Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 385: 3 days groomsmen

"Master, you didn't let me take the lead yesterday, but the master of breaking the city promised me!"

Blind Li was indignant. Seeing Suna and the others preparing to attack the city, his intuition was itchy. He had long been unhappy with those old Manchurian bangers, and he waited for the commander's order to enter the city, so that he could smash a few old bangzi's heads out of anger. This array, but put him down.

"Someone is willing to do it for us, so why do we have to do it ourselves. Old Tartars are old and young Tartarians are small, but they can kill people! Let them do it, and I don't feel bad if they die. I don't even have time to cry."

Zhou Shixiang said with a blank face, thinking of Qin Zhisheng who died in Shenwan in battle, he couldn't help feeling sore. He sent Man Bing, Han Army, and Green Battalion to attack the city. Of course, he did not want to increase the needless casualties of the old brothers, but he also made these people have no way out and were completely used by the Taiping Army. The nature of breaking the city is probably more serious than "Shunzhi is a dog" branded behind the back.

Thinking that he once promised the blind man, but now he has poured cold water on him and wiped his happiness, Zhou Shixiang comforted him and said, "You don't have to be wronged, you cut off the heads of Kalai Daoka and Hahamu in the battle of Shenwan. , I know what I have in mind, so let's go, after the city is broken, you can choose 50 Manchu girls, I will let you rest for three more days, and you will be the bridegroom officer in Mancheng for three days."

"You're not trying to coax me by this, Commander? Fifty, my darling! The three-day groom!" Blind Li breathed a sigh of relief. He was so excited that he was almost incoherent. He stretched out five fingers at the same time, but I don't even know how to turn it back and forth a few times. How many 50 Manchu girls are, he has to do the math.

"What are you doing to coax you?"

Blind Li's appearance made Zhou Shixiang's cheeks twitch involuntarily, but he couldn't hold back his laughter and finally didn't burst out laughing.

Zhu Qinglai stared at Blind Li with a sour expression on the side, and shouted: "Blind, let me tell you, you can't take care of fifty Manchu girls alone, so be careful not to fall into Manchu girls. On the belly of the corpse, we will lose the face of our Taiping Army!"

"Zhu Yingguan, don't worry. I can come here, take care of me, and I will never embarrass our Taiping Army or our commander!"

The blind man Li Xindao, whose surname is Zhu, is a jealous old man. I can't see my father. However, fifty Manchu girls are indeed a bit too many, and I am afraid that they will have to use the strength of breastfeeding to deal with them one by one.

Zhou Shixiang glared at the blind man: What does it have to do with my face if you are a hard worker?

One of Zhu Qinglai's subordinates surnamed Qiu didn't know the blind man in the past, but this time he stepped forward and patted the blind man with a warm face, and said sincerely: "Blind man. I always think you are a good person and worth making friends, so that's it. , how about you and I chop off a chicken head and burn a piece of yellow paper? From now on, our brothers are not better than their own!"


The blind man was startled: Where is this trouble coming from?

On the city wall, the faces of the old Manchurians must be full of worry. There are more and more Taiping bandits under the city. During the day, there are only a hundred people watching from a distance. Besides, it is shocking to look at.

The cries of killing in the city have long ceased. Needless to say, the Taiping bandits have taken control of the whole city, the Han people's Pingnan Palace and Jingnan Palace are all over, and the Governor's Yamen is also over. Now, the Taiping bandits are finally coming to attack the city.

The amount of despair, despair that has never been seen before, this despair comes from his old partner.

The old Manchurians who volunteered to defend the city with the same forehead were all gray-haired, deaf and blind. He lost all his teeth and could not speak well. After standing in the city for a long time, his legs became weak. Some even fell asleep while leaning on the battlements with bows and arrows and spears in their arms as soon as it was dark. They are really old. They are no longer the prestige and bravery they used to be, they are just a bunch of dying old people. They can stick to the city wall, even if they fall asleep, but they want to use this old life to protect their children and grandchildren.

But can they really survive it?

Ebidu let out a long sigh as his 14-year-old grandson was standing beside him with a spear gnashing his teeth. But the grandfather could feel the fear in his grandson's heart.

Ebidu actually really wanted the Taiping bandit to send someone to persuade him to surrender. As long as the other party could promise not to slaughter the city, he could hand over all the extras in the city. Even if the people in the general's mansion disagreed, he would be sure to bring his old friends into uniform. These slaves.

As long as they can survive, they can say anything, even if the Taiping bandits want a woman, they are willing to give it. When they entered the customs, the Han people did this to survive. As long as the child's life could be saved, what would a woman be reluctant to give up?

However, the Taiping bandits never sent anyone to persuade them to surrender, which made Ebidu even more desperate. He knew that the Han people wanted their lives, just as they wanted the lives of the Han people back then.

Retribution, retribution!

Things have become like this, making Ebidu feel that there is really retribution in this world. Otherwise, how can it only take a few years of hard work, or even a few days of hard work, the sky in Guangzhou will change, and the sky in the whole city will change? !

Can't God really see what they did to the Han people back then, and now want them to suffer the pain of genocide!



Under the city wall, an order was heard loudly. Suna led the Manchu soldiers, Shang Keyuan led the Han army soldiers and hundreds of Green Battalion soldiers captured during the day to start the siege.

Under the supervision of the Han army, the Green Battalion soldiers carried dozens of cloud ladders from the Han army camp and rushed to the city wall. Behind them, there were groups of troops ready to go, with excited faces, waiting for the Taiping army to rush into the city~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Shang Keyuan brought dozens of soldiers from his own family in double armor. Holding a shield over his head with one hand, he pushed a crash car with the other and rushed towards the city gate.

Suna and the Manchu soldiers were also in double armor. They did not go to attack the city gate, but climbed the city with the Green Battalion soldiers. Their bravery and loyalty were at their best in this moment, when they yelled at the terrified Green Battalion soldiers and charged forward past them.

"Fire arrows!"

The old Manchu Tatars in the city knew that the time had come to decide the life and death of the city, and they shouted and shot arrows down the city. Those sleeping old Tartars also woke up from their sleep, and instinctively pulled the bowstring and shot from below.

Although the old Tartars' archery skills are very good, they are old after all, and their vision at night is not good. Therefore, many arrows were shot in the air, and some of the arrows that were hit just pierced the fur of the battalion. , and did not pierce into the meat at once.

After finding that the arrows of the old Manchurian Tartars on the top of the city were not scary, the battalion's collective spirit was lifted, roaring and rushing to the wall to set up a cloud ladder. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please visit m.

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