Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 369: something bad

The Taiping army that entered the city was divided into two teams, one team controlled Guidemen, and the other team rushed to various places in the city in groups. Their task was only one, that is to create a panic in Guangzhou City to the greatest extent, and let the people in the city clear. The army was unable to arrive at Guidemen in time, and when the main force of the Taiping army entered the city, the event would be settled.

"Da Ming soldiers are here!"

"The Taiping Army is here!"

The Taiping army kept shouting along the way, and when they encountered official officers and patrolling, they immediately slashed forward with their swords.

The Manchu soldiers under Suna's horses collided directly in the city, and they didn't care whether the Han people in front were dead or alive. After the death, the people in Guangzhou who had not yet reacted screamed and fled.

Panic quickly spread throughout the city of Guangzhou.

The shanty people around the Guide Gate were the first to be shocked by the news of the arrival of the Daming soldiers. Most people didn’t believe it at first, but when they saw that the officials from the government were cut down by the Taiping troops who were chasing them, the whole shanty town immediately flew away. The dog jumped up and screamed everywhere.

The gongs and drums of the troupe who sang the Cantonese opera were still beating. The sound of gongs and drums covered up the screams from a distance. The actors were also singing "Yiyi Ya Ya" hard, and the spectators in the audience shook their heads. with music. Everything was the same as usual, but it didn't take long for the spectators off the stage to be surprised to find that the actors suddenly stopped singing and ran backstage like rabbits.

"You didn't sing yesterday, didn't you sing yesterday?"

The spectators all spent money, and they suddenly stopped singing when they heard it well. Naturally, they became angry. They stood up from the bench and pointed at the stunned musicians and questioned loudly, and the idlers even shouted. It's not enough to yell, pick up melons and fruits and smash them on the stage.

The troupe behind the scenes was startled when he heard the yelling and scolding coming from the front, and then watched the actors in his own troupe run down one by one with a panicked expression. I wondered if someone else came to the scene again, and turned his head to the front of the stage. But he was so frightened that he stood there still.

"Master, what are you looking at, you didn't sing yesterday?"

"Refund if you don't sing!"

"Yes, refund. Refund!"

The spectators under the stage looked at the class leader on the side of the stage, and shouted for the class leader to refund the money to them.

"Everyone, this show is no longer sung. You should go home quickly. The money for watching the show will be refunded another day. It will be refunded."

The head of the class was bitter, and he couldn't help being bitter, because he saw several men with red scarves on their heads standing at the door of his troupe with knives. This is still light, but the worst thing is that there is a blind man with a human head in his hand. Isn't that human head the Yamen Song Wu who comes every day to collect protection fees!

When encountering such a despicable master, the class master also has the intention of spending money to eliminate disasters. As long as the other party does not open his mouth to the point that he can't bear it, then it will be easy to talk and talk.

Some spectators noticed the class leader's gaze, and they looked back curiously. Seeing this, he was too frightened to speak. That **** head isn't fake!

When all the spectators were too frightened to speak, the blind man Li Cai grinned, threw the head in his hand at the crowd, and shouted: "The Ming soldiers are here, run away if you don't want to die!"

"Oh my God!"

The head fell, "Boom", the spectators fled, you hit me, I hit you, making a mess under the stand. None of the dozens of spectators dared to run towards Blind Li. All of them rushed to the stage, knocking the class leader into a circle.

"A bunch of cowards!"

Blind Li Hehe smiled, put the big hammer on his shoulder, and called to his subordinates, "Go. Let's go to the city!"

"Convicted wife Qi Qin, you are afraid that your adultery will be discovered by your husband's family, and you have conspired with the adulterer to poison thirteen members of the husband's family with arsenic. Now that there are witnesses and physical evidence, how can you deny it! Quickly! Confession. This official can save you from the pain of flesh and blood! Damn, why is there so much noise outside, don’t you know that this government is on trial!”

Zhu Guorong, the prefect of Guangzhou, who was trying a murder case in the yamen, was alarmed by the noise outside. As a result, before the master left the lobby, a large group of people rushed into the yamen, and while running inside, they shouted, "Master, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are here, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are here!"

"What? Daming soldiers are here?!"

Zhu Guorong was startled, his first reaction was impossible. There were Qing soldiers everywhere around Guangzhou. Where did the Ming soldiers come from, and where did the Ming soldiers come from!

"It must be a troublemaker outside, come here, hurry up with this official to suppress it!"

Zhu Guorong just thought that it was the people in the city who disturbed people's hearts and took the opportunity to loot. Not wanting to be born again this time, he was so angry that he wanted to lead the sergeant to press him. But there were too many people rushing into the prefect's yamen, blocking the gate, and the front door could not be walked at all. Hearing the screams everywhere and the shouts of the arrival of the Ming soldiers, Zhu Guorong was anxious. If he didn't suppress the rioters as soon as possible, the situation in the city would collapse. The consequences can be serious.

"Sir, go through the back door, go through the back door!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Song San, the head of the arresting department, hurriedly reminded the prefect to go through the back door. Zhu Guorong didn't dare to delay~www.wuxiamtl.com~ hurriedly led Song San and other yamen to the backyard. On the way, he ordered one after another, asking Song San to organize the yamen to patrol Ding Township and arrest the whole, so that the chaos must be brought under control. .

When they got to the backyard, as soon as they came out of the back door where the servants usually bought vegetables, Zhu Guorong and his party were stunned by what they saw. Not only were people screaming and fleeing everywhere on the street, there were even soldiers from the Green Battalion running inside together.

The whole city of Guangzhou was in chaos, and there were shouts of "Da Ming soldiers coming" everywhere, not only in the prefect's office, but also in the governor's office. The city seems to be in chaos.

"It's not good, the treachery has already risen, and the government alone is unable to suppress it. You quickly protect the government and go to the governor's office, hurry! Hurry up!"

Zhu Guorong saw that the whole city of Guangzhou was in chaos. He knew that the situation was very bad, and that the troublemakers had already started to gain momentum. The strength of his Guangzhou government alone could not suppress the situation. The governor's yamen is protected by the governor's pacesetter, and it is impossible for the chaotic people to enter. Then immediately ask the Governor-General to contact the Han army under the command of King Pingnan to attack the chaotic people. No matter what, he must not let the chaos spread to the city, otherwise, Zhu Guorong's 10,000 heads will not be enough to chop off! (To be continued.) Mobile users, please visit m.

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