Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 387: Your people are too ignorant

At the gate of Mancheng, hundreds of Manchu women and children lined up in several queues waiting to leave the city. The queue was very long, but it was extremely quiet. There was no noise at all. Everyone in the queue, including the children, was silent. …≦,

Although the women's faces were still disturbed, they were much better than before the men came back. When their men suddenly appeared in front of these women and told them that they would not be harmed by the Taiping Army, not a single one of the women shed tears of joy on the spot, and not a few of them shouted.

In order to survive out of the city, the women did not dare to bring anything, not even a piece of gold and silver jewelry into their arms. They honestly carried their children and followed their husbands to the city gate.

They could feel that countless eyes were watching them on both sides of the street. The eyes were confused and angry, but more of envy, jealousy, longing, and fear.

Their husbands also noticed the gazes coming from all around them, and the gazes were of people they were familiar with, but they didn't dare to look at these people, they just lowered their heads and urged their wives and children to go faster.

The husband didn't tell the women what, but the women realized something, their faces were pale, and their fear made their steps bigger and faster.


At the city gate, a group of Taiping soldiers with knives and guns watched the crowds gathered from all directions in the city. The sight made the women and children in Manzhou panic panic. Even if their husbands signaled them not to be afraid, they still remained. trembling.

The city gate was knocked open with a big hole, and the two gates have been completely abandoned. The city bricks on the ground were covered with blood. Under the city wall not far away, hundreds of corpses were lying there, some facing upwards. Some are lying on the ground. There are complete corpses, some incomplete, and they are just left there, no one moves or pays attention to them, as if these corpses don't exist at all.

The women looked uncomfortably at the great soldiers at the gate of the city who were watching them, and looked at the corpses under the city wall in horror. The timid ones trembled with fright, and the daring ones were pale and bloodless. They held on to their husbands tightly, for fear that he would suddenly disappear in front of them. Then the Ming soldiers rushed over and drove them back.

At the gate of the city, a few clerks who knew the Manchu language, who were temporarily captured from the governor's yamen, held a blank account book and counted the families of these Manchu soldiers one by one. They are happy that they can do this errand, because it means that they are valuable and valuable in the eyes of the Taiping Army. Their lives can be saved. Maybe he can find an errand in the new Ming government.

Zhu Qinglai was in a hurry to bring troops into the city, but he was patiently waiting for the families of the soldiers to leave the city.

Blind Li was also very impatient. He didn't have the same patience as Zhu Qinglai and waited for things to be done. Instead, he carried a big hammer under the city wall to search for the bodies of those old Manchurian Tartarians. With a sigh, under the pleading gaze of the other party, he smashed the big hammer down. I really can't find anyone alive, and things are not over there. The blind man was so anxious that he used the corpses of the old Tartars to discourage him. Playing with one hammer at a time, the Taiping Army and the families of the Manchu soldiers in the distance are all scumbags.

Zhou Shixiang also saw Blind Li's boring behavior, and he thought to himself that he didn't know where the energy came from. It's better to save some energy to deal with the 50 Manchu girls.

Lu Shuban glanced at his registered roster and found that there were already six. He glanced at the newly approached Manchu soldiers, and asked him politely, "What's the name?"


The Manchu soldier reported his name, but he didn't dare to look into Lu Shuban's eyes, let alone the Taiping Army beside him.

Lu Shuban didn't pay attention to Ke Luokun's flickering eyes, and asked routinely, "How many people are in the family?"

Ke Luo Kun whispered: "14 people."

"14 mouths?"

Just as Lu Shuban was about to register, another office next to him glanced at the roster in his hand, but raised his head. He found that Ke Luokun's face was obviously a little uneasy, and the family members behind him also had the same expression. This book Do not say anything, but look at the Taiping army on the side.

Qiu Zongqi snorted and walked over to take the roster from the book office. He was illiterate at all, but he glanced at it with a pretense, and then his eyes widened sharply, looking directly at Ke Luokun who looked uneasy: "No. Well, this Manchu Catalogue shows that your Keluokun family has only 9 people, but you brought 14 people, I ask you, where did the extra 5 people come from?"

Lu Shuban put down his pen and repeated Qiu Zongqi's words to Ke Luokun in Manchu.

Ke Luo Kun's face changed greatly after hearing this, and he suddenly became very flustered. He tried to explain something, but he couldn't say anything.


Qiu Zongqi's face sank, and when he was about to attack, he saw Su Na stepped forward and slapped Ke Luo Kun violently, and then smiled at him: "This slave is blinded by lard, sir, rest assured, low-ranking duty. This allows him to drive back irrelevant people."

Suna is a hundred households, but the other party is only the general banner, but he still obeys his subordinates and does not dare to be disrespectful.

Qiu Zongqi knew that the city of Guangzhou was captured by Suna's suggestions, and he also knew that he was the first soldier when attacking the city, and he was very valued by the commander, so he smiled and nodded, sold his face to Suna, and motioned him to deal with the department Luo Kun.

Suna breathed a sigh of relief. Ke Luokun was his person with the white flag and the old man in his Niu Lu. He followed him all the time, and he was quite capable. He didn't want Ke Luo Kun to sacrifice his family's life for irrelevant people, so he scolded him in Manchu: "You idiot, how dare you take irrelevant people out of the city, you want to kill your wife child!"

"Lord Zuo Ling, these 5 people are the family members of my sister Sarigan. Can you ask the people of the Taiping Army for mercy and let them live?"

Ke Luo Kun knew that Suna beat him for his own good, but he didn't want his wife to be sad, and he couldn't bear to keep his wife and sister's family in the city. What responded to him was another slap in the face from Suna.

"You decide for yourself, either your whole family will die, or they will die!" Suna looked at Korokun coldly. If he really wanted to be confused, he couldn't blame him.


Suna's eyes were very scary, and Ke Luo Kun knew that the other party's words were not threats, but reality. He had no choice. After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and turned to look at his almost begging wife, and then rushed forward to drive out the wife and sister family behind her.

The five people who were driven out were two big and three small. They screamed and begged Ke Luo Kun not to drive them away.

"Let us go, please, let us go."

Ke Luo Kun's wife and sister stepped forward and hugged Suna's legs, begging the other party to spare them, but was ruthlessly kicked aside by Suna.

"No, don't drive us back, Anbuma, don't drive us back, the people of the Ming Dynasty will kill us, they will kill us!  …"

"Ambu, Ambu, help us, help us!..."

Ke Luo Kun turned his head in pain, not daring to look at his wife and sister's family. His wife also hugged her child in pain, buried her face in the child's chest, and wept softly. They are incapable and impossible to help them any more, and they too will die.

The sudden scene caused a commotion in the Manchu crowd behind, and the expressions of some people changed drastically, looking at the people around them hesitating.

Qiu Zongqi was very unhappy about this farce, which seemed to be separated from his wife and his family. He glanced at Suna, who brought people forward without saying a word and dragged Ke Luokun's wife and sister's family behind.

Screams and howls resounded above the city gate, and also resounded over the incomparably quiet city of Manchuria~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Qiu Zongqi was worried that the cries of these Manchurians would make Qianhu and the commander dissatisfied, Then he said to Suna dissatisfiedly: "Your people are too ignorant, if such a thing happens again, they will not come out."

"Yes Yes."

Suna nodded, and in order to prevent idiots like Ke Luo Kun from appearing again, he led the Manchu soldiers who had sent their wives and children outside the city to the team. One after another who should not have been out of the city was found, dragged out, and ruthlessly dragged away.

When the last Manchurian soldier led his family out of the city gate cave, Zhu Qinglai laughed, and the blind man Li also carried the hammer to the city gate in good spirits.

"Enter the city!"

Following Zhou Shixiang's order, groups of Taiping troops, who had been waiting anxiously for a long time, rushed towards the city gate from different directions, and then rushed out from the hole in the city gate and ran to different places again.

(Author's note, Sarigan, Manchu wife; Ambu, aunt; Ambuma, uncle)

(To be continued.)

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