Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 368: Uncle Manchuria

Suna and Blind Li brought a dozen Manchu soldiers into the city struttingly. When they entered the city, the green battalion soldiers on duty at the city gate asked Kong Dawen, the chief officer, because of his duty, but was given a whip by Suna. Pulled to the side.

"You can't be blind, don't you know who Ben Zuozuo is!"

Suna spoke Manchu, how could the Green Battalion soldiers understand it, but they understood that the man in front of him must be the Manchu master, how could he be fake in that authentic Manchu dialect!

"Don't blame adults, don't blame adults, villains have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, villains have eyes but don't know Mount Tai"

Kong Dawen didn't care about the pain at this meeting. He knelt on the ground and even fanned his ears, saying that he was blind, and he didn't know anything if he had eyes.

Suna snorted, did not look at Kong Dawen, and ran into the city on horseback.

Blind Li followed behind him and still carried it in his heart. At first, he thought that when he entered the city gate, he would have to inspect the customs defense, but he never thought that Su Na would enter the city with a whip. If I had known this earlier, I would have gone to the trouble of trying to do something about the big seal.

When I win Guangzhou, I will also learn some Manchu dialect, and I will be able to fool these green camp idiots in the future. Blind Li secretly made up his mind that he must master Manchu dialect.

Of the dozen or so Manchu soldiers that Suna brought, 6 surrendered with him in Lutouhe, and the remaining 7 also used means. Although they all looked ugly, none of them dared to change. The other three were Han soldiers transferred from the cavalry battalion. They were all very good at horseback riding. Their expressions were also tense, but that was the reason for their nervousness.

How could the Green Battalion know that the Manchu men on the horse looked ugly because they were here to defraud Guangzhou City. They only said that the Manchu men were annoyed by their own blindness. Shi Shi stood there and greeted the Manchu soldiers into the city.

He, mother, I'm a slob, I can question the soldiers of Manchuria! It's true that he, mother, is full, and it is better to do less than one thing. What are you asking about the Manchu soldiers? This whip is really self-inflicted!

Kong Dawen covered his face with a look of grievance, but after the Manchu soldiers entered the city, the Manchu uncle who whipped himself suddenly came back. Point at him and shout something.

This time, Kong Dawen understood. The Manchu uncle spoke in Chinese. He said that General Jingnan defeated the Taiping bandits in Xiangshan, and they came back to report victory. Later, another group of Manchu soldiers would **** the enemy's head into the city, and told him to gather everyone and prepare to help with the transportation.

"The little one understands, the little one understands!"

Kong Dawen nodded repeatedly, it turned out that he came back to report victory. This is a good thing, the soldiers in Manchuria are really powerful, and they slaughtered the Taiping bandits as soon as they came out, unlike our Green Camp, who was beaten like a turtle grandson.

"All assembled, all assembled!"

Kong Dawen, full of energy, gathered his hundred and ten soldiers under the city gate, ready to welcome the return of the Manchu masters in a good manner.

Suna lowered his head and whispered a few words to the blind Li, who then led a few people on horses and ran to the city. Suna led the rest to look at the Green Battalion. Kong Dawen didn't doubt either, thinking that these Manchu gentlemen were waiting for their companions. He was afraid that the Manchu masters would be dissatisfied with the military appearance of his subordinates and give himself two whips. So I worked very hard to rectify my subordinates, and whoever stood out of shape would be kicked.

That is, at the time of the small half-pillar incense, a group of Manchu soldiers with dozens of carriages came outside the city gate.

"Come on, come on, be more energetic, don't embarrass me!"

Kong Dawen rubbed his hands excitedly, and ran to the gate of the city with a few of his subordinates to welcome him. But after the Manchurian soldiers arrived at the city gate, the dozens of people who rode on their horses didn't care about Kong Dawen and the others, and rushed towards the city gate.

"Be careful. Be careful!"

Seeing that the Manchu soldiers were about to collide with themselves, Kong Dawen was so frightened that he hurriedly backed away. No matter how good-tempered he was, he couldn't help but secretly scolded the Manchu masters in his heart. . As for being so arrogant, don't you treat us green camps as human beings!

After scolding, Kong Dawen did not dare to show any dissatisfaction on his face. He pulled a few of his men who were also panicked and huddled honestly at the edge of the city gate, for fear of being knocked down by these arrogant and domineering Manchu soldiers.

The team that entered the city looked like there were more than 200 Manchu soldiers with a white flag, and they were holding more than 30 carts. The car was covered with sackcloth, and Kong Dawen felt heartbroken when he thought that the car was full of human heads.

When the convoy entered the city, Kong Dawen wanted to rush over to see if he could help. After all, the Manchu uncle had instructed him just now to bring someone to help carry it, but just as he thought about it, he found that those who entered the city were The Manchu soldiers suddenly surrounded his group of men.

What are the Manchu gentlemen going to do?

Kong Dawen was at a loss, but a subordinate behind him gave him a shove and said in a low voice, "Sir, don't go over, it seems something is wrong."

"What's wrong?"

Kong Dawen glanced at his subordinate inexplicably, but his face slowly turned white, the hand that held him also trembled, and his mouth trembled: "Sir, don't look at the back of their heads...behind their heads... "It must have been terribly frightened, but this subordinate was too frightened to speak.

"You, his mother, said it! What's wrong!"

Kong Dawen was annoyed by the stuttering of his subordinates. He subconsciously looked at the back of the heads of the Manchu masters who had entered the city. It seemed that something was not right. He looked again and panicked, because he found that the Manchu masters had something behind their heads. Some have braids and some don't!

what happened?

Kong Dawen's face is confused, why are some Manchu uncles missing their braids? !

Just when Kong Dawen was still confused, the "Masters of Manzhou" started.

Suna was the first to draw his sword and slashed at the Green Battalion soldiers.


With an order ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Yu, who pretended to be the Qing army, attacked the green battalion soldiers. The sackcloth on the carriage was also removed, and Taiping soldiers, armed with large knives and wrapped in red scarves, jumped out of the carriage.

"Mrs. Ping Tai Ping Kou!"

"Lord, run away!"

Kong Dawen was so frightened that his upper and lower teeth were shaking violently, and his legs would not obey, but his subordinates were still awake. Seeing that things were not good, he hurriedly grabbed Kong Dawen and ran away, but instead of running into the city, he ran outside the city.

The more than 100 green camp guards at the city gate were completely unprepared. After dozens of people were hacked to death, the rest had nowhere to run, so they threw down their weapons and begged for mercy.

"Leave a group of people to control the city gate, send a signal to the commander, and the rest will follow me into the city, turning Guangzhou City upside down for me!"

The blind man Li laughed loudly, and the horse stopped riding, so he led the men and rushed into the city. Suna didn't say a word, and rushed towards the city with the Manchu soldiers. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please visit m.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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