Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 391: Gege Graves Tartar Tomb

"Everyone works hard, digging two more pits and today's work is over, I'll pay you wages when I go back to the city, and I'll invite everyone to drink when I'm done!"

"Hu Erye invited us to drink, everyone, hurry up and dig, finish the work early and drink early!"

In a wasteland at the foot of Yuexiu Mountain, more than a hundred villagers were digging hard with shovels smiling. Behind them, there are four or five high graves. The mound was extremely large, many times larger than the mounds of ordinary people's homes.

Hu Erye, whose surname was Hu and whose name was Delong, was a businessman in Guangzhou who specialized in dealing with dead people. The so-called business of dead people is to make wreaths, make coffins, plan cemeteries, help people carry corpses for funerals, and sometimes pretend to be Taoist priests, monks, etc. .

Although this kind of person is not high in status, because of the relationship of work, people dare not get close to them, but no one dares to offend them, because no matter whether you are rich or not, everyone in this family is going to die. When someone is dead, they have to take care of it. People say it's auspicious. If there is anything to offend these gang of people who make money, what will they do in the coffin or the cemetery, will the host not be unlucky?

So don't care who, even if you don't want to see this gang of people making money, you will be polite when you see them. When it comes to funerals, it's up to them to decide how much they want, as long as it's not too much.

Hu Delong has eaten all his life, and he has never done anything wicked. He wants more if he has money, and if he has no money, he can make money. This time's business is a big business that he has never encountered in his life, and it is also a big business that he has never thought about.

On the order of the Taiping Army Commander Zhou, the newly appointed prefect of Guangzhou, Wang Zhangjun, collected the corpses of the slain Manchu little Tartarians. Naturally, his dignified prefect could not appear in person, nor could the gang of little officials in the yamen go outside the city to take care of these little ones. The Tartars dug graves, so this business fell on Hu Delong's head of the dead man's business.

The prefect yamen is very generous. He directly set a price of 400 taels of silver, and he didn't want Hu Delong and the others to make any coffins or do rituals. Just drag people to Yuexiu Mountain outside the city and find a wasteland to bury them.

Removal of wages for commoners. Hu Delong alone can drop seventy or eighty taels of silver into his pocket, and the gang in the yamen can't pay him the money. You say, where can I find this good thing?

Hu Delong has been very happy and hard-working these two days. He doesn't need to be urged by the people in the yamen.

I thought about digging the two holes in front of me. The business of this little tartar is considered complete, so Hu Delong is rare and generous, and he wants to invite these people to drink. More than 100 people find a small shop, get some snacks and a few jars of wine, and it doesn't cost a lot of money. It is possible to get these people together. Next time there is such a big business, they can follow it and save money. He came back to find someone. Delay time.

All the people are also full of energy. Hu Delong pays high wages and eats enough. After receiving the work, you can get money, and after today, you can also buy a drink. Which one do you think doesn't work hard!

Everyone buried their heads in digging, seeing that the sun was still high, and before the car to deliver the corpses in the yamen arrived, someone asked, "Second Master, how many small tartars are still to be buried, you have to say the number. Otherwise, we don't know how big the hole will be."

"There aren't many small Tartars anymore. However, some female Tartarians were sent all over the city, and the yamen explained them. They are all buried here." Hu Delong thought for a while, and said, "Don't dig too much. Just fine."


The person who asked the question smiled and spat in his hands, and continued to dig hard.

Another person looked up suspiciously and asked Hu Delong: "Yesterday, the female Tartar also asked the men of the Taiping Army to kill him?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Hu Delong replied angrily.

The man smiled and said casually, "Second Master, I heard that Song Lao Si from Qianjie just brought back a Manchu woman from the yamen yesterday. They said she was a co-lead woman."

"Associate Leader?" The people next to him were very curious, "Second Master, how old is the Associate Leader?"

Hu Delong shook his head: "I don't know, but it must be much older than the prefect."

"Tsk tsk, then the fourth son of the Song Dynasty is really lucky to be able to bring a prefect's wife home to be a mother-in-law. Hey, his Song family really has accumulated great virtues."

"What's there to envy, the Manchu woman who was led by Song Lao Si has been tossed by many military lords, saying that the remnants of flowers and willows are all light, and it is difficult for him to bring them home and give birth for a few months, but he can handle them. Him?" Thinking that Song Lao Si raised a Manchu woman but stared blankly and couldn't do anything, Hu Delong showed a wretched smile on his face.

"Hehe, that's true." The man who spoke also laughed, and by the way, he also worried about Song Lao Si, he laughed: "Song Lao Si is so poor that he can't open the pot, how can there be food to feed that Manchu mother-in-law? Don't bring people back to starve to death."

"If you can't die of hunger, the yamen sent some to them. They said that there are people who brought the Manchu mother-in-law back. If the Manchu mother-in-law is willing to live in peace, she can get some money when she is pregnant." There was someone who knew the situation. He opened his mouth to speak.

Hearing that there was such a good thing, the civilian husband immediately became interested and asked the man, "Then I can go back and get it? If I don't want that Manchu woman, I want to give some food to the yamen."

"If you're happy to see that Manchu woman at home, just go get it and let the family serve you as an old mother." The man laughed.

Hu Delong also smiled and glanced at the civilian husband who wanted to lead the Manchu wife, and joked: "Those Manchu mothers are so ugly, they have yellow teeth and a stinky mouth, you kid take people back, be careful. smoke you."

When everyone heard this, they all laughed, burying their heads in their work, and discussing at the same time.

"I heard from people in the yamen that it's because the Manchu girls are so ugly, that's why they took advantage of Song Lao Si's gang of bachelors."

"That's right, I also heard that Zhou Dashuai of the Taiping Army wanted to assign the Manchu girls to the people below, but the army lord below didn't appreciate it at all, and Zhou Dashuai couldn't do anything about it. That's why the yamen found a way and sent them to us. The bachelors in Guangzhou. It doesn't matter much, I heard that people will be sent to Xiangshan in two days."

"Boss Zhou is also a virtuous government, you don't know, it was really scary to fill the city for three days. I heard that many female Tartarians were stripped and dragged around the city by military men, and I don't know how many were killed. "An older civilian husband was a little soft-hearted, feeling that what the Taiping Army had done in Mancheng was too much, so he shook his head there.

"No matter how miserable, can we Han people be miserable?"

Hu Delong glared at the man and pointed towards Wulonggang, "Who are the people buried in Wulonggang led by Master Zhenxiu?... They are not from Guangzhou! There are too many dead people. , how many hundreds of thousands! How much did Zhou Dashuai kill, and how much did we bury? You are so compassionate, what's the matter, your third sister's whole family died in vain? Your little nephew who is not a full moon deserves to die! "


The soft-hearted man sighed and did not dare to speak. The other villagers were also silent.

There are a lot of people buried in Wulonggang, the graves can't be seen at a glance, and the bones of many dead people are directly violent in the wasteland. At night, the ghost fire in that place can scare people to death.

Hu Delong didn't dare to go to Wulonggang at night when he was dealing with dead people. The landlord made him panic too. The bones of the dead were piled up layer by layer, row after row. In the past few years, wild dogs in that place can eat human flesh. They are all crazy. Right now, Venerable Zhenxiu still leads people to pick up bones in Wulonggang every day, but he can't finish picking them up.

"If so many people died in Guangzhou, we are not allowed to kill some Tartars? To tell you the truth, when I sent those little Tartars from the government to throw them in the pit, I didn't mention how happy I was!" Deliberately shoveled the shovel into the soil.

"Okay, stop talking, hurry up and work, the yamen people are here."

Hu Delong saw a few carriages approaching, and hurriedly ordered a few words and greeted them with a few people.

"Who's in the lead?"

Several large carriages were parked on the road not far away, and a dozen soldiers jumped out of the carriages, and the leading officer opened his mouth and asked.

Hu Delong ran forward in three steps and two steps, and said, "Master, the youngest is the leader."

The officer was a small flag of the Taiping Army. He glanced at Hu Delong, nodded, and instructed him, "Tell your people to remove and bury these bodies."

Hu Delong looked at the car. There were little Tartarians and female Tartarians, all of them lying there, unable to see their faces. He made a gesture to the people who came with him, and the people hurried forward to drag the Tartar's body down, and then they were not shy, they just carried one to the dug hole. From the pit, dozens of civilians came to help.

After the bodies in the previous cars were all moved, the Taiping Army flag pointed to the last carriage and said to Hu Delong: "You dig a pit for the Tartar woman on this car and bury it alone."

Hu Delong glanced at the carriage curiously and asked, "Master, who is that Tartar woman who was buried alone yesterday?"

"She is a Manchurian, and the wife of the governor of Tartar, Guangdong and Guangxi."


Hu Delong was startled, but he knew that Gege from the Qing Dynasty meant the princess from the Ming Dynasty. He used to hear people say that there is a Qing princess living in Guangzhou City, but he didn't expect to see it here today.

That Xiaoqi giggled and said disdainfully, "What **** princess, is Tartar also worthy of being a princess!" After that, he waved his hand, "Don't be stunned, hurry up and do things, I have to go back for business."

"Hey, okay, let's go, little one!"

On that carriage was the princess of Tartar, and the wife of the Governor-General. Hu Delong didn't need anyone else to move it, so he ran over by himself, set off the carriage, and saw that the princess of Tartar was naked on the carriage. She looked pretty good~www .wuxiamtl.com~ But there is blood flowing from the corners of my mouth. He reached out and squeezed the princess' mouth, only to find that he committed suicide by biting his tongue.


Hu Delong shook his head, and carried the Tartar princess on his shoulders with pity. He wanted to dig a grave for the princess and bury it in person.

Here, the Taiping Army Xiaoqi went straight with two of his subordinates to unload a stone tablet from a car, and found a high place to erect the tablet.

Not far from the forest, a young monk raised his head and asked the old monk beside him: "Master, what is written on the tablet?"

"Gege Tomb, Tartar Tomb."

The old monk put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name: "Amitabha! Good and evil will be rewarded eventually, and the way of heaven is good for reincarnation." After a long time, he turned around and took the young monk to the mountain.

"Master, aren't we going to Wulonggang to collect bones?"

"No, let's go tomorrow."

(To be continued.)

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