Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 390: Change the flag anyway (below)

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"My lord, Foshan Green Camp has run away!"

"Wang Guangxing led the Foshan soldiers away!"

Geng Jimao, who was staring at the two letters in the tent, was startled by the sound from outside, but it was the deputy governors Sun Guoliang and the governors Guandong who rushed in anxiously. Geng Zhongde and the other generals who got the news also came in a hurry.

"My mother's Wang Zhaoxing is ungrateful. His Foshan guard was ordered by the lord for him, but he betrayed the lord. What a bastard. If I knew this **** did this, I should have given him to him earlier. Chopped!"

Guan Dong's face turned green with anger, his fists were clenched tightly and his teeth were rattling. Although his surname is Guan, and he is also affiliated with the Han army inlaid with the blue flag, he is actually a Manchurian. Because of this, he resolutely disagreed with Yizhi Guiming, and even if his family was also in Guangzhou, he was unwilling to betray the Qing Dynasty.

"What did you say, the Foshan battalion ran away? What the **** happened!"

Geng Jimao was extremely stunned. After Geng Zhongde said that Wang Zhaoxing, the guard of the Green Camp in Foshan, had suddenly rushed out of the barracks and ran north, he had turned from shock to anger.

"Wang Zhaoxing'an dare to do this! Is there anything wrong with this king! He dared to abandon this king and go away, he should be killed. He should be killed!"

Geng Jimao was so angry that he was trembling all over, and at the same time it was chilling. When he was in a dilemma, he was betrayed by his subordinates. Did God really want him, the King of Jingnan, to die!

"My lord is relieved. In my opinion, Wang Zhaoxing is not without difficulties. After all, his soldiers have no food to eat. It's better to run away. Our food and grass pressure can also be less..."

It was Geng Zhongde who recommended Wang Zhaoxing to be the guard of Foshan back then to Geng Jimao. Seeing that his nephew was very angry. Feeling a little guilty, he wanted to console him a few words, but before he could finish speaking, Guan Dong shouted angrily: "What's the trouble with that bastard, his son-in-law doesn't want to see our lord!"

Hearing this, Geng Zhongde got angry and shouted Guan Dong angrily: "Shut your crow's mouth!"

Guan Dong's words made the faces of Sun Guoliang and other generals of the Han army look ugly, and Geng Jimao's face darkened. He knew that what Guan Dong said was actually not bad, and that he, the King of Jingnan, was really dying.

"Your Highness, don't worry. The Green Camp gang is unreliable. If you run away, let's run away. But our brothers still go to the Prince, and definitely won't learn from the Green Camp **** to betray the Prince."

When Geng Zhongde said this, his confidence was very insufficient, because he was not sure whether his Han army would also learn to run like a green camp. After all, most of them had family members in Guangzhou. Jin Shi is a broken bachelor desperadoes. This person, once there is concern. When you do things, you will take care of your head and tail, and you will no longer be able to give up as you used to. With the example of the Green Camp in front, God knows if the Han army in the town will follow suit. If that is the case, the left army is finished, and his Geng family is completely finished.

But think about it. Geng Zhongde was still relieved, and he couldn't guarantee anything else, but he dared to guarantee that the Han army under Niu Lu would not run with the Green Camp.

Seeing his nephew's unsightly face, Geng Zhongde wanted to comfort him, but Guan Dong said maliciously, "Foshan's soldiers have run away, and Nanhai's soldiers are unreliable. Mother, they are in the north of Foshan's green camp, so they can't stop them. Foshan Soldiers, you said that the Foshan Soldiers will run away when they run away? Hmph, the guy surnamed Zhao in Nanhai must also want to run! Your lord, if you don’t do it again and again, I will lead someone to slaughter the Nanhai Green Camp so that they don’t run away too! "After speaking, the fierce light in his eyes flashed, and he really wanted to save the idea of ​​slaughtering the Nanhai Green Camp.

Geng Zhongde was frightened by Guan Dong's words and shouted: "No!"

"Why not, do you have to watch them run away?" Guan Dong stared at Geng Zhongde with wide eyes.

Geng Zhongde secretly scolded Guan Dong for being rude, and really wanted to slap him twice, but he still said in a calm manner: "The military's heart has long been unstable. If there is another internal strife, we will really die without a place to be buried!"

Sun Guoliang, who had not said a word, sneered at Guan Dong: "Guandu can't trust the Nanhai battalion soldiers, so he will lead his troops to slaughter them. If he can't trust us, should he also lead troops to slaughter us!"

"Sun Guoliang, what do you mean by that!" Guan Dong was furious, and Sun Guoliang's words sounded very uncomfortable.

"What do you mean?" Sun Guoliang snorted, "It doesn't make any sense, I just don't want Guandu to treat us all as thieves."

Guan Dong was anxious and said angrily, "When did I see you as thieves!"

The corner of Sun Guoliang's mouth twitched, and he grinned: "Guan Dutong is Gua'erjia, and we are Han Chinese, not as powerful as your old Manchu surname."

"Don't talk about this matter, I know you want the prince to change his banners and return to the Ming Dynasty, but before the prince has made a decision, you are an official of the Qing Dynasty, so you have to think for the sake of the Qing and the prince!"

"It is for the sake of the lord that I persuade the lord to change his flags!"

"How the lord decides is the matter of the lord, I don't need you to persuade!"

"If I don't persuade me, I'll let you lead the prince to death!"

"Nonsense, when will I lead the prince to death?"

"Nonsense?" Sun Guoliang stared at Guan Dong and said sideways: "The military's heart is already unstable. If you slaughter the Nanhai Green Camp again, what else is there to live for the prince?"

"Sun Guoliang, what do you mean!"

"Nothing else, just to remind you that Guan Du will speak in unison. I'm afraid it's the prince and the best choice for me to change the situation now."

"You thief really wants to force the prince to surrender, I will kill you!"

"If you have the ability, draw your knife and see!"

Guan Dong pressed his hand to his waist to draw a knife. Seeing this, Sun Guoliang did not show weakness, and even pulled out a knife. Geng Zhongde and several other generals were shocked when they saw this. When the guards outside heard something was wrong in the tent, they rushed in all at once, stuffing the house full.

The subordinates want to fight in front of their own face. Geng Jimao was so angry that he kicked the table over, and said angrily, "Is there still a prince like me in your eyes! Just kill this prince, and you part ways!"

"At the end of the day, the guilt will be convicted, and the lord will calm down!"

Guan Dong and Sun Guoliang glared angrily and knelt down.

Geng Jimao saw that the two of them were not fighting each other, and was about to scold, but Geng Guang, the commander of the guards, ran over with a look of horror.

"My lord. The big thing is bad, the big thing is bad!..."

Geng Guang ran. While screaming, his face flushed red and he was out of breath. Geng Jimao was startled, grabbed him and shouted, "What happened!"

"The soldiers...the soldiers...the soldiers are all gone!" Geng Guang ran too fast, and his words were not smooth.

"What? Are the soldiers all gone?"

Geng Jimao and the generals were startled and rushed out together, but the whole town exploded in sight.

"Brothers of the Han army, the Green Battalion has already run away. Let's run too!"

"The Taiping Army said that if we don't return to Guangzhou to surrender, they will kill all our wives and children!"


In an instant, there were terrified shouts in and out of Liangzi Township, and along with the shouts were soldiers running out like a tidal wave, and the Nanhai Green Camp outside the town also ran away. It was astonishingly fast, and Foshan Green Camp was the one who overthrew the first domino.

Camp bombed! It's over, it's over!

Geng Jimao was stunned there, eagerly watching the two thousand Han troops under the vassal rushed out of the town together. The Taiping Army is about to kill the Han Army's wife and children, isn't it Xiang Rong who came to deliver the letter today!

This dog minion!

Geng Jimao realized that this was not a sudden bombing of the camp at all, but that Xiang Rong was secretly spreading manipulation, and even the Green Camp in Foshan might be the ghost of a minion!

"Come back, come back!"

"All the **** come back!"

Looking at the soldiers who did not turn their heads, the generals of the Jingnan domain wanted to cry without tears, but there was nothing they could do. I just kept stomping my feet, not knowing what to do. Geng Zhongde was even more chilled, because he saw that his most trusted subordinates were running at the forefront.

Guan Dong was in a hurry and ran forward to stop the soldiers, but no one listened to him. When he saw an officer under his command, he shouted angrily: "Are you going to betray the prince!"

"Guan Dutong, it's not because I want to betray the prince, but it's really over. The brothers won't work for the prince, or their wives and children will be killed by the Taiping Army!" The officer said without turning his head. Run out of town.

Guan Dong was furious, but he had no choice but to watch his subordinates run out of town. After all the Niu Lu Han troops in the town had all run away, Geng Jimao came back to his senses. Aside from Geng Zhongde and the others, there were more than a dozen palace guards who didn't run away.

Geng Jimao laughed miserably and walked around the town absentmindedly. There was a mess everywhere, fences and tents were pushed over, all kinds of weapons were thrown on the ground, and pots and pans were also broken. Along the way, Geng Jimao and his generals did not know how many helmets they kicked, how many flags they tripped over, and they were all dumbfounded.

When he reached a fork, Geng Jimao didn't leave. After being sluggish for a few seconds, he suddenly hugged his head and cried. When he cried, Geng Zhongde and Sun Guoliang were stunned. Guan Dong lost the anger and murderousness he had just now, and his head drooped as if he had been cramped.

Geng Jimao's eyes were red from crying, and his whole person seemed to be a few years older~www.wuxiamtl.com~ haggard, like a gambler who lost the last pocket of rice at the gambling table.

Gradually, Geng Jimao's cry subsided, and Geng Zhongde looked at the north with a complicated expression.

Guan Dong suddenly raised his head and said: "My lord, all the soldiers have run away, we have to leave quickly, or else the Taiping army will come and we will not be able to escape!"

"Don't run away, this King Guiming."

Geng Jimao stood up, smiled bitterly, pointed to the mess in front of him and said to his subordinates: "The thief show was designed by me step by step, he forced me to do it anyway."

"My lord, we don't have any soldiers now. Anyway, in the past, we were slaughtered by others." Guan Dong was not reconciled to this and tried to stop it.

"Do not."

Geng Jimao shook his head slightly, and the expression of King Jingnan appeared on his face again, "The thief will not kill me, even if I lose my soldiers, he will not kill me, because I am the King of Jingnan in Qing Dynasty!" (Unfinished to be continued.)

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