Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 392: Huizhou general


After hesitating for two days, the inspector general Hu Qili finally sent someone out of the city to join the Taiping army. That night, Song Ying, the messenger of Zhou Shixiang, entered the city through the southern gate of Shunde guarded by the superintendent.

After seeing Hu Qili, Song Ying refused to be polite to him and said straight to the point: "I want to let General Hu know that the soldiers under Geng Jimao have dispersed, and he himself has surrendered to my commander. I am afraid that this group has already entered Guangzhou. The original three-way army now has Shang Zhixin's road. But General Hu should know that Shang Zhixin's family members of the Han army are all in Guangzhou City, and his cousin Shang Keyuan also surrendered to my family's commander, so General Hu thought that Zheng Huangqi's Han army still has the heart to work for the son of Shang Zhixin?"

"My commander wants me to tell General Hu that Shang Zhixin's rabbit's tail can't grow. If you follow Shang Zhixin, you will only have a dead end, but if you go to Ming, you will not only survive, but also have a bright future!"

Song Ying reached out and took out a few letters from her bosom, and said to Hu Qili: "These letters were written by your former subordinates, oh, one of them belonged to Li, the captain of the guard, but he can't write. It was written by someone."

Hu Qili took these letters like ashes. What they said in the letter was to persuade him to abandon the dark and surrender to the public as soon as possible. After reading a few letters, he put down the letters, sighed and said to Song Ying: "It seems that my subordinates are doing well in your Taiping Army. It's more comfortable than being here with me."

Song Ying smiled, glanced outside, and said in a low voice: "My commander said, as long as the general is willing, the lives of the men and horses you bid will be guaranteed, and the generals will also be promoted to the next level. General Hu, My commander should be reused even more!" After a pause, he simply revealed the truth and said, "You might as well tell General Hu, if you are anyway, my commander intends to let the general go out of Huizhou and protect you as the Huizhou chief military officer to the court!"

"Huizhou? You have already won Huizhou?" Hu Qili was startled, the Taiping army's action was too amazing.

Song Ying chuckled lightly, shook his head and said, "My commander wants General Hu to take Huizhou by himself. In my commander's words, he will take over his own territory."

"Want me to fight Huizhou?" Hu Qili's expression changed, hesitating.

"Why, does the general think he can't defeat Huizhou?" Song Ying looked at Hu Qili calmly.

Hu Qili got up slowly, walked to the window and looked into the distance for a moment of silence. After making up his mind, he turned around and sat down, and said solemnly, "To seize Huizhou is just a trivial matter for me, Hu, but I don't know what your commander wants me to do?"

Song Ying felt relieved after hearing this, and said, "My commander wants the general to capture Shunde and block Shang Zhixin and the Qing army at Sanjiangkou. They don't let them escape to Zhaoqing, and the general doesn't need to stay for long. It only takes three days. The commander of my family brought troops here in person, and when that happens, we will not bother General Hu, and our Taiping Army will solve Shang Zhixin."

"Let me cut off Shang Zhixin's way?!"

Hu Qili was shocked. He thought that Zhou Xiu was going to raise his flag and vote for him in Guangzhou anyway, but he didn't think that the other party wanted to take Shunde by himself and cut off Shang Zhixin's path.

It was too scary. Hu Qili was very worried. The Right Route Army under Shang Zhixin had nearly 6,000 Qing troops. In addition to the 3,000 Han troops under the Pingnan domain, there were also more than 2,000 Green Battalion soldiers transferred from Zhaoqing. In addition, there was also Kong Guozhi, the general soldier of Sanjiangkou Nangan. The soldiers and horses waiting for others, together there are ten thousand people. And there are only more than 1,000 supervisors under his command, how can they stop the tens of thousands of Qing troops! Even if the 3,000 Han troops did not dare to fight the Taiping army because of their family members, those soldiers from Zhaoqing and Sanjiangkou would never dare to fight.

The Zhaoqing soldiers were elite soldiers created by Shang Kexi's henchman Xu Erxian, and Kong Guozhi's gang entered Guangdong all the way from Jiangxi. Not worse than the Zhaoqing soldiers. They have no family to drag them down. In order to escape back to Zhaoqing, they will definitely attack Shunde desperately. At that time, how can Hu Qili, who only has more than a thousand soldiers, be able to defend for three days. Wait until the Taiping Army Brigade arrives.

Besides, there are more than 1,000 soldiers like him alone in Shunde City. There are also more than 1,000 soldiers from the Green Battalion General Ge Mingyi. There are also hundreds of soldiers in Zuoqing's political participation. Therefore, it is still unknown whether they can successfully capture Shunde. Where would Hu Qili dare to go? He wanted to block Shangzhixin's way, and fought desperately with Zhaoqing soldiers and Jiangxi soldiers.

"Since I fell out with the Manchurians, I always thought that I would return to the Ming Dynasty anyway. Although I was ordered to join Hahamu's Central Route Army, you should also know that I have never fought against your Taiping Army. Your army was completely wiped out in Shenwan. In that battle, I deliberately didn't get assigned to participate, and I didn't stop you when you went to fight Guangzhou."

"My commander knows all these, so I was sent to persuade the general to return to Ming. Now I just ask General Hu to give me the right words. Will this Shunde city be dedicated or not?"

Song Ying directly interrupted Hu Qili's performance and wanted to force him to make a decision.

Hu Qili hesitated again and again, but still said: "In Shunde City, Zuo Qing is now the master of politics. He and Ge Mingyi are not willing to return to the Ming Dynasty. This Ge Mingyi is known for his prestige in the army. If he does not surrender, I can't do anything about him. Please tell Zhou Dashuai, I am willing to return to Ming Dynasty, but I can only lead the headquarters to Guangzhou, and I cannot stay here in Shunde to block Shang Zhixin for him."

"Do the green battalions in the city listen to Ge Mingyi?" Song Ying didn't believe it.

"The soldiers in Shunde are all soldiers brought out by Ge Mingyi. These people are the only ones who follow his lead. My people can't intervene. If I really want to fight with him, I don't have a good chance of winning." Hu Qili also told the truth. I'm really not sure how to solve Ge Mingyi.

Song Ying was surprised: "Could it be that General Hu's people can't take care of a group of garrison soldiers? As far as I know, the general's superintendent is the most capable of the Guangdong Green Battalion."

Hu Qili said with a wry smile: "It's your Taiping Army's fault. You have beaten my superintendent too badly. The cavalry and artillery have all been eaten by you. My soldiers don't have the energy they used to, so let them go to Shunde. The battalion, I'm afraid it will hang."

Song Ying frowned slightly, and suddenly said: "If it doesn't work, get rid of Ge Mingyi first!

"Remove Ge Mingyi?!"

Hu Qili was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said repeatedly: "No, absolutely not, if you kill Ge Mingyi, his battalion will fight with me."

"If you don't kill Ge Mingyi, the general will not be able to control Shunde, and if you can't control the city of Shunde, you will not be able to block Shang Zhixin's path. Then why should my commander persuade the general to go anyway, and why should he give Huizhou to the general!"

Song Ying's face showed a ruthless look that was completely different from his, "If you break it, you will break it. If you don't break it early, you will suffer! General Hu, listen to the next sentence, seek wealth and honor at risk, if the general can't block Shang Zhixin. Stay, I'm afraid my commander will look down on the general."

"This this…"

Hu Qili pondered over and over again, but he was too late to agree. Song Yingli was eager to see that Hu Qili was hesitant and anxious.

Seeing this, Song Ying could only tell the details, he said: "Actually, the general is probably not afraid of Ge Mingyi and his battalion soldiers, but afraid of not being able to defend Shunde City."

Hu Qili didn't speak, but the expression on his face acquiesced to what Song Ying said.

Song Ying sneered secretly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and said, "General Hu doesn't need to worry about defending the city, and Shang Zhixin is not without people who are willing to cooperate with my Taiping Army."

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