Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 372: The male is not catching the female

As soon as Qin Cheng led the people out of the inner courtyard, he saw more than ten pacesetters fleeing here in a panic. There were also shouts of killing and gunshots from the lobby of the former government office. Qin Cheng was nervous. Wonderful, when I stopped my soldiers and asked, it turned out that the Taiping Army had already broken through the gate and entered the Governor's Palace.

There were hundreds of Taiping troops surrounding the Governor's Yamen. They attacked desperately, and there were also fire guns. Withdrew to the second gate, but when the gate closed, it was a step slower, and the Taiping army rushed into the main office.

The Taiping Army, who rushed to the former yamen, shouted that they wanted to capture Governor Li Suotai alive, apparently not knowing that the target they wanted to capture alive was not in the Governor's yamen.

The one who led the attack on the Governor's Yamen was Guan Tianshui, the deputy battalion officer of the personal army battalion. After leading the team to break through the governor's yamen, Guan Tianshui was very excited, and led his subordinates to search everywhere in the former yamen, only to find some of the governor's aides and petty officials hiding in the public houses, and there was no whereabouts of Li Suotai.

"Come on, where is Li Suotai?"

The little official who was held by Guan Tianshui with a knife on his neck was so frightened that he was drenched in feces and urine, and he couldn't say a word of nonsense. When Guan Tianshui saw this, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he slashed the little official with a knife.

"Tell me, where is Li Suotai!"

Guan Tianshui pointed with a long knife, and the two soldiers immediately rushed forward and pulled out one of the governor's staff. The staff, like the little official, was too scared to speak. Holding the aide's shoulder, a hand raised a knife and fell, and chopped off his head on the spot.

All the staff and officials of the governor's yamen were so frightened by this **** scene that their faces turned pale, all shivered, and one was timid and even rolled his eyes, causing them to faint.

"The Governor-General went to the Pingnan Palace. If you are not in the yamen, the general will spare your life!" The third aide who was pointed to by Guan Tianshui didn't wait for him to ask, he fell to his knees with a plop, and poured a bean into a bamboo tube. drop out.

"His mother's. It's been a long time, and the **** Li Suotai is not here!"

Guan Tianshui was stunned. This situation was beyond his expectations and made him a little troubled. After all, the task he received was to capture Li Suotai. If you can't catch them alive, you must see the dead body, and you mustn't let anyone run away. Now it is empty, no one is seen in life, no corpse is seen in death, how can he communicate with each other.

When he was in a hurry, a small official said flatteringly: "This general, the Governor is not in the mansion, but the Governor's wife is there." When he said this, others immediately contempt. Calling this man despicable and shameless.

"Mrs. Governor?"

Guan Tianshui was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the blind man Li had said when he was drinking with him that he wanted to dedicate Li Suotai's mother-in-law, the Aixinjueluo family's wife to the handsome and happy. His mother-in-law forgot.

Hey, the male has run away, so it's okay to catch the female! Anyway, the command the commander gave me was to occupy the Governor's Yamen, and someone at the Pingnan Palace would take care of it. I will control the Governor's Palace here, and then I will capture Li Suotai and his mother-in-law and dedicate it to the commander. The commander will definitely not blame me.

Guan Tianshui laughed. He pointed at the little official with the knife: "Take us quickly, you will be benefited!"

The clerk nodded in agreement, Guan Tianshui glanced at the other clerks, and suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched. He said to them: "Those who want to survive stay here honestly. Our Taiping Army still needs you, so it won't kill you. But if anyone dares to escape, let alone the sword under Lao Tzu's eyes!"

Which of the small staff members dared to say nothing, nodded and bowed one by one, and almost swore that they would not run away. They also know it in their hearts. The Taiping Army was the soldiers and horses of the Ming Dynasty. After occupying Guangzhou City, it was impossible to slaughter Guangzhou City like Shang Kexi last time. Therefore, they must be those who are familiar with the affairs of the city to come out and clean up the mess. Therefore, as long as their own brains do not heat up, this life cannot be lost.

Seeing that these guys are really honest, Guan Tianshui laughed and left some people to watch them, and the rest followed him to the Houya. If he couldn't catch the male, he captured the female, but he moved quickly. , if you let that mother tartar hang and swallow gold nuggets, it will be very unbeautiful.

Guan Tianshui led the men to the Houya, and he was met with desperate resistance by a group of pacesetters led by Qin Cheng. After a while, Qin Cheng's body was left on the spot. After Qin Cheng's death, those pacesetters and the Li family's Ding Pu dispersed in a hurry, and no one dared to stop the Taiping army. The huge governor's mansion fell into the hands of the Taiping army like stripped girls

Hong Shiming, who was hiding in the study, begged the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, but none of them worked. The Bodhisattva failed to bless him.

The screams of killing outside were getting closer and closer. Hong Shiming peeked out through the crack of the window. Taiping bandit was running towards this side with a knife in hand. He was so frightened that he pulled Chen Shu, an old servant who came to Guangdong with him, and his voice stuttered. "Uncle Chen, what should I do, what should I do? My father is Hong Chengchou. I can't fall into the hands of the Ming army. They will kill me alive." At this time, his father's identity really killed his son. .

"Eldest son, before the Ming army finds us, let's go."

Uncle Chen was also afraid in his heart, but the eldest son was safe, and he had to take the eldest son back to the master no matter what.

"Go? Where?"

Hong Shiming's face turned purple, he is Hong Chengchou's son, can he not be afraid of the Ming army!

"Going to the Pingnan Palace, it's really impossible to find a place to hide first. Guangzhou city is so big, how can the Ming army know where we are hiding. When the wind passes, let's escape out of the city." Uncle Chen tried his best to calm down, Lest the eldest son be more panic.

"Okay~www.wuxiamtl.com~ That's it!"

Hong Shiming has lost his mind and listened to Uncle Chen for everything, "Uncle Chen, let's go now, hurry, hurry!"

Uncle Chen didn't delay, he looked out and found that the Taiping army who came in was chasing some servants, so he quickly took the eldest son to the inner courtyard, trying to escape through the side door of the inner courtyard. He had already changed Hong Shiming's servant's clothes. The Taiping Army did not know their identities. As long as they were careful, they could always escape.

The inner courtyard was already in chaos. The servants were all rushing toward the inner courtyard like rabbits. Guan Tianshui led his soldiers to chase after them, but they didn't kill many people.

Hong Shiming and Uncle Chen ran nervously to the inner courtyard, but saw an old woman sitting on a stool watching them.

"Is that the son of Lord Hong Chengchou from the Five Provinces Classics?!" As if seeing a savior, the old lady stood up excitedly and shouted at Hong Shiming.

This shouting could knock out half of Hong Shiming's soul. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please visit m.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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