Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 386: Qing Dynasty will not die

The Taiping army was not idle when they surrendered to attack the city. A guard's gun hand transferred from the right battalion of the infantry army put a gun on the city head.

The sound of the "bang bang" of the fire made all the Manchu women and children in the city tremble with fear, but the ignorant child thought that firecrackers were being set outside, clapped his little hands "Yah" and shouted to see, hugged his The mother was in tears.

Before the war, Zhou Shixiang had a long way to go, and if his men could take the lead in reaching the city, they would spare the family members of his Han army.

This rumor is destined that Shang Keyuan has no choice. If the city cannot be broken, his subordinates and relatives will die, but if the city is broken, they can live.

Although he knew that he was being driven by the Taiping Army to be siege cannon fodder, Shang Keyuan also knew that there were actually no soldiers in Mancheng, only the old Tartars at the top of the city were guarding, so he was not afraid of attacking Mancheng.

No matter how powerful the old Tartars are, they are also getting old. Their strength is limited. As long as the strength of the old Tartars is exhausted, the city will be destroyed.

The Han army, the Lvying, and the Manchu soldiers joined forces to carry the ladder and push the crashed vehicles to attack the city.

After the siege started, Tie Yi came out of nowhere to join in the fun. He moved over a dozen bronze cannons that had shelled the Pingnan Palace during the day.

"Open the cannons and blow up those old Tartars!"

With the whistling sound of sharp cannonballs, a heavy cannonball landed on the city wall, constantly bouncing horizontally, killing several old Tartars in an instant. They are too old and their reaction is too slow. Even if they see the cannon falling in front, they can't run if they want to hide.

From time to time, old Tartarians and teenagers in Manchuria were hit, some were directly hit by iron bullets, and some were hit by broken bricks smashed by iron bullets. The screams resounded from the top of the city, and the screams also sounded.

A teenage Manchurian boy was directly hit by an iron bullet, and his left leg was chopped off at the knee. The broken bones revealed **** white bones. The pain caused him to hug the broken leg and wailed.

Amidst the blasting cannons, a gray-haired old Tartar was ignorant of shooting arrows at the Green Battalion soldiers climbing up the cloud ladder, no matter what the people around him called him. When he found out that something was wrong, a cannon flew in and opened a hole directly through his chest.

The old Tartar was deaf and could not hear at all.

After a few arrows were shot, the old Tartars in Manzhou could not bear it. People who are dying, how can their old arms and old legs be compared to when they were young, their arms are sorely sore, and each arrow shoots closer and softer than the other.

under the city gate. The Han troops slammed heavily on the city gate while shouting.

On the city wall, the battalion soldiers and the full soldiers climbed up like a tide of cloud ladders.

"Marfa, Marfa!"

A Manchurian teenager saw his grandfather being stabbed to death by the Han army who climbed up. He cried and shouted and rushed forward to avenge his grandfather, but was grabbed by the Han army and threw it out of the city wall. With a bang, his head fell to the ground and shattered into a flowering gourd.

An old Manchurian Tartar is really unable to pull arrows, and can't walk. He watched helplessly as a Han army climbed up the cloud ladder, and then the Han army cut off his head like a cow and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

"Emother, Emother, I want Emong, I want to go home, I want to go home"

More and more battalions climbed up the city wall. A Manchurian boy who recovered his life from the shelling collapsed. He ran around the city wall, shouting to go home and beg his mother. But there are only murderers and murderers in front of them, so what kind of mother is there? In the end, he was cut to the ground by a Manchurian soldier who jumped up, and the pain woke him up. But he found that the Han army who cut him was so familiar.

"Nakechu, is that you, Nakechu?" The young man was confused, bewildered, and couldn't believe that the person who killed him was his uncle.

The Manchu soldier who was called Nake by the young man was also stunned. He stared blankly at his nephew who was bleeding on the ground. He couldn't believe his eyes, and his hand holding the knife was shaking. He muttered to himself: "Why is Ada here, why is he here, he is only 10 years old, who brought 10-year-old Ada to the city wall, who is it!"

The death of his nephew was unacceptable to this Manchurian soldier. He roared and vented his anger on those **** old men. If it weren't for these old people, his nephew would not have died. The commander of the Taiping Army gave his relatives hope of survival. , Now his relatives were killed by these old things, he wants to take revenge, he wants to take revenge, he wants to kill all the old things, kill them all!

Suna bit the big knife in his mouth and stepped on the ladder to climb to the top of the city wall. The Manchu soldiers on the other ladders also bit the long knife and climbed up.

Finally, Suna climbed up the city, and without even looking, he swung his knife and killed an old Manchurian in front of him. He couldn't understand the new master's thoughts any more. This Guangzhou city and this city are the best gift for his Suna's devotion to the new master, and it is also the best proof of his Suna's loyalty. He can't have any hesitation, no sympathy, and no regrets. He wants to live, and he wants to live better than anyone else. Therefore, he must kill people who are preventing him from living.

Suna slashed at the shoulder of the old Manchurian man with a knife, but the other party pointed at him in astonishment and called out, "Suna, how could it be you!" The voice was full of confusion and anger.

"You betrayed Manchuria, you became the lackey of the Han people, you must die!"

Suna recognized the other party. This was an old man recorded by his own cattle. He once killed more than 200 Han people in one go. He was a famous hero in the banner and a hero Suna once yearned for. But he only hesitated for a moment, and slashed the knife at the opponent again.

"Go to hell, old man, I'm a Han Chinese, my name is Wang Tai!"

It is very embarrassing that both the enemy and the enemy with the money rattail on the city wall kill you to the death. The brave battle between Suna and the Manchu soldiers freed up a lot of open space above the city, and more and more Green Battalions and Han troops climbed up, and the battle became one-sided. It won't be long before this battle of disparity in strength will end.

Unfortunately, I didn't see the old Manchurian turtles jumping off the city wall and shouting the slogan "The Qing Dynasty will not perish".

Zhou Shixiang shook his head regretfully, but to his surprise, the scene he was looking forward to really appeared.

"The Qing Dynasty will not die!"

"The Qing Dynasty will not die!"

Zhou Shixiang's spirit was lifted by the sound from his ears~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and looked closely, and there really was one after another of the old Manchu turtles jumping down on the city wall.

He must have tried his best, he killed a Han army, but was also cut in the thigh by that Han army.

Seeing those old friends jumping down from the city wall in despair, the forehead must be crying, crying so much.

The whole city is over, and the tens of thousands of women and children in the city are over. He must not be reconciled. He is really not reconciled. His heart is bleeding and hurting. He is desperate and helpless. Did God really abandon the Qing Dynasty?

no, I can not!

The Qing Dynasty will not die!

Ei Bidu crawled under the crenel with difficulty, propped himself up hard, and then jumped down without looking back.

At the moment of Hai, the gates of the city were opened

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