Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 367: The Ming soldiers have entered the city!

Guangzhou Dongcheng was built on the basis of the ancient Yuecheng during the Xining period of the Northern Song Dynasty. After the completion of the Dongcheng, it was centered on the county office, connecting the north-south city gates and the east-west passages. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Song Ting was peaceful and regarded foreign trade taxation as the main source of revenue, so a city shipping department was established on the north bank of the Pearl River in the south of the city. After the establishment of the Shibo Division, the area on the north bank of the Pearl River flourished. A few years later, this area became the South City of Guangzhou, and then merged with the East City into Guangzhou Fucheng. During the Hongwu years, Zhu Liangzu, the Marquis of Yongjia, who guarded Guangzhou, expanded the Fucheng, connecting the original east, west, Zi and South cities into one, and then extended Guangzhou City to the north to the Yuexiu Mountain area, which formed the scale of today's Guangzhou City.

Guangzhou is the only trading port in the Lingnan area, and trade is extremely developed, so Yangcheng is famous all over the world for its wealth. After the fall of Nandu, a large number of people who were unwilling to shave their hair fled to Lingnan with Ming Dynasty officials. Their arrival led to a rapid increase in the population of Guangzhou, which caused the housing prices in the city to rise several times. Refugees could not find a place to settle in the city, so they could only live along the city wall of Guangzhou, forming a shanty town with a length of more than ten miles.

The calamity of Geng Yin in the fourth year of Yongli (the seventh year of the pseudo-Shunzhi) turned Yangcheng into a **** overnight, and also caused the people in the city to disappear overnight together with the ten-mile shack outside the city.

The two Han armies and their families who slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in Guangzhou have become the new owners of Guangzhou City. In order to enrich the population of the city and restore the prosperity of Guangzhou, so that they can collect business taxes to support the troops and horses, it is still gratifying Together with Geng Jimao, tens of thousands of people have been relocated from nearby prefectures and counties. Together with the family members of the Eight Banners in Manzhou who have just moved in this year, Guangzhou's vitality has slowly begun to recover, and there are already 100,000 people.

There are more people, and there are more people doing business. The merchants from all over the world have taken a fancy to the treasure land of Guangzhou. Especially the newly built Mancheng attracts their attention. Although the King of Pingnan and King of Jingnan were taxed heavily, they could not bear the huge profits. Those traders are all traveled from south to north, their hearts are clear, and they know who's money is easy to make.

The money of the dignitaries in this world is the best to earn, followed by the upstarts, obviously. The Manchurians from Beijing are the nouveau riche in their eyes. No matter how vicious those Manchu soldiers are, they still have to spend money. They don't want to spend money on their wives and children, and don't buy good ones. Otherwise, killing so many Han people, robbing so much money, and keeping them in the coffin will not work.

After learning that the imperial court was going to set up a city in Guangzhou, businesses in the city of Guangzhou started activities, and those who had the backstage directly connected with the government. He even hung up with the general's mansion in the whole city. Those who don't have a background are also trying to get a piece of the pie. Since the beginning of the year, merchants in Guangzhou City have sent a large number of people to various places to buy goods, or pull them to the city by car or boat. They don't sell it, they just store it there, and only wait for the Manchurians to earn their money. Otherwise, those poor people in Guangzhou City would not be able to digest so many goods.

Sure enough, the Manchurians from Beijing brought consumption in the city after arriving in Guangzhou. Those Manchu mothers were very willing to spend money, and they rarely bargained for good things. This allowed the merchants in Guangzhou City to earn a fortune. There is only one thing that makes them very taboo, that is, many of the gold and silver jewelry that Manchurians use to check out are unmelted gold and silver jewelry. The blood stains are attached to the rust, and they can't be wiped off. God knows how they will make this unknown. things on hand.

After the central area of ​​the city was expanded into a full city, the original residents were moved by the government to the Guidemen area in the south. Most of them are poor and cannot afford to rebuild their houses. They are lucky to be the first to live in the houses whose owners died a few years ago, while those who are slow can only build shanties by themselves. The government is not without subsidies, but the subsidies are very small. It is simply impossible for these "relocated households" to buy or build houses again.

For a time, the side of the city wall of Guidemen seemed to look like a few years ago, and dense rows of shacks sprang up like mushrooms after rain. Outside the Guide Gate is the Pearl River, and boats dock on the river every day. The men helped carry the goods and sold the coolies to earn some hard money, while the women made a living by doing some manual work at home. Those with craftsmanship naturally find a way to turn their craftsmanship up again, which is better than selling coolies to make money.

The big businessmen in the city naturally looked down on the poor people in Guidemen, and they were not willing to make such small money. The small vendors are happy to hawk the streets, and some directly set up street stalls in crowded places. There are too many people in this area, and all kinds of livelihoods have appeared one after another. Every day, there are troupes singing Cantonese operas. Today there are two, one in the east and one in the west, each singing their own songs without interfering with each other. One sang "Tian Ji Sending Son" and the other sang "Bi Tian He Shou". The actors on the stage were dressed in red, and the Cantonese singing and harmony were very pleasant to the ears. This Cantonese drama sounds really good to local people, but the Han army and Manchu people from the north don't like to listen to it. For no other reason, they don't understand it.

Wang Si was walking the streets and alleys in this shanty town to carry the burden. He was not a salesman, but a head-picking burden. After turning around for a whole morning, I tick off three heads before and after, and earned a dozen coppers. If I can tick a few in the afternoon, today’s family will be able to eat food, and if I’m lucky, I can save a few cents.

"Head off, wait a minute."

As soon as he crossed the intersection, Wang Si heard someone calling him from behind, and turned to look, but a woman was waving at him with a four- or five-year-old child.

Wang Si picked up the burden with a smile, put it down and asked, "Who wants to tick off the head in the eldest sister's family?"

"Ticked my boy's head off."

The woman pulled the child beside her and motioned him to sit on the stool Wang Si took down.


Wang Si looked at the child's hair and said with a smile, "This hair is not long, let's keep it for a while."

The woman shook her head and said, "No~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is old. If you don't pick it up, it will be bad for the government to know."

"Seven years old?"

Wang Si was a little surprised. He looked at the child again. No matter how he looked, he didn't look like a seven-year-old. Maybe he didn't have much to eat.

The government has a strict order on tickling. If the doll of the Han family does not have its head tucked at the age of seven, it will be a big problem. If it is not good, it will lose its head.

Wang Si put down the burden, told the doll to sit down, took out the pick knife, and was about to start, but at the intersection ahead, a few soldiers from the Green Camp stumbled over. They seemed to be chased by ghosts, and they rushed towards this side in a panic.

Wang Si was taken aback. He didn't dare to block the soldiers of the Green Camp. He hurriedly pulled the doll and was about to dodge aside. He landed on the back of the Green Battalion soldier behind him, and then shouted loudly: "The Daming soldiers have entered the city, the Daming soldiers have entered the city!"

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please visit m.

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