Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 373: My father is Hong Chengchou

Hong Shiming was about to cry, he even changed his servant's clothes, how could that old lady still recognize him at a glance!

"Master, come quickly, it's Hong Jinglue's son, we are saved!"

Madam Su excitedly tapped on the ground with a cane. E Enzhe, who heard the cry, quickly came out with the help of the maid, and found that he was really the son of Hong Jinglue. Young Master Hong!"

If eyes could kill, Hong Shiming had already killed Old Mammy Su at this moment. Li Suotai's wife is not only the owner of the governor's mansion, but also the Qing Dynasty's Gege. She didn't even see her, but now that she has seen it, no matter how thick-skinned Hong Shiming is and how eager he is to escape, he can't help but be tough. Go over with the skin on.

"Master Hong, are you here to save us?" Er Enzhe looked at Hong Shiming eagerly, for fear that Hong Shiming would say no.

Hong Shiming gave a wry smile, and the Governor's wife's question left him speechless.

"Thank God, the Buddha blesses, Hong Jinglue is a Wenqu star in the sky, and his son will definitely be able to keep my master safe, thank God"

Madam Su regarded Hong Shiming as a hero like his father, only that Hong Shiming was here to save her master, how could she know that the other party would be worse than those servants.

"Mrs. Li, Taiping Kou will be here soon. We can't stay here any longer. Let's get out of here quickly."

Hong Shiming was thin-skinned, so he couldn't turn his head and ran, so he could only run with Er Enzhe. Uncle Chen was anxious, but it was not easy to stop him.

Just as Eenzhe was about to say yes, Li Guibao, the steward over there, ran over yelling.

"Master, it's not good, the back door is also blocked by Taiping Kou, they are coming soon!"

"What, the back door is blocked!"

Hearing this, Hong Shiming was so frightened that his legs softened and he slumped on the ground, crying at Uncle Chen: "I just said to keep hiding, but you want me to come out, this is good. The front and rear doors are called. Taiping bandits are blocked, you told me to run to me! If they knew that my father was Hong Chengchou, they wouldn't kill me alive."

Er Enzhe was taken aback by Hong Shiming's actions, and only then did he realize that this son of Hong Jinglue was not here to save her. Instead, he wanted to run for his life, and he couldn't help being disappointed and contemptuous: It's a shame that the dignified son of Hong Chengchou is so courageous!

Old Mammy Su also seemed to be poured over by a basin of cold water from the beginning to the end, seeing that Hong Shiming was so useless. Angrily, he laughed: "Young Master Hong, you can't compare to my old wife like this!" He sighed again, knowing that he couldn't count on this useless son of five provinces, and now he can only rely on himself. She said to the two maids who came out with the help of her forehead: "Hurry up and help the two of you to find a room to hide. This mansion is so big, the Taiping bandit won't be able to find the master so quickly. Maybe after a while, the master will The soldiers have come back, remember, don't make a sound."

"Then what are you going to do, mama?"

"Master, let's go, the old lady is old, what can Taiping Kou do to me!"

The old mammy also thought about it. She is a lot of age, Taiping bandit can still make it difficult for her, this old woman.

"Okay, mammy, you have to be careful yourself."

Eenzhe had no choice but to go to find a place to hide with the two maids according to the wishes of the old mama Su, and hope that the master can come back soon to save her.

"Sir, let's find a place to hide too."

Uncle Chen helped Hong Shiming up from the ground. Hong Shiming looked at the old mama, and then listened to the movement outside. He stomped his feet and followed Er Enzhe and the others to hide.

Li Guibao also followed, but after walking for a while, he suddenly stopped. Looking back, she glanced at the old lady Su who was sitting there, and then she gritted her teeth and touched the master bedroom.

"Find out Li Soltai's mother-in-law for me!"

"Search it for me, even if I turn over the governor's yamen, I have to find Li Suotai's wife!"

Guan Tianshui led his subordinates to search everywhere in the inner courtyard. I wanted to find Mrs. Li Suotai, but the governor's yamen was too big, and there were hundreds of rooms in the inner courtyard, and there were garden pavilions and fish ponds, so I couldn't find anyone for a while.

"Come on, where is Mrs. Li Singtai!"

A general flag of the Taiping Army pointed a knife at dozens of servant girls who were squatting on the ground and shivering in fear. Intimidate them to reveal the whereabouts of Er Enzhe.

"The little ones don't know, the little ones don't know."

A middle-aged man cried and said that he didn't know the whereabouts of his master, and as a result, Zongqi cut his neck with a knife after hearing him cry two or three words.

Before the rest of the people could scream, the general flag's knife pointed at a maid who was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and shouted viciously, "Tell me, where is that mother-in-law hiding!"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't know, I don't know that the master is there." The maid was so frightened that she couldn't cry, she pointed to the row of houses in the back, "Madam is probably hiding, Hiding. I really don't know where she is, you can find it yourself." Said the whole person fell to the ground softly, holding the female companion next to him and shaking constantly.

"Humph, hiding?"

Zongqi looked at the house over there, with a sly smile on his face, and his opponents shouted, "Go, go and pull that mother-in-law out!"

Er Enzhe hid in an inconspicuous guest room with his two personal maids, while Hong Shiming and Uncle Chen hid under the bed in the next room. Hearing the footsteps from outside, the people in the two rooms were so frightened that their faces changed greatly, and one of the maids was so scared that she was about to cry.

"Search, search from room to room!"

The doors of the rooms were smashed open by the Taiping army, and there was the sound of bottles and jars falling to the ground. Hong Shiming looked at Uncle Chen in horror, and Uncle Chen also looked at him. The two of them looked at each other with despair and fear.

Finally, the door to the room where Hong Shiming was hiding was smashed open by the Taiping Army, and the piercing sunlight shone into the room, reflecting Hong and Chen who were hiding under the bed.

"Hey, there's someone here!"

Several Taiping soldiers laughed and rushed into the house and dragged Hong Shiming and Uncle Chen out. A soldier was about to raise a knife to intimidate the two of them and tell them where Li Suotai was hiding, but he didn't want Hong Shiming but thought the other party was going to kill him, so he screamed immediately: "My father is Hong Chengchou, my father is Hong Chengchou, you can't kill him. I, can't kill me!" He knelt on the ground while shouting, his crotch was obviously wet.

Hong Shiming's actions made Uncle Chen close his eyes in desperation: Confused, you said that your father is Hong Chengchou, the Taiping army can let you go!

"Who is Hong Chengchou?"

Several Taiping troops were confused, not knowing which one was Hong Chengchou. The general flag, who was searching for other houses in the distance, was refreshed when he heard it. He was as excited as a chicken blood. He quickly ran over and roared: "Which is Hong Chengchou's son!"

"I am, I am the general spare your life, the general spare your life"

Hong Shiming couldn't help kowtowing, and he didn't want any face. The general flag lifted him up like a treasure, and after looking at him for a while, he ordered people to report to the battalion officer quickly. He caught a big fish.

"Zongqitou, who is Hong Chengchou?" The soldiers couldn't help asking when they saw that Zongqi regarded this kid as a treasure.

"A big man, a great big man."

The general flag put down Hong Shiming, stared at him and laughed. After a while, he remembered that Li Suotai's mother-in-law hadn't been found yet~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He wanted to continue the search, but found that Hong Chengchou's son was staring at the next door. The house is in a daze.

Zongqi's eyes lit up, and he motioned his subordinates to watch Hong Shiming. He quietly approached the room, and then kicked open the door with a kick. What caught his eye was a richly-dressed lady holding a gold bar in her hand. Mouth stuffed.

"Want to swallow gold!"

When Zongqi said it, it was fast, and a stride rushed forward to grab the gold bar in Er Enzhe's hand, and pushed her to the bed. The two maids were so frightened that they squatted on the ground and dared not move. Eenzhe failed to swallow the gold, and slammed his head on the bed next to him, but before his head was smashed, the whole person was hugged and lifted out.

"Let go of me, let go of me!"

Eenzhe was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he kept hammering the flag with his hand, but hitting the opponent with strength was like dusting the opponent's ashes. Although she is 42 years old, she has been pampered for a long time, and her body and face are well maintained. After being carried out of the house, the Taiping Army outside looked at her with bright eyes, and Guan Tianshui, who arrived after hearing the news, swallowed even more. Throat, I secretly said that we are lucky this time, this Aisin Gioro family's wife is really good enough! (To be continued.) Mobile users, please visit m.

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