Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 374: Jingnan Wang Fujin

"You southern barbarians who have killed thousands of knives, let go of my master! The old lady is fighting with you!"

After Guan Tianshui led people to **** Er Enzhe and Hong Shiming out, the old lady Su, who had been ignored all the time, rushed up with a cane. She was too old, and her teeth had already lost her teeth. She screamed at Guan Tianshui and the others, her voice was as if it was leaking air.

Er Enzhe's hands were tied with ropes, and a ball of cloth was stuffed into her mouth, because she was afraid that she would bite her tongue and commit suicide. Seeing Mamma Su rushing over to fight those Taiping bandits, Er Enzhe's eyes were full of tears, and he couldn't stop wooing, but he was speechless. Hong Shiming lowered his head like a dead man and didn't move, but Uncle Chen looked at the old mama with an unbearable expression.

"Damn old lady, get out of here!"

A Taiping soldier stepped forward to stop Old Mammy Su, grabbed her crutches and folded them to her knees. The crutches snapped in two with a bang. The soldier had no intention of killing the old woman, so he broke her crutch and ordered her to step aside.

Who would have known that the old mama, who had no crutches, was still unwilling to give up, and while scolding the Taiping Army, she stretched out her wrinkled old hands in Manchu to scratch the soldier's face. The soldier was very angry and pushed her to the back, but the old mama couldn't stand still, and the back of her head hit the sharp edge of a bench. She shuddered as she stretched and contracted, and she breathed for a moment.


The soldier was a little surprised when he saw that the old lady fell to her death.

Guan Tianshui patted him, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about her, it's none of our business to seek death." After that, he looked back at Er Enzhe and pouted: "This old Manchu woman is a good servant, you Master, just shed a few more tears for her." He thought the old woman was from Manchu, but he didn't know that she was a Han, but he had lived with the Manchus for a long time, so he didn't think of himself as a Han. Now, the revenge of killing her husband in the early years has been thrown out of Jiuxiaoyun, and there is only the kindness of her own master in her heart.

Er Enzhe was only crying "woohoo". When he was pushed by the soldiers past the corpse of Old Madam Su, his heart almost shattered.

Lord, Lord, where are you? Why haven't you come to save me!

The Jingnan Palace is located in the former Ming Dynasty Guangdong governor Si Yamen. The scale of the palace is not comparable to that of the Pingnan Palace, which was rebuilt from the Shaowu Palace, but it is larger than the Governor's Yamen. The servants in the palace were all the servants brought by the Geng family from Liaodong. After Jingnan King Geng Jimao led the army to expedition. All the affairs of the palace were handed over to Shi Yuanling, the first cousin of Jin Fu, to preside over them.

Shi Yuanling was a native of the Han army with the Yellow Banner. Her family was one of the eight great masters of the Han army. Her father was the Han army with a red flag, Gushan Ezhen, and the Zhenjiang general Shi Tingzhu. One of the two older brothers was married to Prince Yu. The daughter of Duo's daughter, Shi Huashan, was the concubine, and the other was Shi Lin, the admiral of Shaanxi.

In the eighth year of Chongde, Shi Yuanling was married to Geng Jimao by his father and brother as his wife. In the following year, in the first year of Shunzhi, he gave birth to his eldest son, Geng Jingzhong. A few years later, he gave birth to another son, and Geng Jimao named him Geng Juzhong.

Shi Yuanling took care of his father's family affairs at home at the age of eleven or twelve because of his mother's early death before he got married. Therefore, after marrying Geng Jimao, he also took over the affairs of the family quickly. Became the direct descendant of the King of Jingnan after Fu Jin. Shi Yuanling even managed the affairs of the palace in an orderly manner and never had to worry about Geng Jimao, so Geng Jimao didn't worry about what would happen at home when he was outside.

When the Taiping army invaded the city of Guangzhou, Shi Yuanling was talking to her husband's husband, Wang Shifujin, to relieve his boredom.

Although this Wang family called her Side Fujin from all over the palace, she was actually just Geng Jimona's concubine, and she did not get the canonization of the court. Because Wang Shude's brother Wang Shude was killed by the Taiping Army, her spirit and health are not good these days. Geng Jimao loves Wang a lot on weekdays. Although he also hates his brother-in-law Wang Shude's inability to cause him to lose 400 subordinates, he can't bear to see it. The concubine was too sad for her brother's death. Before leaving, he asked Shi Yuanling to accompany Wang to talk more when he had nothing to do, so as to help her.

Shi Yuanling is not a jealous person by nature. He knows that a man must have three wives and four concubines. Therefore, he also complains that the Wang family has stolen her husband's favor. He kept himself in the empty room all the time, but he was still able to put on the appearance of Dafujin and tolerate her generously. He came to look for the Wang family every three weeks and five times. After a long time, the Wang family's spirit was obviously much better than before.

The two sisters were talking when suddenly the guards in front came to report that there were rioters in the city. There was chaos outside the palace.

Since Shi Yuanling settled down in Guangzhou with her husband, she has experienced several civil turmoils, but this time she took the opportunity to loot money, so she didn't take it to heart, as long as the guards closed the palace. The gate, the troublesome people outside can be handed over to the Guangzhou government for disposal. Shi Yuanling panicked when he realized that it was the Taiping army that was causing the chaos in the city. He didn't know where the Taiping bandit came from and entered the city, and where were the husband and General Jingnan.

The people are easy to deal with. Although the Manchu and Han soldiers and horses in Guangzhou City all went to Xiangshan to encircle and suppress the Taiping Army, there are also patrols and Ding Zhuang in Guangzhou Mansion, and there are more than 1,000 battalions. There are also Han troops in the Pingnan Palace. Although people are caught off guard, as long as the government immediately deploys troops to suppress it, it will not take long to be suppressed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But now it is not the people who are making trouble, but the Taiping Army under the banner of the Ming Army, the guard said. Judging from the movement in the city, there are thousands of Taiping troops who are afraid that they will enter the city. There are so many Taiping troops that the patrolling officers of Guangzhou Prefecture can't handle!

The green camp in the city and the Han army on the side of the King of Peace and the South can also have 2,000 people. If they stick to the city, the Taiping army will not be able to say a few thousand people, even if it is several times larger, I am afraid that they will not be able to enter the city. However, now that the Taiping army has entered the city, the entire Guangzhou city is in a commotion, and the Green Battalion will definitely not be able to stop them in a hurry, and the Pingnan Palace will be afraid and will not be able to take action for a while.

Shi Yuanling was very worried that the Han army under the vassal was taken away by her husband, and the guards in the palace and the men who could use knives and guns were only more than 200 people. How can you keep it!

After all, Shi Yuanling is from a woman's family. Although everyone came out, she has been working for a few years. She usually does things without leakage and is in good order, but the current situation is something she has never encountered before, and she panicked immediately. There were people running for their lives everywhere outside the palace, and there were riots everywhere. It was unknown if the Taiping army had come to the Jingnan palace.

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please visit m.

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