Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 366: Did this 1 vote!

"Hit Guangzhou?!"

Ge Yi was stunned by this sudden decision. He jumped up from the ground with a slap in the face. His movements were so violent that he twitched his injuries. The pain made his cheeks twitch. He endured the pain with a look of surprise on his face. Looking at Zhou Shixiang, he shouted loudly, "Commander, didn't you say that you will go to fight Geng Jimao after you get rid of Hahamu, why are you going to fight Guangzhou now?"

"Guangzhou is the provincial capital. We only have a few thousand people, and we don't have the equipment to attack the city. How can we defeat it? If we take care of Geng Jimao, the last general will have full confidence that this King of Jingnan will become headless like General Jingnan. Corpse, but if Guangzhou is attacked, the last commander really has no idea in his heart."

Tie Yi was also puzzled. He didn't know why Zhou Shixiang suddenly decided to give up on Geng Jimao, who was the weakest. Instead, he wanted to take Guangzhou, a city that was several times stronger than Xinhui City. With the current strength of the Taiping Army, it would be as difficult to take Guangzhou as it is to take down Guangzhou.

Tie Yi couldn't figure it out, and couldn't even think about it.

"Master, do you think about it again?"

Zhao Sihai frowned and persuaded: "If you don't get rid of the two Qing troops, Geng Jimao and Monk Zhixin, then go to Guangzhou. If you can't take Guangzhou, Xiangshan will be occupied by Geng and Shang again, aren't we here? Can't advance or retreat under the city of Guangzhou, and have lost the foundation? The brothers who died in the battle today died in vain?"

Shao Jiugong didn't say a word, but the expression on his face clearly told Zhou Shixiang that he also did not agree to fight Guangzhou.

The opposition of the generals was not unexpected by Zhou Shixiang. It is reasonable to send a letter to Geng Jimao immediately in the name of Hahamu, asking him to come to Sanxiang and Hahamu to join forces, and then the Taiping Army will wait for work and take advantage of the great victory. Eat Geng Jimao all the way.

The three-way Qing army was defeated by two, and Shang Zhixin could not stay in Xiangshan any longer even if he had eaten the gall of a bear and a leopard. His only option was to withdraw his troops and return to Guangzhou immediately. As a result, the Qing army's encirclement and suppression of Xiangshan failed. But this also means that the Taiping army lost the best opportunity to seize Guangzhou.

You must know that the current city of Guangzhou was the most empty since the Qing army entered Guangdong. Suna had already interrogated those Manchu soldiers who had surrendered. Haha Mu brought all the soldiers and horses out of the city. Geng Jimao also dimmed his Jingnan feudal troops, and Shang Kexi brought six of the nine Niu Lu from the feudal lord. In order to gather the right army for his son, he also transferred 2,000 green battalions from Zhaoqing. Now the Qing army in Guangzhou city will not exceed 2,000 people at full capacity.

At that time, although the Shaowu court sent all elite soldiers to Zhaoqing because of the civil war with the Yongli regime. But there were at least 10,000 soldiers and horses in the city, so they were successfully raided by more than a dozen cavalrymen of Li Chengdong. There are only less than 2,000 Qing troops in Guangzhou now, and Zhou Shixiang has no reason not to fight. If he misses this opportunity, the Taiping army will attack Guangzhou next time. But it really depends on human life to fill the moat of Guangzhou.

"Aren't you all looking forward to fighting Guangzhou, why are you scared now that I decided to take you to fight?" Zhou Shixiang smiled and looked at his four generals.

"Xiusai, I'm not afraid, but it's too risky, right?"

Ge Yi disagreed with Zhou Shixiang's words. He was not afraid to attack Guangzhou, but felt that there was no need for it at all. The current situation is very beneficial to the Taiping army. As long as Geng Jimao is lured to annihilate, the Qing army will no longer be able to pose a threat to Xiangshan. The Taiping army will attack Guangzhou whenever it wants. Fight from wherever you want. It’s better than taking risks like this now.

"Commander, it's not that we are afraid of the Qing Yao, it's just that we just fought a battle with the Manchu Tartars. Although we won, the casualties of each battalion were not small, so we are dealing with Geng Jimao. We still have the advantage of our troops, but we are going to fight Guangzhou. , we are really not enough to look at the commander. At the end of the day, we will follow you in Luoding. We have already pinned our head to the waist. If you fail, you will become a benevolent. If you die, there is nothing to say. But the decision of the commander is true It's too risky, and I won't be able to agree to it at the end." Zhao Sihai directly stated his attitude that he firmly disagreed with Guangzhou.

Tie Yi thought for a moment and said, "The commander really wants to decide to fight Guangzhou. The last commander can only follow orders. But Guangzhou is the provincial capital, and the commander doesn't have enough gunpowder to blast the city wall. Brothers, can't they use their lives to climb the city walls of Guangzhou?"

"No, I'm not telling you to take your life to climb the city wall of Guangzhou, I have a better way." Zhou Shixiang smiled, ignoring his subordinates' doubts and objections to his decision.

"What can the commander do?" Tie Yi asked in confusion.

"Suna, tell them how Li Chengdong occupied Guangzhou."

"Yes, handsome!"

Suna took two steps forward, bowed towards Tie Yi and Ge Yi, and said, "Generals, when Li Chengdong attacked Guangzhou, the situation he faced was even more dangerous than us, and we would definitely not be able to take the city by force. Li Chengdong selected 300 elite soldiers to infiltrate Huashan in the north of Guangzhou City, and sent more than 10 cavalry soldiers to pretend to be the Ming army reporting the news. The Qing soldiers are here! ”, and then killed people in the busy city. As a result, the entire city of Guangzhou collapsed. The Ming army defending the city was caught off guard. They had no idea how many Qing soldiers had come in the city. When they reacted, Li Chengdong’s brigade of Qing soldiers had already rushed in from the east gate. , captured the city of Guangzhou with almost no effort."

After listening to Suna, Tie Yi suddenly realized: "You mean to tell us to learn from Li Chengdong?"


Suna nodded, with indescribable excitement on his face, he said: "I would like to bring a full army of soldiers into the city in the name of retribution, the generals will lead the brigade, and they will respond after the humble post rises in the city, so Guangzhou is at your fingertips. !"

Tie Yi, Zhao Sihai, Shao Jiugong and others looked at each other, all thinking about whether this strategy was feasible.

"What Li Chengdong can do, why can't we do it? At that time, there were more than 10,000 Ming troops in Guangzhou city, but now there are only two or three thousand Qing troops in the city, and the only ones who can fight are the three Niu Lu Han troops under Shang Kexi. , the rest are green battalion soldiers, which are not enough for us to fight. As long as we enter the city, the Qing army will not be able to drive us out again! Come and see!"

Zhou Shixiang asked Blind Li to bring the map, pointed at the map and said to the generals: "If we eat Geng Jimao's 2,000 people, Shang Zhixin on the right will definitely return to Guangzhou. His subordinates have five or six thousand Qing troops. The Qing army returns to Guangzhou City, and if we want to attack Guangzhou again, we will have to pay huge casualties. Therefore, we must not miss this opportunity!"

Zhou Shixiang suddenly raised his head and stared at the generals. Shen Sheng said: "We have to fight! If we occupy Guangzhou, even if we have half of the territory, I, the general soldier in Guangzhou, can be regarded as worthy of the name!"

"The thief, this business is a bit big! Mother's. If this vote is done, it will really go big!"

Ge Yi swallowed and swallowed, looked at Zhou Shixiang's face, looked at the map, and finally couldn't help but whispered to Zhao Sihai and the others next to him: "I'm heartbroken when I look at it. What do you say?"

Zhao Sihai thought for a moment and asked, "What about the letter from the monk Geng Jimao?"

"Send someone to send the cut down Tartar heads back to Xiangshan, and ask Qi Hao and Jiang Baldzi to hang these Tartar heads on the city gate. I don't believe it, Shang Zhixin and Geng Jimao still know that Hamu is finished. If they can't attack the city bravely, they are not afraid that we will cut him off! Besides, Xiangshan City is not a piece of paper. There are so many artillery battalions at the front of the city, how can it be enough for the Qing army to drink a pot! Qi Haohe No matter how incompetent Jiang Baldy is, stay at the head office for three or five days! With these three or five days, we have already captured Guangzhou, and we can clean up the letter of Monk Geng Jimao when we look back!"

Zhao Sihai thought about it carefully and nodded, he had no other worries.

"Then what are we going to eat in Guangzhou?" Ge Yi suddenly asked an important question nervously. Eating is indeed a big deal.

Zhou Shixiang rolled his eyes at him: "Guangzhou has food for you to eat! You want to eat big fish and big meat!"

"Hey, Ge Laoliu, you really give up, there are two treasure houses, the Pingnan Palace and the Jingnan Palace, are you still afraid that you won't have anything to eat?" Zhao Sihai laughed.

"If you have something to eat, just do it!" Ge Yi grinned: "Wealth and wealth are in danger, people are dying and birds are facing the sky, handsome. I listen to you, let's learn Li Chengdong to fight Guangzhou! When the city is broken, we will kill the old thief Shang Kexi alive. !"

"Shang Kexi never dreamed that Haha Mu had been wiped out, and that we are not going to deal with the other two Qing troops now. Instead, we will go straight to his nest! One is prepared, the other is unprepared, plus With Manchu soldiers like Suna as internal supporters, the odds of winning Guangzhou are very good."

"King Jin burned Kong Youde in Guilin, and we burned Shang Kexi in Guangzhou!"

Tie Yi, Zhao Sihai, and Ge Yi were all persuaded by Zhou Shixiang, and their hearts were hot. The thought of being able to behead a prince like King Jin is indescribable excitement.

However, Shao Jiugong asked, "There is also the Green Camp Superintendent led by Hu Qili in the north. They are blocking the front. How can we get to Guangzhou?"

Zhou Shixiang didn't answer, but Suna laughed at the side: "That senator Hu is a coward, Hahamu told him to lead the troops up, but he didn't dare to come, now that Hahamu is defeated, he is even more afraid to make peace with him. Let's fight. I think the surnamed Hu may have taken someone back now."

"Run?" Tie Yi was shocked: "If he runs back to Guangzhou, doesn't Shang Kexi know that Hahamu was killed by us, so how can we surprise Guangzhou?"

"The one with the surname Hu did not dare to run back to Guangzhou. He had been in Shunde before, and he must be heading to Shunde now."

"I'm not afraid of 10,000, but I'm afraid of what happens. What if the surnamed Hu goes to Guangzhou?"

"Then run faster than him!"

Zhou Shixiang put away the map, "Leave all the baggage here, all the soldiers of the personal battalion and the left and right second battalions of the infantry are lightly dressed, and go straight to Guangzhou with me." He shouted again: "Blind!"


Blind Li was shocked and responded loudly.

Zhou Shixiang glanced at him and asked him: "You have been thinking about getting Manchu girls all day long, now let's go to Guangzhou, there are many Manchu girls in the city~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I ask you, Do you **** dare to bring people into Guangzhou!"

"Dare, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time!" Blind Li's face was full of excited red light, and he was suddenly stunned, with a look on his face: "But what if I can't ride a horse?"

"Then tie you to a horse!"

"Sure, tie it up, as long as I can take Guangzhou, I'm willing to do anything!" Blind Li grinned, seeing that Suna's face was a little unsightly, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, you are my brother now, brother Wife can't be bullied, I won't bully my sister-in-law, on the contrary, I have to protect her." "Then thank you brother."

Suna looked embarrassed. After the Taiping army broke Guangzhou, what would happen to the Manchu women and children in the city? He didn't know, but he had no way out, and his former compatriots were already his biggest mortal enemy. In order to survive, he could only go all the way to the dark. Fortunately, Zhou Dashuai had assured him that all the surrendered Man Bing family members would not be violated, which made him feel a little better. After all, in this world, apart from enjoyment, the most important thing is family. The Taiping Army can keep him and his family safe, and also give him a future. "Commander, order it. Brothers, go out and do this vote!" "Did this vote!" (To be continued.) For mobile phone users, please visit m.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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