Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 389: Change the flag anyway (Part 1)

On the third day after Hahamu's death, Geng Jimao, who was excited to lead his troops to Xiangshan, saw the heads of Hahamu and Galai Daoka hanging on the city gate of Xiangshan.

The heads of more than 1,000 Manchu soldiers frightened Geng Jimao. He disregarded the dissuasion of his generals and the Right Route Army led by Shang Zhixin in Ningyuan Township, less than a dozen miles away from Xiangshan Mountain. As soon as they retreated to Liangzi Township, news came that Guangzhou had been conquered by the Taiping Army.

Immediately, Geng Jimao's Left Army was caught in a dilemma. What was even worse was that the Left Army only brought ten days' rations when they left Guangzhou that day. The original plan was to get food from Hahamu from Zhonglu after marching to Xiangshan City. , I never thought that the entire army of the middle route had been wiped out. In addition, it was delayed for a few days due to the influence of the typhoon, and he was unable to join forces with the army of the right route. As a result, only one day of food and forage was left in Geng Jimao's army.

The occupation of Guangzhou has left thousands of Qing troops trapped in Liangzi Township, unable to advance or retreat. Geng Jimao has never encountered such a situation. He is panicked and at a loss. Hearing that Xiang Rong, the second manager of the palace, came to see him from Guangzhou, he hurriedly summoned him.

The news brought by Xiang Rong made Geng Jimao stunned!

The king of Pingnan, Shangzhixin, died of murder, and thousands of people in the palace were slaughtered!

The Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Li Ruotai, was captured alive, and his wife, E Enzhe, was taken captive by the Taiping Army as a prostitute!

Guangzhou prefect Zhu Guorong was killed!

Mancheng was breached overnight, and thieves and scholars slaughtered Mancheng with troops!

This series of news made Geng Jimao's face turn pale. Fortunately, Xiang Rong told him that although the Jingnan palace was surrounded by the Taiping army, Dafujin negotiated with Zhou Shixiang, the commander of the Taiping army, and obtained the promise that the other party would not break the Jingnan palace. , but the premise is that Geng Jimao must change his country immediately anyway.

Xiang Rong brought two letters, one was from Dafu Jin Shi Yuanling, and what she said in the letter was basically the same as what Xiang Rong brought. The other letter was written by Zhou Shixiang, the commander of the Taiping Army. The letter clearly told Geng Jimao that he should change his flag within three days, otherwise he would sack the Jingnan palace and send troops to attack him. If Geng Jimao is willing to change his flag, he will not commit any crimes against Jingnan Wangfuqiu. At the same time, the Ming court will also reuse the Jingnan king. The letter implied that once Geng Jimao changed his flag anyway, he would be king in the Qing Dynasty and also king in the Ming Dynasty.


After reading the two letters, Geng Jimao lost his reaction. He inherited his father's title at a very young age, and he didn't get much tempering before that. Nanzheng Guangdong followed Shang Kexi to fight, and he had never been on his own, so he didn't know how to decide.

The next generals of the Jingnan domain arrived after hearing the news. Most of the people were held hostage by Taiping because of their children, and they all said that since the situation is already like this, it is better to change the flag and return to the light anyway. There are also a few generals who are unwilling to return to the Ming Dynasty anyway, and these people are headed by Dutong Guandong.

Geng Jimao couldn't make up his mind, and asked all the generals to retire, allowing him to worry, only leaving the clan uncle Geng Zhongde to discuss.

"What should my uncle think my nephew should do?" Geng Jimao couldn't make up his mind, so he could only ask this uncle who had followed his father for many years.

Geng Zhongde shook his head: "The situation now is even more sinister than when your father invested in the sea, I can't make up my mind, you can decide for yourself."

Geng Zhongde actually wanted to persuade his nephew to return to Ming. After all, they have no way to go now, and they have no food or grass. If they delay, they will collapse without the Taiping army fighting. But after all, he voted for the Qing Dynasty for more than 20 years, and now the situation in Nanming is bad, and the Qing has too much advantage. The Geng family will face the disaster of extinction. So he didn't dare to persuade his nephew to change his flag, and he was very entangled in his heart.

Geng Jimao was a little disappointed, and vaguely understood his uncle's worries, so he hesitated. Asked: "Possible to find food?"

Geng Zhongde smiled bitterly: "Taiping Kou Jianbi has been cleared for dozens of miles around, there is no food in the town, and there is no food in the countryside. When I came here, I brought people to look for it. Not to mention food, I couldn't even see a living person. .Ugh."

Hearing this, Geng Jimao's heart froze immediately. He gritted his teeth and asked, "How long can the army last?"

"I can't hold it any longer." Geng Zhongde hesitated, the long-term threat was still worse than the one in front of him, he still abandoned his concerns and whispered, "Are you considering changing the flag?"

Geng Jimao stood up silently, without saying a word, obviously not making up his mind. Geng Zhongde saw this, the corner of his mouth moved, but he stopped talking, and finally sighed and backed out.

That night, the Foshan Green Camp Barracks was stationed on the outskirts of Liangzi Township.

"My lord, the people of Manchuria are finished, why do we have to work for Geng Jimao, the Han army usually doesn't treat our Green Camp as a human being, and they have corrupted all the food we have. If it goes on like this, there is no need to be peaceful. When the army came to fight, the brothers starved to death! My lord, how many years have the brothers followed you from birth to death, you have to give them a way to live!”

In the tent of Wang Zhaoxing, the guard of the Green Camp in Foshan, seven or eight officers of the Green Camp looked anxiously at the hesitant Wang Zhaoxing.

"Geng Jimao's wife was arrested by the Taiping army, and the Han army's family members were also arrested, and they must not be able to hold on. We can't move forward, and we can't retreat now, and that boy Geng Jimao is also scared to death. Otherwise, why did you come here from Fragrant Mountain? Lord, don't hesitate, there will be no reinforcements at all, it's coming early, how can you not even see a shadow after so many days!"

"We are just birds in a cage, and we can't fly anywhere. Shang Zhixin on the right can still run to Zhaoqing, where can we run? The road to Huizhou is blocked by the Taiping Army and Hu Mingyi's bastards. Well, we can't make it through at all! Your lord, you can't hesitate any longer, and wait until the Taiping Army kills you, but it will be too late!"

"The Taiping army is Han Chinese, and we are also Han Chinese. It is the Han army who slaughtered Guangzhou and Chaozhou, not us. The Taiping army can't settle the account with us. My lord, if there is any way, the brothers will not advise you, but now Besides this road, what other way can we go!"

"Okay~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Stop talking."

After hesitating for a long time and still unable to make up his mind, Wang Zhaoxing finally made up his mind under the persuasion of his subordinates. He slowly glanced at the crowd and said solemnly, "Have you contacted the Taiping Army?"

Hearing this, all the officers were all refreshed, and one said: "The people of the Taiping Army have promised us that as long as the adults take us there, they will give the adults one thousand households, and the brothers will also be promoted by one level, and the money will be provided by Foshan. Back to us."

"Being an official is a trivial matter, and the important thing is that the brothers survive."

Wang Zhaoxing didn't hesitate any longer, since the Taiping Army had already promised, and the conditions were not bad, and the left and right sides had reached this point, could it be true that they had to be loyal to the Qing Dynasty to the end. He immediately instructed his subordinates: "You all go back to prepare, and you must not leak any news. Once the time is over, we will leave the camp and run north. If the Nanhai soldiers dare to stop us, they will be scattered!"

"Don't worry, my lord, Nanhai soldiers are afraid of the same thoughts as us. Even if the surnamed Zhao doesn't plan to vote for the Taiping Army, he doesn't dare to stop us!"

Wang Zhaoxing's subordinates were all happy and eagerly went down to prepare. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please visit m.

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