thought that the thief Xiucai would definitely persuade them to surrender when they came, but the thief Xiucai would ignore them at all, as long as they were sent to Guangzhou. This made one of them feel humiliated, and the other greatly disappointed. If the two meet Xu Yingyuan, the master of Juren, they don't know if there is the indignation of Master Xu at the beginning - the thief show is too disrespectful to scholars, and this official may not want to go to the Ming Dynasty, but you have to put down your body and come to "Three Guess That Cottage", right? At least let this official have a decent face!

When appeasing Hu Qili and his generals, Zhou Shixiang once again promised the ownership of Huizhou's commander-in-chief, ensuring that Hu Qili could lead his troops to conquer Huizhou if something happened here. Sweep away.

A banquet was prepared early in the city. During the banquet, Hu Qili mentioned his family in Huizhou and the safety of his generals’ families. After Zhou Shixiang heard it, he immediately sent an order to go back. If necessary, you can ask Wang Zhaoxing from Foshan and Zhao Ziqiang from Nanhai to help. No matter how much effort and money you spend, you will definitely bring people back.

Zhou Dashuai handled special affairs and acted resolutely. Naturally, Hu Qili and others were very grateful, and they all stood up to kowtow to Zhou Shixiang.

Zhou Shixiang stopped them with a smile, and after enjoying the wine, he suddenly asked.

"When was the last time Shunde shipped food to Shangzhixin's army?"

"Six days ago."

"How much was shipped?"

"It can be eaten for ten days."

"According to this calculation, the food and grass in Shang Zhixin's army can last two or three days?"

"It should be so."

Zhou Shixiang nodded. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Where are the Han troops who fled back?"

Hu Qili said: "The last general is afraid that there are spies hidden in them, so he does not dare to let them into the city, so he tells them all to go to the Guanyin Temple in the west of the city, and the last general asks people to bring some food to them every day. Just wait for the commander to come. Set up."

The Qing army and its predecessor, the Jin Army, used a lot of spies to enter the city in advance in the battle with the Ming army. Afterwards, it was difficult to seize the city. The Ming army suffered a lot for this. Many cities outside the customs were called Jin Junduo Go, do the math. Li Chengdong also used this method to capture Guangzhou. Zhou Shixiang followed suit and captured Guangzhou. Naturally, he knew that Hu Qili’s arrangement was the most appropriate method. Lots of troubles.

He nodded and complimented him a few words, and then ordered the whole army to enter the city. Today, they will rest in the city, and tomorrow they will enter Sanjiangkou and fight Shang Zhixin to the death.

"Master wants to fight Sanjiangkou?"

This decision of Zhou Shixiang surprised Hu Qili and others. Shunde was not only a food and grass supply point for the Qing army on the Sanjiangkou defense line. At the same time, it is also the only way for the Qing army to go to Zhaoqing from Sanjiangkou.

Zhou Shixiang knew that the Qing army was in short supply of food and grass, and the army was unstable. Why didn't he guard the city of Shunde and use up the letter of death, but instead took the risk of going out of the city to find a decisive battle for the Qing army? This beast is still fighting. There are more than 10,000 Qing troops in Sanjiangkou. If they really want to fight hard, the Taiping Army will definitely win?

Zhou Shixiang did not explain to Hu Qili and the others that he had already sent someone to contact Chen Qice and Zhu Tong from Xinhui. In addition to telling them what had happened in Guangzhou, he asked them to immediately organize their army and cooperate with the Taiping army to attack the Qing army at the Sanjiangkou line. so. With the navy at the front and the Taiping army at the back, the two sides attacked, and the morale of the army was extremely low, how could Shang Zhixin still have the power to recover!

certainly. The main reason that prompted Zhou Shixiang to decide to fight Monk Zhixin right away was that he could not stay at Sanjiangkou for too long. He brought half of Guangzhou's military force to this trip. Although the two battalions were reorganized with the young men in the city, it was a shame. The goods are only used to fool those generals from the prefectures and counties. There are only about a thousand people in the real Taiping army in Guangzhou. Therefore, Zhou Shixiang must return to the division as soon as possible, so as not to let people see through the truth of Guangzhou, and whoever eats the bear's heart and leopard's gall will also make him a "I'm back!"

Zhou Shixiang knew the person of the old general Chen Qice, but he also knew that Zhu Tong, the general of Zhenguo, was a master who did not see the rabbit but not the eagle. For this, the price he gave was to supply the Xinhui Ming army with food and grass for half a year. Zhaoqing All over the country.

After Zhou Shixiang promised to defeat Shang Zhixin's troops, the Taiping army took a short rest and then joined forces with Chen and Zhu to attack Zhaoqing. After Zhaoqing was captured, the Taiping army returned to Guangzhou, and the Ming army under Chen and Zhu took over Zhaoqing.

No matter how incompetent Chen Qice and Zhu Tong's subordinates are, they can always gain a firm foothold in Zhaoqing.

Zhou Shixiang himself was a little reluctant to give up Zhaoqing, because Zhaoqing was the same strategic location as Xinhui, and both of them were the gateway to Guangzhou. Back then, Li Dingguo failed to attack Zhaoqing and then attacked Xinhui.

If Zhaoqing and Xinhui were both handed over to Chen and Zhu, and the next day Zhou Shizheng and Yongli court had a standoff, Zhaoqing and Xinhui's Ming army would be the sharp sword hanging over Guangzhou's head. It's excusable for Chen Qice~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There are multiple relationships, and Zhaoqing has to be handed over today. Zhou Shixiang's heart is too big.

However, Zhou Shizheng decided to do so. In his letter to Song Xianggong of Xiangshan, he said that the next target of the Taiping army is Shaozhou, and then Chaoshan. After acquiring these two sites, the Taiping army will not go to Zhaoqing. , but to go north from Shaozhou to Hunan and Jiangxi.

Song Xianggong felt from Zhou Shixiang's vague remarks that Zhou Shixiang seemed to intend to lead his army north to recover the southern capital, but the southeast was the wealthy land of the Qing court, and there were heavy troops stationed there, but he did not know where he had the courage to try to recover the southern capital.

Song Xianggong was confused. He had to do his part to persuade Zhou Shixiang. He believed that the Taiping Army should be born in Guangdong, based on Guangdong Province, and gradually consolidate it for a few years before planning the northern expedition. 's base.

However, Zhou Shixiang had his own ideas. No matter how badly he learned history in his previous life, he also knew that Zheng Cheng's troops advanced into the Yangtze River.

What Zheng can't do, maybe I can do it, but only if I have the ability to pick up the omission when Zheng's defeat in Nanjing.

Zhou Shixiang thought so. (To be continued.)

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